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Running order for 2013


Active member
March 21, 2012
It's obvious you live in the Swedish bubble :lol:

Half of Europe (if not more) is corrupted and while it may seem like the strangest thing in the world in eyes of a Swede, it's very common. I mean victories have already been bought in this contest so xshrug
So, I'm naive if I assume that everybody in a game play by the rules? Why is it more relevant to assume that everybody is cheating? If it's true what you're saying, why play at all? What is the point and joy in participating if the only thing that matters is how thick your wallet is or the sheer number of your cousins? I guess "Half of Europe (if not more)" means I should especially count on all East European and the Balkan countries to be the worst. Everybody just knows there isn't a single decent person in these countries and everything is run by the mob. I can only imagine how insulting and hurting it must be to hear. No for me it's very simple and old fashioned: Honourable people don't lie, steal or cheat. If they do, shame on them, shame on them. Bless the people that have to live close to shame.

See it as related to sports, you have to assume that the participants are contesting under equal terms. Sure, there will always be some that cheats (or are forced to cheat) and are doped with various means. Eventually they will be caught.

Hmm ... I'm sorry if some people misunderstood what I wrote and got the wrong meaning of it. You have to read it in the right context. Anyway, if anyone got offended, my sincere apologies.

For those who doesn't understand and wonder what it means, here is an explanation:
The sentence marked with red text is to be taken as irony. The next sentence tells my opinion about such thinking. Irony is very common in Scandinavia and used frequently in daily conversion. I know it can easily be misunderstood for people not used it and frankly I'd prefer not using it either. Direct conversation is much better.

The meaning of the whole comment is that I oppose a view of distrust of the common society and a view that expects and assume everybody to be corrupt and cheating. It certainly doesn't correspond to my views. I wonder why it is naive to expect people not to play by the rules? I say, if you encounter cheating, deal with it and do not accept it as some common evil.


December 28, 2009
Poor LalehForWD xshrug, I actually have to step in defending. That response was a sarcastic reaction at what I've written. Surely, it was an unecessary one, but it wasn't an 'opinon' by Laleh. That comment has been taken out of context by people in here.


December 28, 2009
Yes, sarcastic is a better word. Thanks! :)

No prob :mrgreen: I know we don't agree on many subjects (and I think at times we don't even understand eachoter), but I think this time people have been hard on you for simply a comment taken out of context.

However, I do must say that I never said any of the kind you're insinuating in your response. It's true though that corruption is part of everyday life in many parts of Europe and really, for most Swedes, it might be difficult to understand how integrated it can be in societies. Does that mean all thouse people in those countries are dishonest bad people? Sure not, but like they say 'Don't hate the players, hate the game'...


Active member
March 21, 2012
No prob :mrgreen: I know we don't agree on many subjects (and I think at times we don't even understand eachoter), but I think this time people have been hard on you for simply a comment taken out of context.

However, I do must say that I never said any of the kind you're insinuating in your response. It's true though that corruption is part of everyday life in many parts of Europe and really, for most Swedes, it might be difficult to understand how integrated it can be in societies. Does that mean all thouse people in those countries are dishonest bad people? Sure not, but like they say 'Don't hate the players, hate the game'...

Yes, so we hear but don't want to understand. :) If you look at the various Swedish responses to the rule change, it's pretty much:
- Yes, we understand what SVT tries to do but we fear the rest of Europe will not and everything could end in a catastrophe.
The keyword is trust. I guess Christer Björkman and his group never even considered lack of trust as a problem. And I say: Good! :D

And yes I admit I insinuated more than you had said in my sarcasm, sorry for that! :D


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Bulgaria / Bulgarie / България
Was I the only one that wasn't worried about Laleh's comment and could see right through the sarcasm?! I mean, I love using it myself. :mrgreen:


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Yes, sarcastic is a better word. Thanks! :)
I thought about it initially, but some parts seemed direct and not sarcastic. :lol: I know what you tried now, but it can be easily misunderstood (even if you read more than I guess you went too serious, and that's why did get misunderstood). I believe you, and I am sorry if I misunderstood you. :oops: ;)


December 28, 2009
Yes, so we hear but don't want to understand. :) If you look at the various Swedish responses to the rule change, it's pretty much:
- Yes, we understand what SVT tries to do but we fear the rest of Europe will not and everything could end in a catastrophe.
The keyword is trust. I guess Christer Björkman and his group never even considered lack of trust as a problem. And I say: Good! :D

And yes I admit I insinuated more than you had said in my sarcasm, sorry for that! :D

Problem Björkman is a total fool like the rest of cultural PC Sweden and always assume everything works the same as in Sweden :lol:


Well-known member
March 14, 2011
Hmm ... I'm sorry if some people misunderstood what I wrote and got the wrong meaning of it. You have to read it in the right context. Anyway, if anyone got offended, my sincere apologies.

For those who doesn't understand and wonder what it means, here is an explanation:
The sentence marked with red text is to be taken as irony. The next sentence tells my opinion about such thinking. Irony is very common in Scandinavia and used frequently in daily conversion. I know it can easily be misunderstood for people not used it and frankly I'd prefer not using it either. Direct conversation is much better.

The meaning of the whole comment is that I oppose a view of distrust of the common society and a view that expects and assume everybody to be corrupt and cheating. It certainly doesn't correspond to my views. I wonder why it is naive to expect people not to play by the rules? I say, if you encounter cheating, deal with it and do not accept it as some common evil.

I love using sarcasm, but maybe that was a littile bit too much.
Sorry for misunderstanding though :D


Active member
July 7, 2011
I actually think many boradcasters are afraid of winning because of the costs of hosting.
I remember that in 2008 after the semi-final, when Portugal rose in the betting odds and was so applauded for Vânia's performance, becoming a favourite, I read a article from a journalist (I think) in Belgrade saying the RTP was going mental (in the bad way) with the idea of winning and then hosting ESC because of the costs.

I think that the majority at the French broadcaster wouldn't want the hassle. Bruno promises each year the broadcaster will let him do X, Y and Z none have ever come to fruition.


Well-known member
August 15, 2012
Antwerpen, Belgium
Here's my 2 cents on this situation.

Thank you for ruining Eurovision. I sincerely wish, from the bottom of my heart, that ESC 2013 will be a massive FAILURE!
I already knew things were gonna go bad when they decided Malmö to host the contest. I was kinda OK with taking away the LED screens, but this DRACONIC DICTATORIAL rule change tops EVERYTHING!

We, the People, should not put up with this!!!!


Active member
March 21, 2012
Here's my 2 cents on this situation.

Thank you for ruining Eurovision. I sincerely wish, from the bottom of my heart, that ESC 2013 will be a massive FAILURE!
I already knew things were gonna go bad when they decided Malmö to host the contest. I was kinda OK with taking away the LED screens, but this DRACONIC DICTATORIAL rule change tops EVERYTHING!

We, the People, should not put up with this!!!!

Who's People? xthink


Admin Schmadmin
Staff member
June 1, 2009
Los Angeles, USA
My biggest concern is that they're trying to turn this into a big MF. And what's next? Having pre recorded backing vocals? I really hope we're going to see an announcement soon with an adjustment done to the running order determination.


Well-known member
December 28, 2009
A, A
I can see good things and bad things with this decision:-

Good - Well it eliminates songs that sound the same being close together and ruining the effect of certain songs. 2010 is a good example of that, I think there were loads of ballads in a row at the end and Israel got washed away. It at least gives everybody a fair chance to shine.

Bad - It is too much of a dictatorship now with producers running the proceedings. Corruption at it's highest. My only hopes that from this they will bring back voting from the start of the show (like MF), and we get full jury votes from each country after the show is complete. That's what will balance it out in my eyes.

Also, this looks good for them finally abolishing the 6 people on stage rule. Hopefully SVT will announce having 8 people (or even better more) people on stage, especially with the loss of LED's.


December 28, 2009
I'm all for more people on stage, now THAT would have been a good rule-change... the idiotic things they're up to, playing dictators and pushing for more corruption. They better repeal this idiotic rule! If they want a mixed show, then put the songs in genre pots and then draw...

And why turning ESC into MF? MF is FAAAAR below ESC!!! Just because it happens to be the most successful national selection doesn't mean it's better than the real deal.


Well-known member
January 18, 2012
I'm all for more people on stage, now THAT would have been a good rule-change... the idiotic things they're up to, playing dictators and pushing for more corruption. They better repeal this idiotic rule! If they want a mixed show, then put the songs in genre pots and then draw...

And why turning ESC into MF? MF is FAAAAR below ESC!!! Just because it happens to be the most successful national selection doesn't mean it's better than the real deal.
this. MF is great, i like it, i wish at least my national selection could be as big as MF is. THAT SAID, to have ESC turn into MF would be possibly one of the worst things to happen to the contest. I like how SVT is making the show smaller and bringing it back to what it was prior to 2009, maybe 2008, because it was getting out of hand a bit, and when SVT announced this was their plan, i felt that they were going to turn it into something great but still small, in a way like what NRK did in 2010, which i felt was wonderfully cosy yet open and on a much smaller scale than 2011 or 2009. but no, evidently Herr Bjorkman och hans MF vanner want something more along the lines of what they do every year.

My biggest concern is that they're trying to turn this into a big MF. And what's next? Having pre recorded backing vocals? I really hope we're going to see an announcement soon with an adjustment done to the running order determination.

i can only hope that the rule about the running order is changed in a few years, just as the televote rule was reversed there a while back. i'm doubtful though
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