Active member
It's not called Eurovision Song Contest for no reason at all. And yeah, it works pretty much as a sports-event! Countries choose their representative and compete, the only difference is that it's in music and not in sports (and therefor it's a bit more complex to judge it).
I think people downgrade Eurovision, why is grown men running around kicking a round ball so much more 'worthy' that it needs to be taken serious but when it's music it's 'just a fun show'? I will never understand that mindset. To me Eurovision was ALWAYS the musical equivalence to the Olympics or UEFA European Championship. The most sad part is that people calling themselves Eurovision fans and even members of a fan forum ridicule and downtalk the concept.
I don't agree at all. It's impossible to compete in music since there are no objective ways to compare acts. There are no ways you can apply fundamental rules. It's all about subjective taste so a "fair game" is just nonsense. Still there are some real fun to do it anyway, arguing about "best song", "best act" and rooting for your favourites. But the moment nationalism or butthurt revisionism enter the debate, the whole thing become utterly bizarre and rather repulsive BMO.