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Austria AUSTRIA 2014 - Conchita Wurst - Rise like a Phoenix

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    70 19.2%

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i anixi

Well-known member
March 20, 2011
I believe we may have found our 2014 winner tbh. We always knew this woud be memorable, we were just doubtful whether it would be in a positive or negative way. Well, last night we got our answer.

The song is very dramatic in an instant sort of way, the staging is spectacular and the lyrics make total sense in every step of the "Conchita" act, thus helping the whole cross dressing affair not to feel cheap. Everything's been well thought after even to the point of her being very cleverly restrained as far as her movements were concerned. The act isn't gratuitious as it comes with a well established purpose: telling a spine chilling story of vengeance.

This has been in my bottom 6 all along. This style of song is hardly in my line but I am happy to say I could open my eyes, step out of my comfort zone and appreciate it for what it really is, and that's quality. This is all golden and grandiose but still it feels genuine and sincere. Am so surprised at myself for writting these things :eek:

Slot 11 will not be a problem. People would remember her even had she got the coffin draw.

Will I be voting for it as well? That would be going a bit too far I guess, but stranger things have been known to happen :mrgreen:


Well-known member
March 6, 2012
This has been in my bottom 6 all along. This style of song is hardly in my line but I am happy to say I could open my eyes, step out of my comfort zone and appreciate it for what it really is, and that's quality.

Same happened to me. I didn't like the song at the beginning when It was released in the media. However, Conchita did a great performance last night that I wouldn't mind to have Austria as a winner, despite that I do like some other songs as well. I'm quite sure that it will be, at least, in the Finnish top 3 on Saturday.


March 3, 2012
In most threads poeple are talking about the song, here it is much about the looks.
I did not manage to look through it, I was very distracted. Also thinking why did he choose this name. Is it humor? Con-cheata- with a wurst (sausage).

Anyway it is his own fault if he ends up more famous for his beard than for his song. (Not saying the song isn't great, but I don't remember it).
It is like girls buying huge breastimplants and than complaining they only look at my tits and not my nice caracter.


Active member
February 28, 2014
It's silly that some people are hung up over Conchita's beard. It's really not a big deal.


Well-known member
October 3, 2009
Zaragoza (Spain)
I didn't know Europe would buy a woman-wannabe with a beard...

I'm sure they won't. Some countries will not understand/accept Conchita and the others will probably ignore it since drags acts are something we are used to see.

Seriously, the last thing Eurovision needs right now is such a cliché song winning, with a circus tacky act by a fake character. Sorry, I love gay pride and it's so fun, but we must keep Eurovision away from this. The fact that lots of ESC fans are LGTB doesn't mean that Eurovision is our heritage, cause it clearly isn't.


February 9, 2012
The only bad thing about a Conchita win would be the fact knowing that from the moment the song was very first revealed, I thought it would win..... I could have been rich dammit!xgaah If only I was a gambling man and had more faith in my instincts. I could have grabbed her at the ridiculous odds of 100/1 and been a millionairexcry1

She's about the overtake Sanna now.


May 17, 2013
Cluj, Romania
Yes, because a grown man crossdressing is definitely "normal" xbow xrofl3
you could think he's a male actor who impersonate woman... like in Japanese kabuki theatre. Is just an artistic act, so a man crossdressing is not unusual, is just an act, but a woman with beard is not normal, is a genetic disorder. Is not common for women to have beard :) Tom choose to play/be a female character that suffers from a rare condition.
Anyway, I love the song regardless, but seriously, he would look much better as a dude... or at least he should've shaved his beard if he decided to crossdress
A bearded woman is not a pleasant view, her image might scares you, but what I liked yesterday was the transition from shock, “brrrr…”, disgust to admiration. I think Tom stand out for the level of expression he contains in his eyes, he transmits feelings. After 30 seconds you forgot about that damn beard and enjoy the magic act happening right before your eyes.


Well-known member
April 28, 2014
I'm sure they won't. Some countries will not understand/accept Conchita and the others will probably ignore it since drags acts are something we are used to see.

Seriously, the last thing Eurovision needs right now is such a cliché song winning, with a circus tacky act by a fake character. Sorry, I love gay pride and it's so fun, but we must keep Eurovision away from this. The fact that lots of ESC fans are LGTB doesn't mean that Eurovision is our heritage, cause it clearly isn't.

I totally agree. I don't like how even the organizers put on him whole attention, yesterday this lady-host (who on some level was weirdly unpleasant IMO) talked with another contestants for like a 20 seconds and 5 minutes with Conchita. And how they decided to put Austria on the last position to be more dramatic.

And I don't like him like as a person, his behaviour is so shaming, I mean body language. Even some of my lesbian / gay friends told me the same.

I hope Austria won't win on wings of "tolerance", because songs from UK, Germany, Ukraine or The Netherlands deserve for it more. :)


Well-known member
March 27, 2012
Conchita is amazing, if she wins tomorrow it is a victory for everyone in Europe, I am crossing my fingers really hard for her! xlove

And a lot of people we're screaming for Conchita, especially during the interview. I've heard reports say that during all their years reporting at Eurovision they have never heard anything like it xlove

i anixi

Well-known member
March 20, 2011
I did not manage to look through it, I was very distracted. Also thinking why did he choose this name. Is it humor? Con-cheata- with a wurst (sausage).
(Not saying the song isn't great, but I don't remember it
That's hardly an issue these days. You move along upstairs to youtube now and give it a proper watch and listen. Then you might get it ;)


Well-known member
March 6, 2012
I'm sure they won't. Some countries will not understand/accept Conchita and the others will probably ignore it since drags acts are something we are used to see.

Seriously, the last thing Eurovision needs right now is such a cliché song winning, with a circus tacky act by a fake character. Sorry, I love gay pride and it's so fun, but we must keep Eurovision away from this. The fact that lots of ESC fans are LGTB doesn't mean that Eurovision is our heritage, cause it clearly isn't.

I agree with you but so far I haven't read comments about voting for Austria just because id a drag queen. However, I l've read many comments saying that they won't vote for it because of that.
So who's wrong? It's fone not to like the song or tge performance over all (I personally didn't like it before last night) but many people base their rejection on her look not on the song or the vocal skills.


March 3, 2012
That's hardly an issue these days. You move along upstairs to youtube now and give it a proper watch and listen. Then you might get it ;)

You are right about that if you listen songs more often .... etc.
But the point is, many viewers will see it tomorrow for the first time. And especially if it is a real good song, than it is a pitty that poeple might get distracted.
Right now I have no desire to watch it again, but maybe I change my mind saterday when I see it for the second time.


Well-known member
March 27, 2012
:eek: :eek: :eek:

And what's my prize? xhii

I have no idea about your sexuality, but Conchita is singing/competing for everyones human rights, especially for the LGBT.
You might not be gay/bi/queer but if your children turns out to be you are going to be happy we are living in a society that accepts everyone for who they are.


Well-known member
October 3, 2009
Zaragoza (Spain)
I have no idea about your sexuality, but Conchita is singing/competing for everyones human rights, especially for the LGBT.
You might not be gay/bi/queer but if your children turns out to be you are going to be happy we are living in a society that accepts everyone for who they are.

First of all, I am gay.

I don't think Conchita is competing for the LGTB people at all, but for herself and her country, as it's logical. I don't feel like she's competing for me. At all.

I'm sorry but I don't buy this about tolerance, stereotypes, etc..... Tom became Conchita cause he wasn't succesful enough as Tom. That's my opinion.

Even if Conchita wins, I don't see why that would help to develop the situation of LGTB people there in problems or improve it in other countries where equality is close.

But anyway, this is a SONG contest, social contest, personality contest, political contest or sequin contest? ;)


Staff member
September 28, 2009
The video from last night has nearly a quarter of a million views already!


Active member
October 1, 2009
I deliberately don't rape the replay button on youtube, because I want to experience that magical moment again tomorrow! :mrgreen:

i anixi

Well-known member
March 20, 2011
:eek: :eek: :eek:

And what's my prize? xhii

You're right too of course. Even though I've only "got" the act and realised how good it really is, I believe an Austrian win won't be good for eurovision. Most people coming to it superficially will see it only as proof of ESC being no more that a freak show and dismiss it as rubbish.
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