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Austria AUSTRIA 2014 - Conchita Wurst - Rise like a Phoenix

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February 9, 2012
I beg to differ.

I hear a mediocre take at some 80's Bond track, in other words a musical relic you'd never hear on contemporary radio these days, but we have these relic ballads in Eurovision each year and somehow they are stuck in this contest. Sure not all are Bond-ish, but still relics.

Sanna sings a standard love ballad, but Conchita's "message" is just as common. The whole "ME, I made it, I'm here" blaha blaha is almost just as common as love messages.

Then again, this sorta marks my point, Conchita got lots of votes for the act and a supposed "message", but I think it's problematic in a contest which should be a judgment of the music first and foremost. Maybe some fell for it, but I feel the whole Conchita act contrived and I'm a bit disturbed by the whole politicization of the contest, it felt more like an LGBT-convention than a European music show tbh. I don't want ESC to turn into a political forum like that. I'm all fine with it embracing the LGBT community to some extent (I'm gay myself so I guess it's nice to have some platforms like these), however I don't want it to turn into an LGBT-fest, because that to me is just politics and excluding and has very little to do with the concept of bringing Europe together in music. I want great songs to win, not political "causes".

Again, I know this type of music is genuinely your cup of tea, so I'm not questioning your musical judgment here, but if people believe that this win was based solely on performance/song/vocals and not because of the hype (which was mostly caused by media and fans), then they are deluding themselves (regardless if they like the song or not).

I'm 100% sticking by my opinion that this song would have NOT won, had it not been for the hype surrounding the act and the supposed "message".

Also, this entry wasn't even composer/written by any Austrian? So where is the actual representation here? xshrug Not an Austrian product neither in sound or in names xshrug

To me, one of the most enjoyable things about Eurovision is that the whole thing is in it's own little world. You will get radio friendly songs but you'll also get peculiar songs and relics from another era.. and so what really? I wouldn't care less if something was relevant to the narrow world of chart music. "Moltiva" was hardly chart material. In fact, I was getting kind of sick of all the radio friendly winners we've had the past few years. With the exception of Loreen, they have all been tepid. Something with real fire under it's belly has won for once and for that i'm grateful.

I don't like the idea of the contest being a political platform either. It made me feel ashamed and disgusted when the Russian twins were viciously booed by the same people who were cheering Conchita. I don't really know what to add on this as I do agree with you... but then again, this world is in a dreadful state at the moment and Conchita's win has only highlighted that with the reactions that have now followed. I don't see why Conchita can't sing about what she did though when there are many singing about peace. It's pretty much the same thing. She/we all (I hope) want a better future. Eurovision is a powerful vessel to get a message out there and her message reached millions.

The fact of the matter is everyone was saying before the contest she won't win because she's a drag queen with a beard, now she's won it's only because she's a drag queen with a beard? Can you see how confusing that is and almost ridiculous? I'm not pointing you out, I don't even remember your views on the initial release of the song.

Tom has a brilliant character in the same way Loreen had a brilliant artistic vision for her performance. With Eurovision, it's more than just about the music as it's both a visual and audio experience. The Netherland's wouldn't have done so well for instance if their performance didn't look as slick on screen and they both weren't as pretty. The only way to solve the problem you have with the contest is to turn it into a radio event.


Admin Schmadmin
Staff member
June 1, 2009
Los Angeles, USA
To me, one of the most enjoyable things about Eurovision is that the whole thing is in it's own little world. You will get radio friendly songs but you'll also get peculiar songs and relics from another era.. and so what really? I wouldn't care less if something was relevant to the narrow world of chart music. "Moltiva" was hardly chart material. In fact, I was getting kind of sick of all the radio friendly winners we've had the past few years. With the exception of Loreen, they have all been tepid. Something with real fire under it's belly has won for once and for that i'm grateful.

I don't like the idea of the contest being a political platform either. It made me feel ashamed and disgusted when the Russian twins were viciously booed by the same people who were cheering Conchita. I don't really know what to add on this as I do agree with you... but then again, this world is in a dreadful state at the moment and Conchita's win has only highlighted that with the reactions that have now followed. I don't see why Conchita can't sing about what she did though when there are many singing about peace. It's pretty much the same thing. She/we all (I hope) want a better future. Eurovision is a powerful vessel to get a message out there and her message reached millions.

The fact of the matter is everyone was saying before the contest she won't win because she's a drag queen with a beard, now she's won it's only because she's a drag queen with a beard? Can you see how confusing that is and almost ridiculous? I'm not pointing you out, I don't even remember your views on the initial release of the song.

Tom has a brilliant character in the same way Loreen had a brilliant artistic vision for her performance. With Eurovision, it's more than just about the music as it's both a visual and audio experience. The Netherland's wouldn't have done so well for instance if their performance didn't look as slick on screen and they both weren't as pretty. The only way to solve the problem you have with the contest is to turn it into a radio event.

I couldn't have said it any better. It was the best performance of the night and the beautiful thing about Eurovision is that chart success is not a factor when it comes to picking a winner (and never should be). As a matter of fact, I really think the billboard charts nowadays are full of bleh songs anyway and chart success does not equal quality.

This was one of the most amazing victories in the history of the contest to me and I am so thrilled that we're going to Vienna (fingers crossed) next year. Best Top 2 ever!!!!


December 28, 2009
To me, one of the most enjoyable things about Eurovision is that the whole thing is in it's own little world. You will get radio friendly songs but you'll also get peculiar songs and relics from another era.. and so what really? I wouldn't care less if something was relevant to the narrow world of chart music. "Moltiva" was hardly chart material. In fact, I was getting kind of sick of all the radio friendly winners we've had the past few years. With the exception of Loreen, they have all been tepid. Something with real fire under it's belly has won for once and for that i'm grateful.

I don't like the idea of the contest being a political platform either. It made me feel ashamed and disgusted when the Russian twins were viciously booed by the same people who were cheering Conchita. I don't really know what to add on this as I do agree with you... but then again, this world is in a dreadful state at the moment and Conchita's win has only highlighted that with the reactions that have now followed. I don't see why Conchita can't sing about what she did though when there are many singing about peace. It's pretty much the same thing. She/we all (I hope) want a better future. Eurovision is a powerful vessel to get a message out there and her message reached millions.

The fact of the matter is everyone was saying before the contest she won't win because she's a drag queen with a beard, now she's won it's only because she's a drag queen with a beard? Can you see how confusing that is and almost ridiculous? I'm not pointing you out, I don't even remember your views on the initial release of the song.

Tom has a brilliant character in the same way Loreen had a brilliant artistic vision for her performance. With Eurovision, it's more than just about the music as it's both a visual and audio experience. The Netherland's wouldn't have done so well for instance if their performance didn't look as slick on screen and they both weren't as pretty. The only way to solve the problem you have with the contest is to turn it into a radio event.

To some extent I agree, but the issue is I think Eurovision is loosing what actually made it a "little bubble", now everything turns very same-y and then if I had to pick one over the other, I'd pick modern over dated safe. Dunno if that makes sense? But I do agree that I'd rather see a wide variety of stuff.

No, I don't want Eurovision turned into a radio show, I'm a big fighter for MORE show in Eurovision, HOWEVER, in the case of Conchita the only "show" was the bearded drag act, the rest was imo rather standard (as in we've seen/heard it all before). Also, the whole political hype is beyond the show, that's something completely different, and that to me is my main issue here. If someone wins based on the song (priority) and performance/show (secondary - yet important), then sure fine, but if someone wins based on some political media/fan hype that aren't really connected to neither of those, then I'd say Eurovision has a credibility problem and it's turning more into a reality show and political convention rather than a music/performance contest.


March 11, 2013
I will always appreciate vocal and composition more...ALWAYS..and modernity (if that means radio friendly, then yes radio friendly), cause I think that must be a direction where the festival should go..

And i don't care how ppl here and in other ESC sites react on my messages, I'm simply not a typical ESC fan and that's it..

I hope pure RnB and Hip Hop will win sometimes..


Well-known member
October 2, 2009
Also, this entry wasn't even composed/written by any Austrian? So where is the actual representation here? xshrug Not an Austrian product neither in sound or in names xshrug

composed by David Bronner and Dorothee Badent...from Austria :rolleyes:


March 11, 2013
For example Finland 2014 is FANTASTIC, if they were just a bit more experienced performers, that would be a WORLD CLASS!


March 19, 2014
Sanna had yet another love song about getting over someone, Conchita had a song about rising above those who once tormented her. The message is an important part of song craft and Conchita just so happened to have something that really hit home with a lot of people, not just gays but anyone with sympathy. Conchita is obviously a part of why the song won but then I find it strange how anyone can deny the quality of the piece of music.

I need to tell you something. Conchita had more than 100 songs to choose from, and a lot of them sounded very "eurovision" she said. When she was asked why she chose RLAP, which is sounds so oldfasioned and not very catchy, she said that she is well aware of that, but she wanted that song and no other, because the lyrics meant so much so her, she loves the style of the song, since she's the biggest Shirley Bassy fan and she wanted to dare something. She even said that with "That's what I am" she might have had better chances to reach the final (sic!), but the most important thing for her is her moment with her song!

Look where she got!! Isn't that amazing?!

She only wanted to live her dream of being once part of the Eurovision. She always dreamed of that. She even sang Anna Vissi songs at Starmania! No one ever talked about winning, Conchita neither. But since she was so happy to have her dream, she was so proud and confident on stage. Everyone could see that!


March 11, 2013
To me RLP sounds so ESC that it almost hurts! :?


March 19, 2014
composed by David Bronner and Dorothee Badent...from Austria :rolleyes:

David Bronner was the producer of the song. But the composers came from Germany and USA.


Well-known member
October 2, 2009
David Bronner was the producer of the song. But the composers came from Germany and Austria.

ok thank you ...I had Bronner also as one of the composers in mind...sorry for the mistake :-)


Active member
March 10, 2013
United States
Sanna sings a standard love ballad, but Conchita's "message" is just as common. The whole "ME, I made it, I'm here" blaha blaha is almost just as common as love messages.

This description reminds me of "It's My Time" (UK 2009) :lol: and I always believed it sounded like a Miss Universe beauty pageant song :mrgreen: "Rise Like a Phoenix" does too but it also adds the typical drag queen elements too.

Then again, this sorta marks my point, Conchita got lots of votes for the act and a supposed "message", but I think it's problematic in a contest which should be a judgment of the music first and foremost. Maybe some fell for it, but I feel the whole Conchita act and "message" is contrived and I'm a bit disturbed by the whole politicization of the contest, it felt more like an LGBT-convention than a European music show tbh. I don't want ESC to turn into a political forum like that. I'm all fine with it embracing the LGBT community to some extent (I'm gay myself so I guess it's nice to have a forum like this in some sense), however I don't want it to turn into an LGBT-fest, because that to me is just politics and excluding and has very little to do with the concept of bringing Europe together in music. I want great songs to win, not political "causes".

We seem to be in the minority cause everyone else across the net keeps saying it didn't feel like a pride event at all xshrug And apparently the amount of pride flags in the arena was low, only shown during the Russian performance and weren't being waved at any other time :rolleyes:

Also the beard doesn't count as a gimmick, there was no politics involved with any aspect of the show (except booing Russia which was acceptable :rolleyes:), Conchita is a perfect example of LGBT acceptance, and hosts constantly calling Conchita "Queen of Austria/Europe" was a great thing xpuke


March 11, 2013
I'm EXTREMELY glad we have GWTW1939 here!!!

And [MENTION=12168]GWTW1939[/MENTION] don't worry, being in minority here, in this site or any other ESC site doesn't mean anything! ;)


March 19, 2014
You know what? She actually MADE it. Tom always got bullied and harrassed in his life, since he was gay and always wore girls clothing. His loving father even stated, that he always knew he had a gay son.

Anytime back then he decided to not only come out of the closet, but also to live a fantastic life. And if you are able to live your life the way you want it, then you made it. And this is something appealing to all of us. Conchita is not a grotesque character, but pure and authentic, celebrating her life and her choices.

Who else can say that? Aren't we all dreaming of living our lives free of boundaries, without hiding what we are secretly ashamed of because of conventional wisdom? In fact we are in boundaries set by society, pleasing our parents, our employers and crawling on our kness our entire life and dying regretfully over the missed chances.

Conchita overcame her boundaries, that is why she is so much adored.

Maybe her haters are envious and secretly regret having a sad life. The negativity that surrounds some people on the internet who are always arguing and just can't get over it, often makes me think that and even sympathize with those poor souls.


Well-known member
May 4, 2013
This thread makes me think to this song:



March 11, 2013
I understand everything that from his/her life, i don't have problem with that, but I suggest one thing if want to be a singer, then better attend some singing classes..

CW has 3 songs in career, and where is an album..

It's obvious that it's not a singer and he/she doesn't want to be a singer at all.. ;) But celebrity..

If wanted, he/she would already take part at some singing talent show to "train" his/her vocal..and make many singles and at least one album,and not 3 songs, one song per year! :? xfacepalm

That is my main concern..

It reminds me of Reality show stars and Kim Karadshian and other garbage stuff, talentless persons who don't have any talent to show and they have to be eccentric in some way to get attention..


March 19, 2014
When is album of Moje 3 finally released?
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