[MENTION=10594]LalehForWD[/MENTION] From the figures I've seen (I need to find a source for these again though), Ireland pays approximately 60,000 Euros per year. The BBC, for example, pays upwards of 250,000 pounds.
[MENTION=10594]LalehForWD[/MENTION] From the figures I've seen (I need to find a source for these again though), Ireland pays approximately 60,000 Euros per year. The BBC, for example, pays upwards of 250,000 pounds.
Beispiele ESC-Teilnahmegebühren
Land Teilnahmegebühren an die EBU
Niederlande (2016) 250.000 Euro
Deutschland (2015) 363.500 Euro
Deutschland (2017) 380.000 Euro
Spanien (2015) 356.000 Euro
Rumänien (2014) 130.000 Euro
Irland (2013) 70.000 Euro
Griechenland (2012) 120.000 Euro
Montenegro (2012) 23.000 Euro
Malta (2010) 80.000 Euro
Makes sense. Imagine you need to pay songwriters, studio time, producers, travel and living expenses for the esc team etc. £250000 will not allow much extravaganza. How the Irish manage with 60000 euros is beyond me. The Swedish SVT ESC team is usually around 20 people whos salary, travel, hotel and living expenses must be covered for 2 weeks. I've never seen any figures and even if the record label is covering for probably a large part, £250000 will surely not be enough. I saw Engelbert's budget back in 2012 and I came to the conclusion he must have payed his own hotel bill and to have at least a little high life while he was in Baku must have been on his own expense. As a kind of vacation more than on a job.
Unless you mean these are participation fees? In that case, I agree it seems weird the fees are different depening on country. Either way, it's peanuts compared to the real costs of Eurovision. Why no journalist has made an investigation into these figures is strange, but maybe it's impossible to get reliable figures.
Yes, different countries pay different amounts for participation; it's varied for every single country, but one thing that is clear is that the Big 5 pay *considerably* more than everyone else, which keeps everyone else's fees down - making it more feasible for less wealthy countries and broadcasters to participate.
For the starting fees of 380.000 Euros for Germany, the ARD could never produce any other Saturday Prime time show by that "little" amount of money.
"Deutschland richtet erst zum dritten Mal dieses Riesen-Event aus, 52 mal haben die deutschen Fernsehzuschauer von den finanziellen Anstrengungen der anderen Gastgeber-Länder profitiert; ich finde, da müssen wir nach dem großartigen Sieg von Lena im letzten Jahr auch unsere Verantwortung annehmen und in diesem Jahr gerne Gastgeber sein - so sind nun mal die Regeln. Das ist nur fair den anderen gegenüber. Was sollen die Iren sagen - die haben bereits 7 mal gewonnen!"
Ist ja eigentlich wie in der Kneipe: Irgendwann zahlt jeder mal die nächste Runde.
The perception that Sweden and Australia get points because they are Sweden and Australia lol
The perception that countries are not doing well because they're representing the country they do
no bro, if you actually send an entry with the "package", you'll do well regardless of which country you're representing
Not knowing the fact that everyone is always biased. :twisted:
I'd like to see hidden backing singers go in 2019. All singers should be on the stage, now they're hiding behind the stage?
I saw somewhere a short clip of an ESC performance where obviously a background singer in the rear of the stage sang the difficult parts while the singer in front seemed only to lip sync. Can somebody recall that incident and say what act that was?