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Running order for 2013


Well-known member
February 24, 2010
Oslo, Norway
I have a hard time supporting his idea.
It IS true that the ESC needs some change in order to keep up the interest amongst the different national broadcasters and the european televiewers. But this is not the way to go. It might lead to a more "fluent" tv-show; mixing ballads and up-tempo songs. I still remember the first part of the Final of 2009: one slow song after the other....
And even though I am a "blue-eyes scandinavian" I realize that this change opens up for corruption and "legalised cheating". I do NOT want any group or any broadcaster to singlehandedly decide the running order. ESC still IS a competition, and we need to try to keep it as fair as possible.

Having that said; I am also eager to see some serious statistical analysis of how the running order affects the outcome. Trends and guesses are not enough for me...


December 28, 2009
I have a hard time supporting his idea.
It IS true that the ESC needs some change in order to keep up the interest amongst the different national broadcasters and the european televiewers. But this is not the way to go. It might lead to a more "fluent" tv-show; mixing ballads and up-tempo songs. I still remember the first part of the Final of 2009: one slow song after the other....
And even though I am a "blue-eyes scandinavian" I realize that this change opens up for corruption and "legalised cheating". I do NOT want any group or any broadcaster to singlehandedly decide the running order. ESC still IS a competition, and we need to try to keep it as fair as possible.

Having that said; I am also eager to see some serious statistical analysis of how the running order affects the outcome. Trends and guesses are not enough for me...

Agree, but they could have simply then put different songs in 'genre pots' and then have a fair draw (as been suggested in here)... but no, instead they will act like dictators.


December 28, 2009
Sometimes something new is let's try it!

Sometimes yes, this is not one of those times. I mean they could do what they want to accomplish in a more democratic/fair way (putting different genres into pots), this however will hurt the legitimacy of this contest.


Well-known member
March 27, 2010
Sometimes yes, this is not one of those times. I mean they could do what they want to accomplish in a more democratic/fair way (putting different genres into pots), this however will hurt the legitimacy of this contest.

Maybe you're right...


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
You're all blowing out out of proportion, it doesnt matter! It's what they do for other TV shows all the time...
ESC has to adapt, I dont like many ideas that have happened in the past, but I live with it. At least give this a go once without everybody making out as if ESC is going to end or something! :lol:


Well-known member
March 14, 2011
If they want to avoid the same kind of songs being next to each other they can divide all songs into slow/fast and then randomly draw them, that way there's diversity in the contest and no country can have a better position than the other.

On a different note, Denmark/Norway already has 12 poits and Iceland 10 in the semis, lucky them :-)

That's definetely a much better option than this one.


Active member
March 10, 2011
xlol, if Azerbaijan would have had the idea this year, the public would have been upset, but a "superior" nation like Sweden gets away with it. The next contest is so going to be the worst ever, because Sweden not only hosts it, they definitely "own" it. That was their goal. They are going to impose the running order on us, and will most likely also pick the next winner: either themselves or a blank spot on the Eurovision winners' map. Furthermore Swedish composers are always eager to participate in every other national final as well, so I expect the Swedish satellites to get a good draw finally.

Well, my fanship for ESC is long gone for obvious reasons: political bias, skewed voting, our mediocre entries and they way they get picked. But this is the icing on the cake: let's have an authoritarian politically correct contest :lol: I don't waste my money on phone calls anyway, and I'd rather not waste my time neither on this. Well done, Sweden!

I feel like next year we might see Netherlands, Bosnia and Herzegovina or Sweden as winner.


December 28, 2009
Ehm? The public ARE upset, I barely read any positive reactions in here.

Also, this smells Björkman's idea, but it's still an idea put forward by the whole board (and as far as I'm concerned there's only one Swede there).


Active member
March 21, 2012
It's obvious you live in the Swedish bubble :lol:

Half of Europe (if not more) is corrupted and while it may seem like the strangest thing in the world in eyes of a Swede, it's very common. I mean victories have already been bought in this contest so xshrug

So, I'm naive if I assume that everybody in a game play by the rules? Why is it more relevant to assume that everybody is cheating? If it's true what you're saying, why play at all? What is the point and joy in participating if the only thing that matters is how thick your wallet is or the sheer number of your cousins? I guess "Half of Europe (if not more)" means I should especially count on all East European and the Balkan countries to be the worst. Everybody just knows there isn't a single decent person in these countries and everything is run by the mob. I can only imagine how insulting and hurting it must be to hear. No for me it's very simple and old fashioned: Honourable people don't lie, steal or cheat. If they do, shame on them, shame on them. Bless the people that have to live close to shame.

See it as related to sports, you have to assume that the participants are contesting under equal terms. Sure, there will always be some that cheats (or are forced to cheat) and are doped with various means. Eventually they will be caught.


December 28, 2009
So, I'm naive if I assume that everybody in a game play by the rules? Why is it more relevant to assume that everybody is cheating? If it's true what you're saying, why play at all? What is the point and joy in participating if the only thing that matters is how thick your wallet is or the sheer number of your cousins? I guess "Half of Europe (if not more)" means I should especially count on all East European and the Balkan countries to be the worst. Everybody just knows there isn't a single decent person in these countries and everything is run by the mob. I can only imagine how insulting and hurting it must be to hear. No for me it's very simple and old fashioned: Honourable people don't lie, steal or cheat. If they do, shame on them, shame on them. Bless the people that have to live close to shame.

See it as related to sports, you have to assume that the participants are contesting under equal terms. Sure, there will always be some that cheats (or are forced to cheat) and are doped with various means. Eventually they will be caught.

And you proved my point again :lol:

Well, I have background in those countries and it's part of my study field. I mean the only ones getting offended here are the ones NOT from those countries (like you), while the rest are well-informed about how it all works.

Don't get me wrong though, corruption is everywhere. EBU itself is highly corrupted.


Well-known member
January 18, 2012
And you proved my point again :lol:

Well, I have background in those countries and it's part of my study field. I mean the only ones getting offended here are the ones NOT from those countries (like you), while the rest are well-informed about how it all works.

Don't get me wrong though, corruption is everywhere. EBU itself is highly corrupted.

Just backing up that last line there, this is not the first bit of corruption in the EBU at all. Even in this year's contest, rumours circulated that juries were bribed not to vote for Italy because they couldn't afford to host it this year, and I think that's a very real possibility given the relatively poor position they got for a song of that calibre, as well as Monti's relentless slash and burn austerity. Similarly, Pastora Soler was told to perform in such a way that Spain wouldn't win, for the same reasons. Though the EBU mightn't be as serious and as secretive as the EU, it's still got massive levels of corruption, levels that are the perfect environment for someone like Christer Bjorkman.


Active member
March 21, 2012
And you proved my point again :lol:

Well, I have background in those countries and it's part of my study field. I mean the only ones getting offended here are the ones NOT from those countries (like you), while the rest are well-informed about how it all works.

Don't get me wrong though, corruption is everywhere. EBU itself is highly corrupted.

If it's true what you are saying, why should I believe you? :D And as it happens I don't believe you, sorry. Opportunistic hearsay and slander isn't more credible how often you say it and frankly it's less fun to hear. I have not heard of any cases of corruption in Eurovision. Are there any?


December 28, 2009
If it's true what you are saying, why should I believe you? :D And as it happens I don't believe you, sorry. Opportunistic hearsay and slander isn't more credible how often you say it and frankly it's less fun to hear. I have not heard of any cases of corruption in Eurovision. Are there any?

How come it's slander that I say that alot of Europe including different boards and institutions are corrupt? xshrug

Well... I will not go further into that here though (risk of getting too off-topic). Believe what you want, but the world is no Kumba Ya I'm afraid...


Active member
March 21, 2012
Just backing up that last line there, this is not the first bit of corruption in the EBU at all. Even in this year's contest, rumours circulated that juries were bribed not to vote for Italy because they couldn't afford to host it this year, and I think that's a very real possibility given the relatively poor position they got for a song of that calibre, as well as Monti's relentless slash and burn austerity. Similarly, Pastora Soler was told to perform in such a way that Spain wouldn't win, for the same reasons. Though the EBU mightn't be as serious and as secretive as the EU, it's still got massive levels of corruption, levels that are the perfect environment for someone like Christer Bjorkman.

Come on! What I know, Christer Björkman is only contracted to SVT and is acting on behalf of SVTs participating in Eurovision Song Contest. I can assure you every single öre is counted for. Ridiculous! He has zero personal interest in bribing anyone.

Anyone with even rudimentary insight in accounting knows how difficult it is to hide illegitimate transactions.


Well-known member
May 7, 2011
near zurich airport
Even if i get the reasons: it is a stupid idea! :(

Everyone who has a machine who counts the views for the audience ratings should see this ESC in a friends home or on public viewing instead of on their own tv-screen. ;)
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