I think explanations are very important,and all members can write them.
My explanation why NOT to have Language contest are :
a) Some juries like Spanish, Portuguese, English will be too overcrowded (for example English is official in 54 countries and Spain in 21).
b) Languages like English,Spanish have more chances of winning since there are small number of hits in some other languages and they have available all biggest hits (for example USA, UK and Australia would be in one jury).
c) Any song in any language can be also sent for that country (for example what changes if song is sent for Croatian language or Croatia?) .
d) More countries getting chances to participate (For example Mexico, Argentina, Spain, etc. should all participate for Spain and on this way they can participate independently).
e) Possible waiting of members who want to play for their country to get their turn (for example someone from Ireland wants to send song in English. He has to compete in the same NF with USA, UK, Australia, etc. competitors and is very probably that will lose NF and will have to wait until next opportunity)
f) With more countries participating we have more chances to discover more good songs (already mentioned that two biggest languages are official at 75 countries at all!)
g) Also, with more countries participating, players that would be in overcrowded juries will get bigger chances to show their music style and share it with others.
h) Language has nothing to do with music.
I will write more later . I can't recall all of them atm.