Yesterday evening, I was at the Sportpaleis in Antwerpen to see Eurosong 2014 from the second row. It was a thrilling experience. I could see the scene very well, my seat was just behind the green room, so I was amazingly close to the artists (and the mother of Alex Hirsoux

), so it was really nice :-)
Here are my impressions about yesterday's performances:
Yass did very well. His voice is amazing. Very strong performance, and I really like the fact that a part of the song is in French. Very good job!
Sil was perhaps the biggest disappointment of the evening. What did she do with her hair? Her voice didn't convince, so I think she deserved her bottom place.
Udo did better than in the semi-final, but even though his voice is great, the song was not original enough.
Bandits were cute and refreshing. These guys are only 16, it's really impressive. And they made the arena explode.
Eva Jacobs has a very strong voice but her song was a bit boring. But anyway a very good performance.
Axel Hirsoux was excellent. Yesterday, before the show, I had some doubts (based on the CD version of the song), but the live performance was overwhelming. And yes, I'm not too shy to admit that he made me cry. So I voted for him, and I was glad to see that the European jurys and the Belgian audience thought the same. And for my country Belgium, that is facing a lot of political problems between the language groups in the country, it's really great to see that Flemish people voted for a Walloon guy, this is never seen before. It's a sign that a lot of Flemish people still are open minded, even though nationalism is increasing. So, if you ask me, history has been written yesterday!