Gregor Hägele – Let Me Go
I'm probably in the minority here, but this was my
favourite. What cute, adorable melody and lyrics! I think this song captures the feeling of "Fernweh" perfectly – it may not be the intentioned meaning of "Finding your own way", like Gregor described it in his introduction video, but that's how I interpreted the song for myself. Fernweh has been such a central aspect in my life so far, I had teary eyes when I listened to the studio record.
But that's the problem however – it's the studio version that I love. He seemed lost on stage during the final (maybe give him a stool to sit on, or let him play the piano for the first bit, I don't know) and sadly didn't hit the notes all times. I kinda liked his live performance and could immediately tell that it's a super lovely, sweet song, but only when I checked out the studio version afterwards I could truly appreciate it. Schade, Gregor, maybe next time.
Aly Ryan – Wear Your Love
Haha, Michelle Leonard at it again! Had a big grin on my face when I saw her name pop up in the credits for this song. One of the best songwriters we have in Germany (fight me!), immediately expected a catchy tune. And I wasn't dissapointed! What a banger. Aly Ryan delivered on stage, she definitely felt comfortable and has great stage presence – something which Gregor was lacking sadly.
The staging got a bit stale however after a little while. I thought she would be dancing her mind off, but it felt really controlled and distanced. She should have left the treadmill for the last chorus of the song and try to get the audience going / try to connect more with the audience. Then she could have gone back on it and regain her posture, the very last bit worked well again for me.
Kinda sad she's not our representative,
one of the biggest "what ifs" I had in the past few years (and I had
a lot of them – Avantasia, Gregorian, Blitzkidz mvt., Madeline Juno, Laing, you name 'em...).
Makeda – The Day I Loved You Most
Can't really say much about the live and studio version. She herself seems to be a very charismatic, likeable person and the quiet notes in her song really touched me in the beginning. But she loses me in the second part, it's just this typical ballad build-up and I wasn't a fan of her high notes.
Sometimes less is more. If it would've stayed a humble little melody like in the beginning and didn't turn into this bloody mess of theatrical nonsense, it could very well be my favourite.
BB Thomaz – Demons
LOL. In terms of staging, this was probably the best for me – not in a good way however... or was it? I just couldn't handle the people jumping on and off the stairs, I bursted out in laughter, don't know if it was intended. The lyrics are cheeky, but they said it was probably the most personal song this evening... so I don't know how to take it. Her personality was also a little bit too much for me. It's nice she is that confident, don't get me wrong, but this was too much "in your face" for me, just like the different genres they tried to include in her song
In my list she shares the last place with Makeda.
Lilly Among Clouds – Surprise
What a cool girl, so down-to-earth and natural, could be your girl buddy next door. Surprised me even more (hah, get it? Hah, hah? ... I see myself out) that she came around with such an artsy piece of music. Left me breathless and I could already see it work on stage in Tel Aviv. Such mysterious/mystical stagings tend to catch the audience's attention, and can we please talk about her very first notes (Teeeee~ll me another secret ♫)? Goosebumps all over my body and you could hear the audience reacting as well. Also love the chorus and the piano in the middle section a lot. She wasn't my favourite, but
I want to see her again. Badly.
Linus Bruhn – Our City
Aaah, the one-man boyband. What a cheese fest in the last third of the song with those projected words (obligatory "confindent"-joke), but not as bad as last year's Spain and the message is actually super nice. Just like Gregor however he couldn't possibly fill the stage alone, why did they get rid of the dancers you saw on rehearsal pictures? Such a good-mood song, let us have a party on stage, damn it! The drops felt a bit underwhelming as well, but overall very nice package. I like Linus, I like the message, I like the song, I
don't like the staging.
Another case of what-if, just a tad smaller. Please come back next year, Linus!
S!sters – Sister
The chorus is already a meme with my roommates, we want them to sing "Schwester!" instead of "sister" so badly, the German word has so much more power, thaha. Also did anybody call for a nurse?
Okay, jokes aside.
I like it! The gloomy piano in the beginning reminds me of Michael last year, and in comparison to Makeda's song I actually think the build-up here works a lot better. Also isn't it refreshing to send a duo this time instead of a solo singer? The staging is also well thought-out, and I like the dramatic "oh-oh~" from the background singers in the chorus. I have no idea how they will do in Tel Aviv, but they sell the song and the message well, I
feel something, so
it's easy for me to support this entry.
Still think it's kinda fishy however that they won. You know, with them being invited by NDR, performing last in the show... ah well.