I just realised I still haven't posted my thoughts on this one yet despite doing that long predictive post before the NF, so let me join the procession of people giving late opinions
Essentially, I'd say it's a pretty good midtempo song without many flaws to pick at (apart from Melovin's English pronunciation); it's competent, it's enjoyable and it's hard to complain about. I imagine it should do pretty well for Ukraine in May too.
That said, it's nothing spectacular; while I enjoy it, it's hard to get too excited about what is essentially just a somewhat-above-average version of a hundred previous Eurovision songs. In comparison, while I'm not as big on Tayanna as some people here were, I'd have loved to see her take the win - she had a fun, upbeat song in native language, a fantastic performance (especially vocally) and would've been a treat to see at Eurovision. Still, I won't hold that against Melovin too much, as he's at least decent.
I'm wavering between 6 or 7 points for the poll, but I think it's a 6 for now.