Oh, come on, the albanian jury might have some sympathy for a particular composer, but I don't think the winning songs are exactly fixed, as you can't deny that the song was really good and the best of the evening, so why should it have been fixed?! If you notice, the albanian jury goes for songs of strength and character, rhythmic modern songs don't have very much chances with them, unless the sound is very albanian. There's no way for Florent Boshnjaku, the composer of Rona Nishliu for example to have corrupted the jury, everyone in Albania knows that kosovars are lost inside Albania when it comes to that, the song should have been extremely good for it to have won.
As for this song, I like it very, very much, it is very fresh and albanian. The intro is nothing unusual when you know that it has been composed by Genti Lako, you would expect that from him. I really, really hope they keep it in albanian, it is so important in this song.