NEVER going to happen

especially with the hosts constant insistence on calling Conchita Queen of Austria
Most of the die hard Conchita fans in the audience/online/home probably don't even know this or are in complete denial about it when told (they just keep calling you a homophobe and trans-phobic)
Yeah right... Of course Conchita is actually a man, WHO CAN EVEN DOUBT IT?? But he performes as a drag queen, and drag queens are always "she". Always. If you meet Thomas in his hometown in Austria, you can say you've seen him; if you see Conchita acting on stage or talk about her performance, it's a she.
And yes, I am very sure many people dislike her (Conchita, not him, Thomas) because it is a drag queen singing, as well as many disliked Dana International because she was a transsexual. I've seen this semifinal with my mother, who kinda accept homosexuality "as long as they don't say it loud". Well, I know she likes this music genre (she does!!), but she didn't liked Austria's entry. Guess why. Yes: "But it is ridiculous, a woman with a beard! Oh, is it a man?? Oh God..."