Re: New Contest: Voting Form #1
Voted hours ago.
*persuasion-mode activated*
I can see myself taking part of LSC btw.
It's fresh and it's the only contest that brings something new and exciting to this forum which isn't already found in NSC and FSC. It's the only contest of the two with future prospects and an actual chance of surviving more than just a couple of months on this forum. Forum-vision on the other hand will be outcompeted by both FSC and NSC within very short time as members of both contest are so loyal that they won't just go for a scrappy, deformed mix-up of both of them.
*persuasion-mode inactivated*
I write this in response to you, but it's actually for all the sceptics:
way too early to tell that:
1. "they won't just go "
2. "for a scrappy, deformed mix-up of both of them."
We see that a lot of people are unhappy with the RoW situation in FSC, AND there is also dissatisfaction with the 10 month limit of entries.
And in NSC, there's the problem of an ever growing Waiting List.
So if a new, hybrid-like, solution can be found for these problems, I will have no problem with it (in fact, I will be happy). Even if the new game will look similar to both FSC and NSC. I think it's a totally irrational idea to think that "if something new looks similar to old, already existing things,
then it's automatically not good". What rational basis is there to think that? Nothing much, it's just emotional thinking. It's a prejudice.
Only if we set up the new hybrid (cross between FSC and NSC, but with more freedom) and play that game for 3 months or longer, we can THEN tell if it's a good working game.
It's way too quick to throw an idea in the trash bin, just because it's "similar to existing things". That is not very pragmatic thinking.