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United Kingdom UNITED KINGDOM 2020 - James Newman - My Last Breath

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September 28, 2009



February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
Oooh this is exciting! Might distract me (briefly) from the excitement I'll feel about picking up my new car on Thursday! The end of this week will be a rollercoaster for sure (birthday on Friday as well so hope I'll have something else to celebrate xpray)


February 9, 2012
I imagine all this hype and then getting something like Bigger than us or another power ballad by GSon xrofl


I'm keeping this in mind though until the very moment the song is revealed. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me ten years in a row, shame on me. I'm quietly optimistic but won't allow myself to get excited.


Han Hazretleri
Staff member
March 12, 2012

I'm keeping this in mind though until the very moment the song is revealed. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me ten years in a row, shame on me. I'm quietly optimistic but won't allow myself to get excited.
France: oh we got a winning song finally, lets present it on Eifel Tower so everyone sees
UK: actually we have a winning song, let's present in on BBC1 so everyone hears


Active member
February 28, 2014
I'm an optimist despite the BBC so if the rumours are true about Mabel then a performance like this and we're looking at a UK win.



Well-known member
May 20, 2019
Alright, so here is something to consider, something of a counter point to my last post about the act possibly having cross over appeal between Radio 1 and Radio 2 listeners. That being, what if it doesn't?

What do I mean by that?

Well, for the benefit of anyone who doesn't know much about either station Radio 2 is practically the home of Eurovision (At least on the radio); it is broadcast live on the station every year with a different commentator than on TV, it is generally where Eurovision acts (Both UK representatives and across the contest) are played and way back when it was part of the selection process itself being part of semi/national finals and song selection programs.

Radio 1 on the other hand, well, it is fair to say it doesn't 'do' Eurovision; sure one of its DJs does presenting on the TV coverage of the semi-finals but aside that? Nothing, maybe an interview with the act and a couple plays of the song but nothing else. Even if the track selected fits their target demographics and sound right down to the ground (Like with Molly who was selected via their 'Introducing' stuff)

So, to have Radio 1 involved at all suggests either A) This is a big name and there was some kind of internal back and forth at the beeb as to who gets to get the exclusive reveal between the two station or B) its an act who doesn't quite fit in well enough with Radio 2 but because its Eurovision related it doesn't fit in well with Radio 1 either.

For example, an act like Mable, KSI or hell, for the sake of argument a Stormzy like act isn't going to fit in well on Radio 2 (that isn't the kind of music they typically play) but for Radio 1? That's their bread and butter, their every day act they promote and play all the time.

So, rather than promote the act on a station it doesn't fit on they are splitting the difference and doing both.

Which, if true, makes the whole "GASP! This act could actually be contemporary!" thing feel a little more plausible. Granted it still might be wishful thinking and it'll be an X Factor winner/runner up from a decade ago or an act that was briefly popular on both stations in the late 00's/early 10's and is now making a belated come back which if that is the case then I whole heartily welcome Leona Lewis and/or Duffy as our tribute for this year's Hungervision Gamescontest!


July 3, 2019
Alright, so here is something to consider, something of a counter point to my last post about the act possibly having cross over appeal between Radio 1 and Radio 2 listeners. That being, what if it doesn't?

What do I mean by that?

Well, for the benefit of anyone who doesn't know much about either station Radio 2 is practically the home of Eurovision (At least on the radio); it is broadcast live on the station every year with a different commentator than on TV, it is generally where Eurovision acts (Both UK representatives and across the contest) are played and way back when it was part of the selection process itself being part of semi/national finals and song selection programs.

Radio 1 on the other hand, well, it is fair to say it doesn't 'do' Eurovision; sure one of its DJs does presenting on the TV coverage of the semi-finals but aside that? Nothing, maybe an interview with the act and a couple plays of the song but nothing else. Even if the track selected fits their target demographics and sound right down to the ground (Like with Molly who was selected via their 'Introducing' stuff)

So, to have Radio 1 involved at all suggests either A) This is a big name and there was some kind of internal back and forth at the beeb as to who gets to get the exclusive reveal between the two station or B) its an act who doesn't quite fit in well enough with Radio 2 but because its Eurovision related it doesn't fit in well with Radio 1 either.

For example, an act like Mable, KSI or hell, for the sake of argument a Stormzy like act isn't going to fit in well on Radio 2 (that isn't the kind of music they typically play) but for Radio 1? That's their bread and butter, their every day act they promote and play all the time.

So, rather than promote the act on a station it doesn't fit on they are splitting the difference and doing both.

Which, if true, makes the whole "GASP! This act could actually be contemporary!" thing feel a little more plausible. Granted it still might be wishful thinking and it'll be an X Factor winner/runner up from a decade ago or an act that was briefly popular on both stations in the late 00's/early 10's and is now making a belated come back which if that is the case then I whole heartily welcome Leona Lewis and/or Duffy as our tribute for this year's Hungervision Gamescontest!
Slay explanation/description xheart


February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
A little thought that just occurred to me, and it might be a moot point for the majority of casual ESC viewers and more relevant to us die-hard fans, but when watching the MF semi on SVTPlay this morning, I was suddenly drawn once more to the importance that these NF shows and countries place on the songwriters rather than just the performers.

They get read out in the lead up to the song intro, and heck they even get a (cringey) little wave to the camera moment as well to give them more prominence and importance. In Eurovision: You Decide, you never saw the songwriters in the studio with any of the acts they had written for (save for those acts who co wrote their songs of course), it was all just focused on them being the essence of the song.

Maybe if the BBC added a little more prominence and importance to showcasing the songwriters, the viewers would start to actually understand the key role that they play in the process better and we may find that more UK songwriters would consider submitting to the process rather than us borrowing from overseas constantly.

Just some random musings, not sure of the relevance, but it's definitely a key difference between the UK and other nations at ESC ;)


Well-known member
March 5, 2011
I kinda hope we are one of the last to announce to be honest.

"Oh yeah sorry, here's our song... *BBC drops absolute banger*"
I have this wild theory that the BBC's gonna be like "We're out of the EU, but we're taking IT back to London. Guess it's never really over FOOLS!" and they're gonna send a banger to end them all and send us in a ketamine-like coma. It's been ages since Gina G.
But nevermind me and my flop predictions.


Well-known member
May 20, 2019
So its not Mainstream current act but rather than artist that have been on break and now coming back....
Well it could be mainstream and current, just too mainstream and current for Radio 2, hence why it is being done on Radio 1 in addition to 2 due to how allergic 1 is to Eurovision in general.

It could be an act that has been on a break and is making a come back that has cross over appeal; because lets face it, if you are making a come back announcing it to a possible audience of 13 million people with a song that will in a few weeks time be performed in front of a crowd that could well be close to 180 million win or lose is going to really help get your name back out there.


February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
So many massive UK based pop-dance producers that churn out hit after hit right now (Jax Jones and Sigala to name just two) - with the right vocalist, they could send an absolute banger! But again, they are hot property just now do they'd need more than just "you'll be on the Eurovision stage" to consider it...


Staff member
September 28, 2009
I think people are underestimating Radio 2's breadth of musical genres, their playlist includes Dua Lipa, Sam Smith, Becky Hill, Jonas Brothers, Louis Tomlinson... there's pop, dance and RnB as well as the usual Radio 2 music.

We should be focusing more on why it's on Radio 1, not why it's no longer exclusively on Radio 2.


January 21, 2019
Tumblr, mostly.
Or we should just put our focus elsewhere and not give a shit, just like how the BBC handles the Eurovision Song Contest, lbr.


Well-known member
May 20, 2019
Well that is either on Radio 1 because A) The act is such a contemporary and 'in' act that when the folks at Radio 1 heard about it they were like "You got them to do Eurovision for us?! We want to interview them! Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie!" and the beeb chose to do it on both to avoid any internal squabbling or B) The BBC, as out of touch in their handling with the whole "Haha! Eurovision is so #wacky!" thing they are still aware enough that it has a large audience in the same demographic on Radio 1 so announcing it there in addition to 2 ensures them serving their target audiences more efficiently or C) BMG want a big deal made of their selection and short of doing a dedicated show this is the next best thing or D) Like I said previously, it may be an act or genera that doesn't quite fit on Radio 2 but is too big of a deal to just do it on the Red Button or on some You Tube stream.

But, we shall have to see and spend the next few days going through the Twitter pages of every BMG artist to see if they have been teasing anything that in reality will just be a new album, tour, merchandise but we'll interpret as "Oh my! Leona Lewis is representing us at Eurovision because she took a picture of a baguette! Baguettes are from France! France is in Eurovision! Leona Lewis CONFIRMED!"


September 11, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Oh my! Leona Lewis is representing us at Eurovision because she took a picture of a baguette! Baguettes are from France! France is in Eurovision! Leona Lewis CONFIRMED!"



September 11, 2015
Birmingham, UK
You cannot fault my logic.. Everything points to Queen Nanne

Another hint that could confirm your theory is that finally her 2005 album has been made it available on Spotify in UK, to let the English audience familiarize with her music before ESC maybe :p


Well-known member
January 12, 2014
Just think the timing is a shame, Eurovision appeals to all age groups, so announcing it when kids are all in school, and most adults will be at work doesn't seem right. They could at least have announced it at an evening or weekend when more people will be about to be a part of it.
Just gutted I won't be able to experience it live myself due to work, so will have to wait until the evening to hear the song, hope it's good!


Well-known member
March 14, 2011
A few weeks ago I talked about Duffy. She is signed to BMG and is doing her comeback this year. I would love it so much if it was her with a song like "Warwick Avenue" or something along those lines.


Staff member
September 28, 2009
Just think the timing is a shame, Eurovision appeals to all age groups, so announcing it when kids are all in school, and most adults will be at work doesn't seem right. They could at least have announced it at an evening or weekend when more people will be about to be a part of it.
Just gutted I won't be able to experience it live myself due to work, so will have to wait until the evening to hear the song, hope it's good!

I think radio breakfast shows are amongst the most listened to programs, so while I think it may be inconvenience for some I can see why the BBC have gone for this approach.
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