SCREW EBU and their lame excuse for not being transparent:
Split ranking per country
To protect the fairness of the voting, the EBU does not release the split ranking of televoting and jury per country. Publishing these numbers would explicitly highlight if countries don't meet the televoting threshold – the minimum number of televotes needed to become a statistically valid result - is and where thus only the jury voting was regarded valid. Explicitly highlighting these countries could lead to unwanted disproportionate influence on the televoting in these countries in future years to come.
EBU is so full of sh*t it's not even funny, their total arrogance and disrespect towards the people... not just do they let these small groups have a disproportionally high influence over the result, they are also hiding the full results from the public... as if we were all small children needed to be protected from the truth and needed guidance from our "guardians" (= juries). I mean why is there a problem showing televoting now all of a sudden when there was no problem showing it 1999-2009???

EBU are acting like how it worked in communist Europe with all the hiding and corruption...
My respect for EBU is currently -100, I encourage countries to withdraw from the contest... it has zero credibility now !
The juries are completely corrupting it with their anti-Euro / anti-diversity agenda, it's over-flooded by imported entries, the EBU doesn't believe in any transparency...
- The juries need to be kicked out!
- Importing entries should not be allowed anymore!
- The contest should be in the hand of the public, and it should be about entries representing their countries...