Re: Balearica Island knows the power of the dark side (+ voting stats)
In addition to finding new entries, and working on hosting the next NSC, I was recently inspired by Orian and his Rumian points charts. And I've seen others doing the same too. So here are the points going to and from
in the finals since the debut in NSC 42.
Points given
Points received
Red boxes means failed to vote.
The 4 editions I've skipped are removed.
And some stats (because I think statistics are fun):
Points given:
Most finals: 65 - Calypso, 62 - Waloria, 61 - Pigeon Island, 59 - Hypjø, 53 - Zaprya, 51 - Kostanovia
Most votes from BI: 41 - Zaprya, 28 - Fervorosia, 25 - Pigeon Island, 21 - Cydoni-Gibberia, Noizeland, Waiting Iist of Shelley & Nici
Most 12s: 7 - Fervorosia, 5 - Cydoni-Gibberia, 4 - Prasia, 3 - Emsfrõnt, Paper & INK, Prasia
Most 10s: 4 - Noizeland, Viola Per Sempre, Zaprya, 3 - Bacchus, Cydoni-Gibberia, Emsfrõnt, Fervorosia, New Acadia, Vedatistan, Zechonia
Most 8s: 5 - Bacchus, 3 - Comino, Emsfrõnt, Fervorosia, Roseland, Zaprya, Zombira
Most 0s: 52 - Calypso, 44 - Waloria, 40 - Hypjø, 37 - Perryfornia, 36 - Pigeon Island, 35 - Comino, Doire, 34 - Kostanovia, Reym-L-Dneurb
Most total points: 251 - Zaprya, 192 - Fervorosia, 157 - Pigeon Island, 151 - Cydoni-Gibberia, 134 - Emsfrõnt
Most finals while remaining on 0: 4 - Jéru, Leonesia & St. Lotus, Sillycone Valley, 3 - Gematria
Highest final/vote percentage: 100 - Disqualified, Il-Bidu, Mysticland, Neajlovia, 88 - SR Indiria
Lowest final/vote percentage (excl. 0): 4 - Zumkotzen, 7 - Aspirinia
Points received:
Voting in most BI finals: 23 (all) - Calypso, Cydoni-Gibberia, Fervorosia, Halito, QuiénDQ, Ugaly, Waiting List, Waloria, Zombira
Most votes to BI: 15 - Cydoni-Gibberia, Rumia, 14 - Prasia, 12 - Halito, Ugaly
Most 12s: 5 - Arjastan, 3 - ChessLand, Dal Riata, Halito, Prasia, Rumia, Zechonia
Most 10s: 4 - Ugaly, Waiting List, 3 - Cydoni-Gibberia, Luxona, Prasia, QuiénDQ
Most 8s: 4 - Halito, Zombira, 3 - Cherniya, Noizeland
Most 0s: 21 - Calypso, Comino, 20 - Hypjø, Waloria
Most total points: 106 - Prasia, 95 - Cydoni-Gibberia, 92 - Arjastan, 90 - Halito, Ugaly, Zombira
Most finals - never points: 20 - Hypjø, 10 - Cefiya, 5 - Lyapunovia
Highest final/vote percentage: 100 - Aimūlli, Disqualified, Genext, Spila, Vegetaria, 90 - Arjastan, 86 - Luxona
Lowest final/vote percentage (excl. 0): 5 - Comino, 7 - Anselmsmumonia, Kostanovia, Mooseland
I miss Arjastan.
And I wonder if I'll ever get a point in a final from Hypjø.