Alright, so here is something to consider, something of a counter point to my last post about the act possibly having cross over appeal between Radio 1 and Radio 2 listeners. That being, what if it doesn't?
What do I mean by that?
Well, for the benefit of anyone who doesn't know much about either station Radio 2 is practically the home of Eurovision (At least on the radio); it is broadcast live on the station every year with a different commentator than on TV, it is generally where Eurovision acts (Both UK representatives and across the contest) are played and way back when it was part of the selection process itself being part of semi/national finals and song selection programs.
Radio 1 on the other hand, well, it is fair to say it doesn't 'do' Eurovision; sure one of its DJs does presenting on the TV coverage of the semi-finals but aside that? Nothing, maybe an interview with the act and a couple plays of the song but nothing else. Even if the track selected fits their target demographics and sound right down to the ground (Like with Molly who was selected via their 'Introducing' stuff)
So, to have Radio 1 involved at all suggests either A) This is a big name and there was some kind of internal back and forth at the beeb as to who gets to get the exclusive reveal between the two station or B) its an act who doesn't quite fit in well enough with Radio 2 but because its Eurovision related it doesn't fit in well with Radio 1 either.
For example, an act like Mable, KSI or hell, for the sake of argument a Stormzy like act isn't going to fit in well on Radio 2 (that isn't the kind of music they typically play) but for Radio 1? That's their bread and butter, their every day act they promote and play all the time.
So, rather than promote the act on a station it doesn't fit on they are splitting the difference and doing both.
Which, if true, makes the whole "GASP! This act could actually be contemporary!" thing feel a little more plausible. Granted it still might be wishful thinking and it'll be an X Factor winner/runner up from a decade ago or an act that was briefly popular on both stations in the late 00's/early 10's and is now making a belated come back which if that is the case then I whole heartily welcome Leona Lewis and/or Duffy as our tribute for this year's Hungervision Gamescontest!