Only 3 seconds of the song though
those three seconds are more famous to people oustide europe than anyone from eurovision
Only 3 seconds of the song though
What's going on here???
The hostess is so hot !
She really is x12s
Maybe Doina wins surprisingly!!
Voting lines closed, interval act now.
The hostess is so hot !
I hope they'll use her as a spokesperson in ESC
I want hot people giving points... I miss all those hot Ukrainian girls giving votes... !
Is the interval act Belarus style?
It will take all the resources of the country plus more for Moldova to beat the interval at Belarus
It will take all the resources of the country plus more for Moldova to beat the interval at Belarus
This interval act is a total bore though, some boring lounge act
Who is this girl that won't shut up?1
I don't know but she's driving me insane and I even have her on mute.