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Running order for 2013


Well-known member
March 14, 2011
My side? I didn't say anything before my post related to history. I was just replying to something you said to someone else.

You really bought all of them? :/

The only negative anyone has said in this thread is that our entries have not been up to scratch, which I agree with. Like I said in my previous post, which you obviously ignored, which I'm not at all surprised about. People genuinely want to see the UK do well, but we need to work for it, just like everyone else does.

Exactly! This is what I've been trying to say for a long time now!
The UK has bad results simply because most of the songs suck! I hope that BBC starts actually caring about the contest and starts sending artists and songs with great quality, capable of winning! Camon, a country witha fantastic band such as Florence and the Machine sending something like "That sounds good to me" or "Love will set you free"?

Anyway back on topic, I do agree that the new method may stop something like favourite songs in a row or 5 slow ballads on a row, which is good, but at the same time it is a competition, and every country should have the same chances. As such, a draw is the only correct thing to do in this situation.


Admin Schmadmin
Staff member
June 1, 2009
Los Angeles, USA
MHIY is the only individual here claiming the opposite and knows he is just being stubborn. He made the claim that the UK scored 0 points in 2003 cause of the Iraq war.

And DanielLuis, one of the suggestions were if they want to switch up styles and make it more entertaining, put the songs in 5 categories...upbeat, ballad, rock etc and then randomly choose the running order. Cause no matter what Sweden's going to do, some fans/broadcasters/artists etc will blame them for being bias.


Well-known member
March 27, 2010
I believe that the best for Sweden in order of appearance in the final is the #1# spot. The host country to open the final show!


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
My side? I didn't say anything before my post related to history. I was just replying to something you said to someone else.

You really bought all of them? :/

The only negative anyone has said in this thread is that our entries have not been up to scratch, which I agree with. Like I said in my previous post, which you obviously ignored, which I'm not at all surprised about. People genuinely want to see the UK do well, but we need to work for it, just like everyone else does.
"Your side" - the side of people that you're in agreement with.

Well no I didnt buy them all did I. I listed the one's I've bought. I didnt buy Jemini, James Fox or Daz Sampson, even though tbf they were worthy of being bought, and obviously I didnt buy Abraham.

Lol you've had it drummed into you buy the anti-British faction that we send crap entries :D. Oh well, not much I can do to save you, but I will say this. Im perfectly able to recognise when we've sent a crap entry deserving of last place, like we did in 2008. But with our other entries, sure not all were deserving of a victory but were deserving of doing much better than what they did. If Turkey had sent Touch My Fire, do you really think they'd have come second last?? Dont be such a fool to say yes!


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
MHIY is the only individual here claiming the opposite and knows he is just being stubborn. He made the claim that the UK scored 0 points in 2003 cause of the Iraq war.
Oh so Im stubborn for sticking to what I think? So I should just agree with you's because you think you're right? No thanks, I do have a little self-respect!
And sorry, there is absolutely no doubt that the reason we got zero was because of the Iraq War - unfortunately for our Eurovision result we went to war just a few weeks before the competition.


Active member
July 6, 2010
Leeds, UK
Lol you've had it drummed into you buy the anti-British faction that we send crap entries :D. Oh well, not much I can do to save you, but I will say this. Im perfectly able to recognise when we've sent a crap entry deserving of last place, like we did in 2008. But with our other entries, sure not all were deserving of a victory but were deserving of doing much better than what they did. If Turkey had sent Touch My Fire, do you really think they'd have come second last?? Dont be such a fool to say yes!
Right. Your condescending attitude is really starting to piss me off now. Either talk to people respectfully or don't bother. I'm perfectly capable of forming my own opinion and I'm not anti-British at all. IF YOU WEREN'T IGNORANT YOU WOULD ALSO HAVE SEEN THAT I'VE MADE COMMENT ABOUT THE SUPPORT THE UK HAS TO DO WELL IN THE CONTEST. Is friendly voting an issue? Yes it is, I've never said it hasn't, but we can still win and political voting only affects positions mid-board, but not dramatically. Considering I've studied Music and Music Technology I also think I'm able to decipher what music constitutes a last place... so what?

Part of why we don't do well with flimsy entries as others would is because we don't regularly compete. Ukraine having an off-year this year (in my opinion) but still getting a position is probably because Ukraines delegation has gained fans. People are excited to hear what Sweden or Serbia send because they have a good reputation for sending good songs, the delegations gain fans and they are less likely to be harsh on them because it's just an off year. If they repeated this they would lose support. This is what has happened with the United Kingdom.

Also yes, political voting is an issue and I'm confident everyone agrees with this. But hey, we're so above everyone else because we only benefit from Ireland, Lithuania, Malta and sometimes Belgium. We are so much better than everyone else as far as this concerned! I do think the voting needs fixing, but it's a hard thing to fix... does that mean we should just let other unfair rules be introduced because 'it isn't fair anyway'?

I can admit the faults the UK has as well as other, I'm not going to post in this forum pointing fingers at everyone else like you do. Instead we should all be working together to make it fairer etc. If all you're going to do is point fingers at other people and not take any self-responsibility, others are more likely to dislike us 'even more' even though they don't dislike us in the first place.

And sorry, there is absolutely no doubt that the reason we got zero was because of the Iraq War - unfortunately for our Eurovision result we went to war just a few weeks before the competition.

Your ignorance is unbelievable!


Well-known member
May 22, 2010
Erm, Im not the one calling anybody ignorant, am I?
And actually, Im quite the opposite of ignorant anyway, I never insult anybody personally :).

Your opinions change by the post. First you were making out as if there's no problem, now that I've proven there is a problem you're agreeing with that but writing a whole load of rubbish defending it! Crazy!

God it's really catching on this making stuff up that I've supposedly said but havent really! If you can read properly you will in fact find that my statement to start with was Eurovision isnt fair anyway, so why are you bothered about this new rule being "unfair", as if it's going to corrupt the virginal contest or something! And no one's answered that point properly, just made stuff up and talked about British Eurovision entries.

Most of them dont want to "work together" to make it fairer, they're happy to wallow in the unfairness when it benefits their countries.


Active member
July 6, 2010
Leeds, UK
Erm, Im not the one calling anybody ignorant, am I?
And actually, Im quite the opposite of ignorant anyway, I never insult anybody personally :).

Your opinions change by the post. First you were making out as if there's no problem, now that I've proven there is a problem you're agreeing with that but writing a whole load of rubbish defending it! Crazy!

God it's really catching on this making stuff up that I've supposedly said but havent really! If you can read properly you will in fact find that my statement to start with was Eurovision isnt fair anyway, so why are you bothered about this new rule being "unfair", as if it's going to corrupt the virginal contest or something! And no one's answered that point properly, just made stuff up and talked about British Eurovision entries.

Most of them dont want to "work together" to make it fairer, they're happy to wallow in the unfairness when it benefits their countries.
My opinion has not changed. You've made assumptions all along this discussion.

I've never said anything Anti-British, yet you've accused me of such, and at no point did I disagree that political voting was an issue.
All I've argued is that the UK hasn't deserved better results than it's had.

Your last sentence is so ignorant and judgemental it's untrue. Do you actually know that? Or have you just made the assumption.

Once again you've conveniently ignoring something I've repeated 3 times, that people are rooting for the UK to win. This is why I have called you ignorant, which you have been.

It's also hilarious the amount of people you claim to be 'making things up'. Who else has pointed this out? No one, because it isn't true. If you're going to discuss something, discuss it, don't start making false accusations when you're feeling challenged. If you're in the right it will fight for itself without coming up with lies, changing the topic and conveniently ignoring things people say if it doesn't fit your agenda.


December 28, 2009
And DanielLuis, one of the suggestions were if they want to switch up styles and make it more entertaining, put the songs in 5 categories...upbeat, ballad, rock etc and then randomly choose the running order. Cause no matter what Sweden's going to do, some fans/broadcasters/artists etc will blame them for being bias.

I think this would be the best way to do it, have someone suggested this to EBU or can we make a petition or something?


December 28, 2009
Will this also be chosen by producers or will it be picked through the voting-bloc pots as previous years?


Well-known member
March 20, 2010
United Kingdom
The semi-allocation is done by random draw. It's only the running order (in both semis and final) that the producers will meddle with.


February 4, 2012
The reason why it was decided not to have a fair draw was to avoid balads or up-tempos performing one after another because the telespectators were getting bored and now it will be decided on the 17th of Jan when not even half of the songs are known?Based on what criteria will Romania be placed in the order list to perform when we didn't even have a national selection yet?


Well-known member
March 14, 2011
The allocation draw is only to decide which countries are singing in each semi-final, not the running order. And it's made using the same pot system as always.


Well-known member
December 6, 2010
The allocation draw is only to decide which countries are singing in each semi-final, not the running order. And it's made using the same pot system as always.

Yes,but no one has informed us,
IF each semi will be separated in two parts.


December 28, 2009
The reason why it was decided not to have a fair draw was to avoid balads or up-tempos performing one after another because the telespectators were getting bored and now it will be decided on the 17th of Jan when not even half of the songs are known?Based on what criteria will Romania be placed in the order list to perform when we didn't even have a national selection yet?

The supposed 'reason' is a cover up for corruption and bias, but I think you mixed it up here. They will just draw what countries will enter in what semi and not the actual running-order.

I still think if they want to have SOME credibility left with this change of rules, then they should atleast put the entries in 'genre-pots' and then randomly draw the running order from that, instead of totally non-transparent and undemocratic choose the running-order without any fairness what-so-ever.


ESC Moderator
March 27, 2010
Yes,but no one has informed us,
IF each semi will be separated in two parts.

That was confirmed ages ago.
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