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Austria AUSTRIA 2014 - Conchita Wurst - Rise like a Phoenix

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    70 19.2%

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Well-known member
April 28, 2014
But what special we had in "Satellite"? Lena only sang it and to be honest her voice wasn't good, but song was funny and she was adorable. "Euphoria" is a masterpiece (:D) and even with no vision it's still very memorable. "Hard Rock Hallelujah", yeah... jury wouldn't like them. And I don't remember this song :p


March 11, 2013
Me too..if this wasn't a LGBT friendly festival it wouldn't win of course...


May 17, 2013
Cluj, Romania
I fail to see what you see here? Vocally he did good, but the performance was no difference than let's say Sanna's? Well it was ONE difference... a beard and a media hype regarding everything BUT the song...
with all do respect Sanna didn't transmit anything, she sang well but she was .... a bit cold, mechanic.
Tom was much better, you felt emotions.


Well-known member
April 28, 2014
I fail to see what you see here? Vocally he did good, but the performance was no difference than let's say Sanna's? Well it was ONE difference... a beard and a media hype regarding everything BUT the song...

I still don't think this song would have won without that hype, I really don't xshrug

100% true! We can compare Austria and Sweden this year. Too bad for Sweden, Sanna shaved. :mrgreen:


December 28, 2009
But what special we had in "Satellite"? Lena only sang it and to be honest her voice wasn't good, but song was funny and she was adorable. "Euphoria" is a masterpiece (:D) and even with no vision it's still very memorable. "Hard Rock Hallelujah", yeah... jury wouldn't like them. And I don't remember this song :p

This! Satellite and Euphoria were both catchy and contemporary songs, there's no wonder why they both became hits afterwards and especially Euphoria became the biggest ESC hit for decades even.

There were no political hype surrounding these entries, they won based on songs. Surely in the Loreen case the performance added to the whole atmosphere, but regardless I think the major impact it had proves that , that was a win for a SONG first and foremost.


December 28, 2009
with all do respect Sanna didn't transmit anything, she sang well but she was .... a bit cold, mechanic.
Tom was much better, you felt emotions.

I didn't feel anything, they were both cold, but vocally great. They were both standing still, presenting dated ballads. Tom had the political hype and the act though.


March 11, 2013
This! Satellite and Euphoria were both catchy and contemporary songs, there's no wonder why they both became hits afterwards and especially Euphoria became the biggest ESC hit for centuries even.

There were no political hype surrounding these entries, they won based on songs. Surely in the Loreen case the performance added to the whole atmosphere, but regardless I think the major impact it had proves that that was a win for a SONG first and foremost.

Exactly, based on MUSIC and MODERNITY!

And this one! xshrug

This one is appreciated here cause this an ESC site..


May 17, 2013
Cluj, Romania
I didn't feel anything, they were both cold, but vocally great. They were both standing still, presenting dated ballads. Tom had the political hype and the act though.
Thomas sang with his eyes :) more expressive than Sanna, at least for me.
Maybe Swedes are like that and I'm not used with Sweds :lol: she looked cold.


Active member
January 7, 2014
If for instance Sanna Nielsen would have sung it, I don't think it would have won. That is my honest belief. I read so much comments and praise, but most focused on the act and some supposed "message" sent rather than the song itself xshrug

The song is and will remain a mediocre attempt trying to copy some 80's campy Bond song xshrug

Probably if Sanna was singing this she could have won but I am noy sure if it mutches in the type of her voice. Then :hu:,:pl: and :is: had also a messange but everyone took it possitive xshrug


Well-known member
October 1, 2009

I really thought you have more modern taste? :? Now without kidding..

Before ESC you told here that you dislike the song, and that it's unfair that one to win just because it's transgender..

I really dislike when ppl like you change opinion just because majority (for example of this site) think like that..

I will always stay with my opinion, like A-lister does xbow

RLP is still not my cup of tea
But I change my mind (actually Conchita assured me to do that) after her live performance in semi final. Even I don't like the song, her singing was amazing, staging was perfect, everything was perfect with that song. If I will must choose the winner, of course I will put The Netherlands on that first place, but that doesn't mean thatt Austrian victory is not deserved.

And when I was said that Austria will won only cause Conchita is transgender? First of all Concita is draq act not transgender person


February 9, 2012
I fail to see what you see here? Vocally he did good, but the performance was no difference than let's say Sanna's? Well it was ONE difference... a beard and a media hype regarding everything BUT the song...

I still don't think this song would have won without that hype, I really don't xshrug

I see the composition which is as good as any Bond piece by John Barry. I say this as a huge Shirley Bassey fan, she'd murder in broad daylight for this song with it's exact production.

I see a brilliant performance and staging, the best of the night in fact. it was clever, refined and sophisticated.

I see a strong message which is certainly a bonus and makes a change from the millionth song about love/partying.

I see a ballad that despite how familiar it is in sound, actually is something quite fresh for the contest and brassy. It really makes a strong impact.

The only point i'd give people is on Conchita's vocal. Tom has not got the best voice in the world or the most pleasing vocal timbre but it's very easy to look past when the song is so strong and I think everything more than pulled together on the night. Also, in my mind i'm thinking of winners from the past few years.. Apart from Loreen (who literally was incredible and I say that as a non fan), who has been vocally fantastic of late? I certainly can't think of anyone.

Sanna had yet another love song about getting over someone, Conchita had a song about rising above those who once tormented her. The message is an important part of song craft and Conchita just so happened to have something that really hit home with a lot of people, not just gays but anyone with sympathy. Conchita is obviously a part of why the song won but then I find it strange how anyone can deny the quality of the piece of music.


Well-known member
October 2, 2009
But what special we had in "Satellite"? Lena only sang it and to be honest her voice wasn't good, but song was funny and she was adorable. "Euphoria" is a masterpiece (:D) and even with no vision it's still very memorable. "Hard Rock Hallelujah", yeah... jury wouldn't like them. And I don't remember this song :p

Lena sung the song without a led stairs, without was outstanding between all the overperformed acts. Safura had the best song of the evening but the performance was a joke. ESC is a tv-show and not a radio contest. The Common Linnets stage was also outstanding and the performance was the whole thing to came 2nd.


Well-known member
October 2, 2009
And I don't liked "rise like a phoenix" and "calm after the storm" that much. But they both had a great performance and staging!!!


December 28, 2009
I see the composition which is as good as any Bond piece by John Barry. I say this as a huge Shirley Bassey fan, she'd murder in broad daylight for this song with it's exact production.

I see a brilliant performance and staging, the best of the night in fact. it was clever, refined and sophisticated.

I see a strong message which is certainly a bonus and makes a change from the millionth song about love/partying.

I see a ballad that despite how familiar it is in sound, actually is something quite fresh for the contest and brassy. It really makes a strong impact.

The only point i'd give people is on Conchita's vocal. Tom has not got the best voice in the world or the most pleasing vocal timbre but it's very easy to look past when the song is so strong and I think everything more than pulled together on the night. Also, in my mind i'm thinking of winners from the past few years.. Apart from Loreen (who literally was incredible and I say that as a non fan), who has been vocally fantastic of late? I certainly can't think of anyone.

Sanna had yet another love song about getting over someone, Conchita had a song about rising above those who once tormented her. The message is an important part of song craft and Conchita just so happened to have something that really hit home with a lot of people, not just gays but anyone with sympathy. Conchita is obviously a part of why the song won but then I find it strange how anyone can deny the quality of the piece of music.

I beg to differ.

I hear a mediocre take at some 80's Bond track, in other words a musical relic you'd never hear on contemporary radio these days, but we have these relic ballads in Eurovision each year and somehow they are stuck in this contest. Sure not all are Bond-ish, but still relics.

Sanna sings a standard love ballad, but Conchita's "message" is just as common. The whole "ME, I made it, I'm here" blaha blaha is almost just as common as love messages.

Then again, this sorta marks my point, Conchita got lots of votes for the act and a supposed "message", but I think it's problematic in a contest which should be a judgment of the music first and foremost. Maybe some fell for it, but I feel the whole Conchita act and "message" is contrived and I'm a bit disturbed by the whole politicization of the contest, it felt more like an LGBT-convention than a European music show tbh. I don't want ESC to turn into a political forum like that. I'm all fine with it embracing the LGBT community to some extent (I'm gay myself so I guess it's nice to have a forum like this in some sense), however I don't want it to turn into an LGBT-fest, because that to me is just politics and excluding and has very little to do with the concept of bringing Europe together in music. I want great songs to win, not political "causes".

Again, I know this type of music is genuinely your cup of tea, so I'm not questioning your musical judgment here, but if people believe that this win was based solely on performance/song/vocals and not because of the hype (which was mostly caused by media and fans), then they are deluding themselves (regardless if they like the song or not).

I'm 100% sticking by my opinion that this song would have NOT won, had it not been for the hype surrounding the act and the supposed "message".

Also, this entry wasn't even composed/written by any Austrian? So where is the actual representation here? xshrug Not an Austrian product neither in sound or in names xshrug


March 11, 2013
I can't breathe how good previous A-lister's comment is! xbow


Active member
March 10, 2013
United States
I can hear the Bond element but to me it was always a stereotypical drag queen anthem that you can probably hear in every drag club around the world xshrug


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
This song remind me a lott on Goldey Eye and Skyfall


March 11, 2013
How many ballads were perfectly sung in ESC, with much better color of voice than this one and with even similar messages..and they didn't qualify for the final, not to mention win the whole thing, there isn't a single doubt why this one won, in a LGBT friendly festival..

I saw more LGBT flags n audience than countries' flags, I really don't want ppl to think i have smth against that, but I don't like direction where this festival goes..
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