Shamanka Ilona did nothing wrong!!!!!!
nobody has better music taste than anything else because at the end of the day we are all consuming a product that was sold to us. yes, sometimes people pick products you would never pick, but they are not inherently less dignified than yours lol. i say this as someone who shades the entries i don't like the entire time and do little else in this board. my opinions don't make me a better person, just a different one (and it glorifies me that i am different, thank you very much). same for this youtuber. better to have the courage to publicly go against the hype than to anonymously board it.
people are getting way too into the duncan hype for it to be healthy. out of all the top contenders in odds these last few years, he is the most tentative and fickle by far. yes, he might as well win, but it's so far from being a loreen-esque done deal that people will only harm themselves being like this. remember 2012 when pastora was 10th place (spain's best result in 8 years!!) and the spaniards still imploded because they felt entitled to even more just out of their own hype? don't let duncan become a pastora, you guys.
Sylmaron Mars
5 dias atrás
Some people still want fish & chips when being offered caviar I guess.
this one lkadlkdadsajldsajlsdjkdklas
and ugh i was reading the other comments on her video and the fandom is so insufferable that makes me wanna see the song flop even more. as much as i hate this song, duncan seems lovable and doesn't deserve to have these kind of fans, especially considering it's a song about love and all i saw was the opposite of it.
Actively wanting a song to flop just because of a few internet trolls under one Youtube video is quite nitpicky though. As if they represent the many more people across Europe and other countries who currently love the song. There will sadly always be idiots who think they can be mean behind the safety of a computer screen.
i actually want it to flop (as: not win) because i hate it lmao but let's say the fandom just intensified my wish. poor people who have to face these kind of comments every day, i admire them.
Eurovision fans telling other Eurovision fans they've got bad taste? TrollToTheLOLOLOL. There is so much ugliness in the comments box of that video that it makes me feel ashamed to be a Eurovision fan. The irony of attacking someone's taste (their opinion) and then fawning over 3 minutes of heavily calculated woah oh oh indie pop made especially to titillate the masses. A special kind of people who like to tell themselves they're listening to something deep, something weighty, and how that somehow puts their basic-bitch backsides above anyone that doesn't share their high-caliber taste. What a tragedy.
Like what your heart tells you to like, but the cringe levels are high when you start declaring yourself superior. Arcade is not my bag at all, but at the moment I at least tolerate its existence. Going to be hard though with so many unbearable wannabes (hopefully children so that we can forgive their naive souls) hovering around it.
Yes, which is precisely why people are unbearable idiots. Christ, if I made a video reaction (don't give me ideas brain) it would be an absolute tonne fricking worse than that, and more would be said than just "it's boring". I'd go deeper. This lady did indeed even say it could grow on her after watching the performance. Youtube is a cesspool. That's why I never comment there and use it strictly for watching stuff.
i actually want it to flop (as: not win) because i hate it lmao but let's say the fandom just intensified my wish. poor people who have to face these kind of comments every day, i admire them.
That's completely stupid, you're not being smarter than these people by saying that. That you don't like this entry is a fact and I respect it, but you can't wish it flops because the fandom is being atrocious with some people (adding that you're not being really kind either)i actually want it to flop (as: not win) because i hate it lmao but let's say the fandom just intensified my wish. poor people who have to face these kind of comments every day, i admire them.
I actually hate it lmao it's not dislikeGeez. You're quite strong in your opinions aren't you? Hate? Really?. Seams so hyperbolic to me for saying you just don't like something.
wanting a song i hate not to win a contest is the same thing of calling people with opposite opinions as mine "boring tasteless with no knowledge of real music and shouldn't exist"That's completely idiot, you're not being smarter than these people by saying that. That you don't like this entry is a fact and I respect it, but you can't wish it flops because the fandom is being atrocious with some people (adding that you're not being really kind either)
She literally said there it was not just because of that but it just intensified it. Read first, drag after pls.