WOW This thread has 191 likes!
Why do we need another contest?![]()
The following will be the basic core feature of the game: Every one will be have the opportunity to represent themselves as equals of one another (no WL/ROW type of situations).
From the poll
Language Contest is contrary to this rule because countries will unite into groups by language(ROW-2)
From the poll
Language Contest is contrary to this rule because countries will unite into groups by language(ROW-2)
The only thing I can see in Trece post is that if there was no ROW.. Them this huge thread never would have happened... XD
Explain again
We have for example the Spanish (lang) jury, which includes 4 people.
A new person comes to a forum from Chile. He can not participate in the FSC as Chile (only as ROW), he can not participate in the NSC (only as WL), and he can not participate as Chile in LSC (Only as part of the Spanish lang jury) Hence the probability that the contest will be sent the song is from Chile - 1/5. Therefore it is likely that the Chilean song will never be able to participate in the contest because in the selection of Spanish lang jury will win the Spanish or Mexican.
Person comes from Chile, and sends without problems Chilean song every edition.
Couldn't that Chilean person just send his song in Spanish the following edition instead? Why does he have to be part of a 10-member jury to send his desired song? If LSC will be a contest with individual participants (which it hopefully will be) there won't even be such problem, then it's all about confirming it first.
If I choose the Spanish jury, then no one else can. And then again, it will be a big limitation. And every time I'll send Argentine song, and Chilean never will be.
Because almost all of my favorite songs in Spanish (but not only of Spain), and I want to send something that I love, not something that I have to because of restrictions, as in FSCAnd btw, why are you so assured that everyone are gonna want Spanish?
How is that a limitation? xD
I see it as fairly liberating that you can switch language every month without having to worry about others. And btw, why are you so assured that everyone are gonna want Spanish? If you'd wanna stick to the same language every single month, that's cool, but I see that as more of a limitation than anything else. In LSC it's about open-mindedness and thinking outside the box other than stubbornly sticking to the conservative ideas of established juries.