If the juries couldn't save Azerbaijan or Russia last year then there's no hope for Australia
Well, there are the televoters. I've got no idea how we're going to score overall this year, since I think it'll depend a lot on staging, but I do think that we might finally do better with televoters than with juries for once.
I've brought this up a few times before, but I really don't get the whole notion that there's some secret EBU conspiracy, involving hundreds of jurors, to give excess jury points to Australia. Rather, I think it's just an issue of the selected jurors - or maybe the EBU's scoring criteria, or the jury ranking system, or a combination of the above - rewarding contemporary radio pop moreso than other genres.
So while I do think that the juries have overrated Australia in the last couple of years, I'd say that that's more because of us constantly sending the same middle-of-the-road pop that juries tend to like and televoters tend to not. This year, we're sending a song that appears more controversial and televoter-friendly (which popera seems to be at Eurovision); something better able to stand out to the average viewer in a large field of songs, for better or worse.
That should translate to a smaller gap between jury and televote scores - not necessarily a huge disparity in favour of televotes, but I doubt we'll see the 90/9 and 171/2 splits in favour of juries that we've seen in the last couple of years. Whether that means the televote increasing and giving us a good score, or the televotes staying low while jury scores also fall to result in an NQ... I'm not quite sure yet, and I think it's a little early for anyone to be confident either way. I certainly wouldn't say that we've got "no hope", at least.