I'll never get the myth about the supposed "universal understanding of English" in ESC
Yes, English is the most global language, but just because people are exposed to in on a daily basis, doesn't mean they actually understand it well. In many parts of Europe English is not even the second most known language, or even third.
Also, this whole absurd idea that people pay THAT much attention to lyrics in the first place, sure to some extent, but to do that in the first place a basic knowledge is a must atleast.
And again I will never understand this notion that "changing language is just changing language", when in fact it's so much more. Languages are unique in their structures and linguistic tones and "melodies", to say that a song will stay the same if sung in a different language is simply not true.
Also, and the most crucial, ESC should be about entries representing their countries, if everyone is stressing to be sounding "Anglo" then what's there left of "ESC"? I think people should have an open mind, music is a universal language in itself to begin with, and atleast from ESC fans one could expect a bit more open mindset regarding other languages in music and other cultural sounds aswell.
Also, in the vast majority of cases, it's unfair to change language for ESC. Now, in Albania's selection song must stay in Albanian, but then again if the point is to translate for ESC then why even have that rule to begin with?
I think acts should take pride in representing their countries and stay true to their songs instead of settle with some compromise mostly build on mythical ideas and sell-out to some sort of cultural imperialism
Every language is unique, and Albanian being not a big language and different from most European languages, obviously makes it more "exotic". Instead of seeing this as a bad thing, it should be embraced!