I didn't mean you, sorry if you thought that. If you go on their Facebook page etc the comment sections are full of people complaining at the voting results not being released, or that is what I've seen anyway.
Also, it's not like it's an out of character thing for the BBC to do. The last time they released the full voting break down of how many votes were cast was in 1998 and before that 1995, since then every NF either had only a partial breakdown of the voting results or no voting breakdown released at all.
dont worry, its just me being a moaning little bitch lol
I just don't agree with the fact they have people calling in and paying to vote and then they don't announce the full results.. I couldn't mind if they released the order, I don't want a detailed list.. just who came where. but it seems strange to me that even after a request they wont release the information and makes me wonder why
and they are using the EU to hide behind.. I don't see the big issue releasing the information.. what do they have to hide?
I am also trying to find the independent company who were checking the validity of the results