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Austria AUSTRIA 2014 - Conchita Wurst - Rise like a Phoenix

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    70 19.2%

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December 28, 2009
I was kind of satisfied that Austria won this ESC, because of sympathies to the country and because I admire Conchitas voice. But honestly... this song isn't worth to win. Think on songs like Euphoria, Fairytale and so on... THESE were deserved winner songs. Catchy, high quality... And now Rise like a phoenix... this song has good parts for sure, but there were at least 3-4 better songs.
It's obviously that Austria didn't won because of the song but because of Conchita. That's not in the proper meaning of the ESC.
At the end the best song is supposed to win the ESC, unregarding what the singer looks like. If a country sends a munchkin singer to the ESC, is he gonna win just because he is different? Don't get me wrong, I don't wanna compare Conchita to a handicapped person, but they have something in common: they don't comply to the standards of society.
People like Conchita want to reach that they are considered normal like anybody else who performs on stage. They don't wanna be the "main topic" in every newspaper because of their style, but they wanna be accepted and tolerated like everybody else. But as long as such people win automatically unregarding of the song they performed, it will be a BIG Topic. So obviously Conchita polarizes
Only if soon in the future a drag queen will perform and maybe finish up on an unspectacular 6th place without receiving more media attention as the other singers, THEN we can assume that these people are an integrated part of soiciety and tolerated as well.

Thank you!


March 19, 2014
Her husband Jacques....


February 1, 2014
I was kind of satisfied that Austria won this ESC, because of sympathies to the country and because I admire Conchitas voice. But honestly... this song isn't worth to win. Think on songs like Euphoria, Fairytale and so on... THESE were deserved winner songs. Catchy, high quality... And now Rise like a phoenix... this song has good parts for sure, but there were at least 3-4 better songs.
It's obviously that Austria didn't won because of the song but because of Conchita. That's not in the proper meaning of the ESC.
At the end the best song is supposed to win the ESC, unregarding what the singer looks like. If a country sends a munchkin singer to the ESC, is he gonna win just because he is different? Don't get me wrong, I don't wanna compare Conchita to a handicapped person, but they have something in common: they don't comply to the standards of society.
People like Conchita want to reach that they are considered normal like anybody else who performs on stage. They don't wanna be the "main topic" in every newspaper because of their style, but they wanna be accepted and tolerated like everybody else. But as long as such people win automatically unregarding of the song they performed, it will be a BIG Topic. So obviously Conchita polarizes
Only if soon in the future a drag queen will perform and maybe finish up on an unspectacular 6th place without receiving more media attention as the other singers, THEN we can assume that these people are an integrated part of soiciety and tolerated as well.

This "oh my god she didn't win because of the song" is getting quite boring.
It is so ridiculous when people all of a sudden stress the musical factor in Eurovision and neglect all the other parts of the performance. Everybody here waits for the first rehearsal when the contest starts. Why? Because of the staging and the performance. But if it comes to a winner that is not entirly (or not at all) your taste, then surpringly, staging should not matter.
And the most important: Eurovision has ALWAYS been about the whole package. Let me give you a (non comprehensive list of recent years)
The grannies from Russia - nobody remembers the song anymore but everybody remembers the baking and the funny, cute faces.
Verka Serdutchka - That song was (from the perspective of musicality) in insult to ears. BUT: a great and entertaining entry as a whole
Alexander Rybak: If he hadn't performed with his violine and without his boyish charm - he would probably have been under the top 10 but definitly not have won
Lordi: no masks - no win, I'd say
Loreen: The unusual dancing added a great deal for the whole mystic impression.
Dima Bilan: Cut out the skater and the violin and the song becomes average
Marie N: without the tick dress that song wouldn't have won
Emilie de Forest: well THAT performance (included singing barefeet) and the gold glitter shower was important too
Lena: didn't get all the song in tune- but what a Charisma
Zdob s zdum: the song was awful! but the drumming granny assured the good result
laka from bosnia: without the staging, this would have stayed in the final
Alf Poier: without the crazy stuff on stage, this wouldn't have ended 6th

And you could prolong the list endlessly.

So please!! Start to accept that the song alone NEVER EVER wins at Eurovision. (Even if it's such a brilliant, timeless one as "Rise like a Phoenix" ;))


December 28, 2009
I agree with some of the examples you given there (like Lordi), but you have to add something none of those had: political/social hype.

Anyone would be deluding to think that Lena and Loreen won due to their performances (the latter wasn't even a good performance to begin with), those two were contemporary catchy tunes, no wonder "Euphoria" became the biggest ESC hit in years. "Rise Like a Phoenix" will not make that impact, sorry to say, but when the hype surrounding the act will calm down, then the interest for the song (which is a substandard campy take at some old Bond theme song) will also decline.


March 19, 2014
Only Teardrops and Running Scared haven't had an impact neither. Before and after Hard Rock Hallelujah were only three songs with an impact: Fairytale, Satellite and Euphoria.

Rise like a Phoenix gave Eurovision at least some meaning and I credit Conchita for that. And even if you don't like the song or why it may have won, everyone's excited about Austria next year.

The story behind Rise like a phoenix after the voting results for me is, that Europe is not divided by the people but by their respective rulers.


February 1, 2014
I agree with some of the examples you given there (like Lordi), but you have to add something none of those had: political/social hype.

Anyone would be deluding to think that Lena and Loreen won due to their performances (the latter wasn't even a good performance to begin with), those two were contemporary catchy tunes, no wonder "Euphoria" became the biggest ESC hit in years. "Rise Like a Phoenix" will not make that impact, sorry to say, but when the hype surrounding the act will calm down, then the interest for the song (which is a substandard campy take at some old Bond theme song) will also decline.

yes there is often a political factor involved. the year austria had the right wing party fpo in the government for the forst time, the rounder girls were voted down, this year russia was booed. the 12 points between turky and azerbaycan respectivly the 12 points between cyprus and greece or belarus und russia or romania and moldowa are also politically influenced (no cultural similarities go as far as that, believe me! otherwise germany and austria would be the same and even nordic blockvoting isn't that stable)
and of course ste political statement was a factor, but not THE (only) factor.
And you also have to add something: the personality of Conchita, her class, her strength, her sympathetic character and her presence on stage, in one word her charisma touched people. and that's what makes a winner at eurovison. and as graham norton (and many other commentators who were present) said: she is one of the most popular winners in years!


Active member
July 21, 2013
[MENTION=5686]Sabiondo[/MENTION], your Conchita photos, Conchita's hairstyle + him in undies/swimsuit = cringeworthy xpuke


Well-known member
April 28, 2014
These photos are disgusting. It's like a cheap parody of human being.



Staff member
September 28, 2009
These photos are disgusting. It's like a cheap parody of human being.


Ugh. Who cares what she wants to do with her character? Live and let live.


Active member
March 26, 2010
I was kind of satisfied that Austria won this ESC, because of sympathies to the country and because I admire Conchitas voice. But honestly... this song isn't worth to win. Think on songs like Euphoria, Fairytale and so on... THESE were deserved winner songs. Catchy, high quality... And now Rise like a phoenix... this song has good parts for sure, but there were at least 3-4 better songs.
It's obviously that Austria didn't won because of the song but because of Conchita. That's not in the proper meaning of the ESC.
At the end the best song is supposed to win the ESC, unregarding what the singer looks like. If a country sends a munchkin singer to the ESC, is he gonna win just because he is different? Don't get me wrong, I don't wanna compare Conchita to a handicapped person, but they have something in common: they don't comply to the standards of society.
People like Conchita want to reach that they are considered normal like anybody else who performs on stage. They don't wanna be the "main topic" in every newspaper because of their style, but they wanna be accepted and tolerated like everybody else. But as long as such people win automatically unregarding of the song they performed, it will be a BIG Topic. So obviously Conchita polarizes
Only if soon in the future a drag queen will perform and maybe finish up on an unspectacular 6th place without receiving more media attention as the other singers, THEN we can assume that these people are an integrated part of soiciety and tolerated as well.

But you have also to take into consideration that, If Conchita had fail, the victory would have been between Sweden and the Netherlands.

I love both songs and performers, but to be honest neither of those songs live up to the comparison to Fairytale, Euphoria or even (to a lesser extent) Only Teardrops.

Both songs are in Satelite's and Running scared category. Nice songs but not masterpieces


Well-known member
April 28, 2014
Ugh. Who cares what she wants to do with her character? Live and let live.

Ugh :) I think this is not a leak from private photos, they've posted them in public, so I can comment them in public.


December 28, 2009
Only Teardrops and Running Scared haven't had an impact neither. Before and after Hard Rock Hallelujah were only three songs with an impact: Fairytale, Satellite and Euphoria.

Rise like a Phoenix gave Eurovision at least some meaning and I credit Conchita for that. And even if you don't like the song or why it may have won, everyone's excited about Austria next year.

The story behind Rise like a phoenix after the voting results for me is, that Europe is not divided by the people but by their respective rulers.

yes there is often a political factor involved. the year austria had the right wing party fpo in the government for the forst time, the rounder girls were voted down, this year russia was booed. the 12 points between turky and azerbaycan respectivly the 12 points between cyprus and greece or belarus und russia or romania and moldowa are also politically influenced (no cultural similarities go as far as that, believe me! otherwise germany and austria would be the same and even nordic blockvoting isn't that stable)
and of course ste political statement was a factor, but not THE (only) factor.
And you also have to add something: the personality of Conchita, her class, her strength, her sympathetic character and her presence on stage, in one word her charisma touched people. and that's what makes a winner at eurovison. and as graham norton (and many other commentators who were present) said: she is one of the most popular winners in years!

I hope you both realize that you sorta confirm my point that Conchita won mostly due to political/social/media hype and not because of the song? And I see that as a problem tbh, because this should be about the songs and performances, not because of supposed political causes totally unrelated to the contest xshrug


Well-known member
January 12, 2011
Amazon Jungle
Conchita will travel to Moscow on finals of may ))) maybe she will awited to be stoned & attacked by ultra-nationalist groups..?

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