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Narnia meets What Does The Fox Say. Norway has a cool song this year but when it comes to presenting it they just got it all wrong so far.
Nobody else notice the song is completely re-arranged? Mostly improved IMO, they toned down that silly galloping rhythm in the chorus (though it's not entirely gone), but the extra backing vocals are really pointless, especially in the joik part.
The video is absolute trash. I love it.
Just what I needed to endear me a little bit to the song. I had a problem with this entry before I think because it was so campy and cheese filled, yet was sporting the most dull visual package. The song is daft, harmless fun yet that didn't translate to their NF performance of it. I can't work out if this music video styling is genius or suicide. Perhaps a bit of both. At least it's more loopy now. Missed opportunity there though to have Fred sporting a pussycat wig. Oh well, he's cute as his lil' bald self anyway.
Upgrading my 6 to 8.
Apparently the staging won't have anything to do with the music video.
Does anyone actually know if they will stick to the colour palette from the national final? Really liked the combination of a bluish-green background and dark dresses, looked very distinctive and fresh.