Re: UKRAINE 2015
Some names I would like to see give it a go.
Jamala - would be quite a statement to send a Crimean Tatar after what has happened the last few months. A ballad in Ukrainian would be ideal. And with Jamala performing, there's little chance it'd end up as a 'typical/boring ESC ballad'.
Max Barskih - I'm still not over the fact that he had Nebo during the NF period last year and didn't try out with it. I would be cool with a Dance-type song too. With Badoev on his side, if Max ever does go, I suspect the performance would be the event of the ESC year.
DiO.Filmy - these tween heartthrob acts can be a hit or miss, but I'd love to see what performance Ukraine can put together for them. It'd be new grounds as far as Ukraine's entries go. My main concern here is, can they get someone to write them a good song? Nothing they've done so far has been much to write home about.
Illaria - I think she was on the right track with her attempt last year, but with room to improve. Hopefully this participation was the experience she needed. There are a number of directions she can go with her song, a more conventional ballad, something a bit uptempo, or the ethnic fusion that she had at 2014 NF.
Renata - I know she didn't make many fans when she participated in the NF in 2013, plus it'd most likely be a "boring ballad" if she tried out again, but I think she has potential. Wasn't she in the Yanukovich/Akhmetov camp though? Not sure how that would play out.