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Who will qualify from Semi Final 2

Which countries will qualify from Semi Final 2

  • :az: Azerbaijan

    138 84.7%
  • :cy: Cyprus

    32 19.6%
  • :cz: Czech Republic

    62 38.0%
  • :is: Iceland

    112 68.7%
  • :ie: Ireland

    76 46.6%
  • :il: Israel

    102 62.6%
  • :lv: Latvia

    112 68.7%
  • :lt: Lithuania

    94 57.7%
  • :mt: Malta

    87 53.4%
  • :me: Montenegro

    60 36.8%
  • :no: Norway

    138 84.7%
  • :pl: Poland

    81 49.7%
  • :pt: Portugal

    12 7.4%
  • :sm: San Marino

    11 6.7%
  • :sl: Slovenia

    140 85.9%
  • :se: Sweden

    146 89.6%
  • :ch: Switzerland

    48 29.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
May 31, 2013
Moving through Germany
Voted for

:az: - Save
:is: - Save
:ie: - Save
:lt: - But can't explain why
:mt: - Almost save. Somehow
:me: - Almost save. Can't see any of Zeljko's compositions failing.
:no: - Save
:pl: - Almost save. I think she won't sit in a wheelchair, but on the ground or maybe a stone directly (Don't ask why a stone. It's Eurovision. Everything is possible and it doesn't need to make sense)
:se: - Save
:ch: - Some will be blended by her overdramating voice and will say 'Oh wow, what a strong voice. This is so great.' Juries reaction won't be that good, but I think it will be enough, though her chances are still weak, as well as Lithuania's


Well-known member
April 28, 2014
:pl: - Almost save. I think she won't sit in a wheelchair, but on the ground or maybe a stone directly (Don't ask why a stone. It's Eurovision. Everything is possible and it doesn't need to make sense)

Well, at first she had planned to sit on the ground like in music video, but then she decided to sit in a wheelchair, because it's a part of her life now and she don't want to hide it. :) Anyway, stone would be fabulous. :D
April 14, 2012
The only thing I'm f***ing, is stupid
Heres whats I think.

:ie: - This one will be one of our dark horses. I think this one will doing well with the juries, but not sure with the televoters

:me: - One of our other dark horses and surprises. I can even see this as top-10 material in the final just for being a really good balkan ballad. (Especially when Zeljko is behind this)

:no: - Pretty much going to get alot of support of the juries. I think this will get a Carl Espen-like score in the final.

:lv: - For being unique and fresh will give Latvia their best result in years. Even if this maybe will not be at top-10, but 19th place and beyond will be enough for an victory-like celebration among its fans and latvians.

:az: - Im sure this will qualify, but being the 6th swedish-written ballad in a row is not a good sign.

:se: - Everyone already know why this will be a sure qualifier.

:sl: - As being one of our favorites, this will qualify for sure, but not sure if this will get top-10. Im sure similar jury-result like :sl: 2011 is possible, but the televote is tricky to predict.

:pl: - This will get similar support as :fi: in semi 2 will get. But if the final will contain alot of ballads, this one will not get too far in the result table. Im sure this will get support from the juries.


:lt: - This will be borderline aswell. A fun performance, but I dont think this kinds of song will be beyond top-15 if so.

:mt: - Usually get support from the juries, but not from many here so far. Im not sure until we know the live performence.

:is: - Way too generic for good resluts or even at risk for a non-qualifier. Maybe middling results at best.

:ch: - Could be an dark horse for many, but right now I have no idea how this will end up. This could be a qualifier or not.


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
As I did with the first semi (check post HERE) I have now done for the 2nd semi! Here you can see it:

Are a bit surprised with some of the results, but it is almost the 10 songs I have started to believe that will qualify recently.

I will do new ones for both semis when the first rehearsals comes...though with the qualifiers in my GTV I will make a final as well, hopefully it will be up late tonight in the predict top 10 thread! ;)


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
I think you may have exaggerated the success of Sweden and Slovenia, while not being very 'giving' towards Czech Republic & Switzerland. I will be very upset if CR do that badly. I also think, with the UK points, that Lithuania will almost certainly come in our top 3 - the mix of diaspora and a song I can see our jury liking will put it high up. While I think Slovenia will be lower - in the past, our jury has been very friendly to Slovenia, but the televoting has not. Other than that, the order seems about right. :D


Active member
February 2, 2015
Czech Republic
As I did with the first semi (check post HERE) I have now done for the 2nd semi! Here you can see it:

Are a bit surprised with some of the results, but it is almost the 10 songs I have started to believe that will qualify recently.

I will do new ones for both semis when the first rehearsals comes...though with the qualifiers in my GTV I will make a final as well, hopefully it will be up late tonight in the predict top 10 thread! ;)

Is it based on some data (like polls, YouTube views, likes/dislikes etc.), or just on your personal opinions and wishes?


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
I think you may have exaggerated the success of Sweden and Slovenia, while not being very 'giving' towards Czech Republic & Switzerland. I will be very upset if CR do that badly. I also think, with the UK points, I think Lithuania will almost certainly come in our top 3 - the mix of diaspora and a song I can see our jury liking will put it high up. While I think Slovenia will be lower - in the past, our jury has been very friendly to Slovenia, but the televoting has not. Other than that, the order seems about right. :D

I think Czech Republic will do about that bad I'm afraid, it is a song that will do okay with the juries but will totally forgotten with the viewers. :/ Switzerland is hard to judge, but I think it will be a battle between Malta and Switzerland for the same votes and then Malta is slightly more memorable. I though Azerbaijan would be better than it did, which would have been closer to Slovenia in my mind, but I think Slovenia will do surpringly well with the viewers this time, it stands out in a way it has never done before. Sweden is the hardest one to judge, either we will win the semi big time or it will be a very close race. :p


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Is it based on some data (like polls, YouTube views, likes/dislikes etc.), or just on your personal opinions and wishes?

No this is based just on what I think and gutfeeling, it is just a fun guessing game I have with myself. It is mostly so that I am wrong in the end, but I enjoy it. :lol:


Active member
February 2, 2015
Czech Republic
No this is based just on what I think and gutfeeling, it is just a fun guessing game I have with myself. It is mostly so that I am wrong in the end, but I enjoy it. :lol:

Thanks God. Obviously, I cannot be objective in case of the Czech Republic (you know, I am still naively hoping for qualification), but I think that Lithuania will be definitely higher and Sweden lower.


Well-known member
April 24, 2015
I've now been thinking about it for quite a long time but I'm still completely unsure about the qualifiers from this semi-final! :confused:

For me, completely safe countries only are :se: and :no: - then there almost safe qualifiers like :az: :is: :sl: :il: :lv:. Borderline qualifiers should be :ie: :lt: :me: :mt: :ch: and :pl: ...


January 17, 2012
Like I said in the thread for semi 1, I know Youtube views aren't trustworthy when it comes to the success of an entry in Eurovision, but I wanted to see what would be the outcome if it was based on official ESC videos as of April, 28th:

In the following order:
1.:az: 2.:il: 3.:is: 4.:me: 5.:no: 6.:mt: 7.:sl: 8.:cz: 9.:lt: 10.:se:

11.:lv: 12.:ch: 13.:sm: 14.:pl: 15.:cy: 16.:ie: 17.:pt:

While the semi 1 seemed rather realistic, this one does not, at least order-wise. xthink


Well-known member
May 31, 2013
Moving through Germany
Changed Lithuania and Switzerland for...


Maybe CZ for LTU is wrong, though I see more jury support for them, but I don't know why I voted for Switzerland, they're not strong enough and the audience somehow needs fast song, so Israel will get its ticket.


April 16, 2015
I think following countries will qualify:

:me: (hopefully)

But probably Montenegro won't make it, so it will be either Iceland or Ireland in its spot.


Active member
March 2, 2012
The result (18 days before the contest starts!!!) of Semi Final 2 in order:

The Ten Qualifires according to ESCunited-fans:

:se: Sweden - 125 votes
:sl: Slovenia - 119 votes
:az: Azerbaijan - 118 votes
:no: Norway - 117 votes
:lv: Latvia - 99 votes
:is: Iceland - 96 votes
:il: Israel - 88 votes
:lt: Lithuania - 83 votes
:mt: Malta - 79 votes
:pl: Poland - 73 votes

The Non-Qualifires:

:ie: Ireland - 64 votes
:cz: Czech Republic - 53 votes
:me: Montenegro - 47 votes
:ch: Switzerland - 39 votes
:cy: Cyprus - 23 votes
:pt: Portugal - 9 votes
:sm: San Marino - 6 votes


Active member
January 30, 2012
I'm starting to think that :cy: could do a 2010 and pull a surprise qualification!
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