ESC Moderator
Actually, there's been cases in the past where fan pressure DID have an impact on issues like these (Magdalena Tul and the Polish entry back in 2011 comes to mind. They decided to send a new version in English, BUT re-changed their mind because of the fans... and they even admitted that!), so I wouldn't underestimate the power of fans. Sure, chances are narrow, but they are not non-existing.
I'm pretty sure the same thing happened with the Moldovan entry last year, and if I recall things correctly there were talks last year to translate the Icelandic entry for ESC, but fans lobbied for the entry to stay in Icelandic and it did. It could all be coincidences, but I do think that some acts and their teams do look into forums and discussions like these and some do pay attention to reactions like these. I mean you hardly win over any new fans by totally overlooking what the existing ones are saying...Hardcore ESC fans may not be the majority of voters in ESC, but they are good at creating a pre-hype and word-of-mouth (good or bad) prior the contest, which can later on be helpful (or the opposite) for the entries actually.
Magdalena is hardly the best example of listening to the fans, since going in Polish didn't exactly help her, finishing last in the semi and all. Sometimes listening to the fans can be a bad thing. What they want isn't always best for the song's chances. Poland made a mistake listening to the fans, and while I didn't like Moldova going native, I can't argue with the results. The outcome of fanwanking is mixed.
I'm just saying that sometimes the fans want something, and that something might not be a good thing for the delegation to listen to.
But since we're giving messages to the delegation about what we want, I'll say :
"Your song sucks, deal with that first before bothering about which language you'll sing in!"