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Spain SPAIN 2018 - Alfred & Amaia - Tu canción

How do you rate the entry?

  • 12

    32 12.7%
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    22 8.7%
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    25 9.9%
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    14 5.6%
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    22 8.7%
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    27 10.7%
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    17 6.7%
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    18 7.1%
  • 2

    21 8.3%
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    13 5.2%
  • 0

    41 16.3%

  • Total voters


February 23, 2015
I definetly do not like the new last chorus. The instrumental pause makes it sound almost like a Thomas G:son song :?

But I didn't like the original studio version as well (I love it live!), so I guess I'll rather wait before making a final judgement.


Well-known member
April 6, 2017
I love it, and with this update it was wonderful !! xheart
if spain was already my 1 now .... x12s


Well-known member
February 10, 2010
I understand those who liked that song for its simplicity but imo the new version is far better.


New member
March 7, 2018
So, I've come to terms to the new version after listening to it far too many times, and I've come to the conclusion that the revamp was mainly positive, with just a few negatives:

+ First positive is that I am actually able to listen to it on repeat, I couldn't do it before without getting a little sense of cloying ("empalago" in spanish, I had to look the word up but I hope it means what I want it to mean). I do believe it was a bit too sweet, and somehow it isn't so much anymore.
+ I think it is because the song is more varied in dynamics and instruments now, so it gives you other things to focus on besides the melody. As a result the song also flows much better. I've seen a lot of comments saying that the song is less "boring" now, I guess the song was too flat for these people before, so things like the guitar and percussion in the second verse do make a difference, without substracting the intimate and special vibe Amaia and Alfred voices create.
+ Their voices sound much better now. Alfred controlled some of his weirdness (wich I don't think he will be able to do live), and Amaia's voice shines even more. I like the sublte changes they did in the melodies in different parts of the song.
+ As a whole, the song sounds much more professional now. It's only logical, the previous version was produced in only two days or so, and it showed. This is not a demo anymore, and I specially love the vibe of the first two minutes of the song.
- But it's true that I think it loses part of its special vibe in the ending. They had to do something with the bridge, beacuse it never really sounded good live, and it was obvious it needed to be tuned up a notch. They are not so exposed now during it, so that's good. But at the same time, the build up they decided to go for, which inevitably takes it to the explosion in the last chorus, makes the song more "steurotypical" (misspelled it on purpose ;)). I would have prefered a more sofisticated approach, but they went the easy route. Still it works to give the song a different dynamic as I said, and I think the average viewer at Eurovision will like it, so...
- As a result of this grandiose ending, the song does indeed lose a bit of the intimacy it needs. I do think that it already lost some of it before with the previous ending and specially the bridge, but it still managed to be "cozy" enough for the listener to be conected to Amaia's and Alfred's love. There is a disconnect now, and I hope they are able to make up for it in the staging somehow.
- And as a final note, I would like to talk about the "sincerity" or "realness" lost in this revamp, as I have seen it mentioned some pages back. I do believe that the more barebones a song is, the more sincere it is. Songs are almost always created with a guitar or a piano, so of course it's going to sound more "sincere" when we hear it like that. The problem is when you are aware of the changes. I am sure that if we were used to knowing even Amar Pelos Dois played only in piano, the strings they added afterwards would sound like unnecessary flourishes to some. Absolutely gorgeous flourishes, of course, but they are only there to make the sound prettier and more emotional, and therefore less "sincere". I don't know if I am making my point right.

Soo, there you have I almost made a complete review! :lol: Just wanted to add that I don't think the revamp will make a big difference in the entry chances in the constest. If we look at the odds (should we look at the odds?) it actually hasn't moved one bit, so there's that. I really believe that there are two things that will make or break the performance in May; the staging and Alfred levels of weirdness (voice, faces, etc). So we'll see when the time comes.


January 29, 2017
Porto, Portugal
Soo, there you have I almost made a complete review! :lol: Just wanted to add that I don't think the revamp will make a big difference in the entry chances in the constest. If we look at the odds (should we look at the odds?) it actually hasn't moved one bit, so there's that. I really believe that there are to things that will make or break the performance in May; the staging and Alfred levels of weirdness (voice, faces, etc). So we'll see when the time comes.

Thank you for your fantastic post! I hope you write more often here xlove


Well-known member
March 6, 2012
[MENTION=16116]AmaiaQ[/MENTION] That was a great review, although I may disagree about your positive facts and outcome, I can however see those things may impress some other people, and I also can sense your issues about Alfred, which is actually my main problem with this entry.


Well-known member
November 15, 2009
Simon city
I dont like this song at all but they are so cute :lol:


January 29, 2017
Loin d'ici
Oh dear, I couldn't resist and let my geese bump...

From 0 to 8 points


January 29, 2017
Porto, Portugal
Oh dear, I couldn't resist and let my geese bump...

From 0 to 8 points



New member
March 7, 2018
I thought today we would have the final song available in Spotify, because they released the compilation of the songs they sang in OT, but they included the old version :oops:

Rtve did release the official photos for their entry, and they are looking pretty, happy and youthful! Quite a departure from the customes in the OT stagings. They are keeping this look in the video , and I hope they go for something like this too for the Eurovision staging.




I love Amaia's look with her curly unbrushed hair, not so much with the straight hair. Unfortunately that's what I'll get in the videoclip, which releases tonight btw. Don't expect much, it will be a boring succesion of them singing, running, and lookind at each other it seems...

PS: sorry if the pictures are too big, couldn't find smaller ones.


Well-known member
March 6, 2012
This official video... where have I seen something like that before?





Well-known member
February 19, 2015
Paris (France)
I'm afraid this could be a contender (like for real not a Barei level of delusion) and while I have nothing against any country winning I just don't want to be around any spanish eurofan. I'm already fed up with my fellow french people when they're cocky AF but I know Spanish Eurofans can beat them by a landslide.


Active member
February 19, 2018
I'm afraid this could be a contender (like for real not a Barei level of delusion) and while I have nothing against any country winning I just don't want to be around any spanish eurofan. I'm already fed up with my fellow french people when they're cocky AF but I know Spanish Eurofans can beat them by a landslide.

What makes you think this could be a contender? So far we never had a winner that did so bad in polls. To me it also does not seem very jury friendly.


Well-known member
February 19, 2015
Paris (France)
it kind of stand out in a sea of blandness (but that's my opinion and taste about music). People could vote cause it's cute... you know like "oh I can vote for this, it won't win", and at the end it gathers so much vote it wins.


New member
March 7, 2018
The videoclip was... not very good. It wasn't very bad neither. It's just a simple concept (maybe too simple, even for a cheap video like this one) but it's just not very well executed. They have some nice images there (I really like the leather sofas and the autumn leaves and wouldn't mind to see them in Lisbon), but the editing of the whole video is weird. Specially at the ending with the floating parts, it would have been a good companion to the soaring instrumental but it was badly filmed and edited. Oh well, I don't really care about videos anyway, and it is Lisbon what will count. I still believe there is a small chance this could do very well if the stars aligned. Maybe it's just spanish delusion, but I am happy living with it for these months.
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