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Running order for 2013


ESC Moderator
March 27, 2010
Well sh*t happens too if the producers like our money :D. After all, we pay for the contest, Im not going to apologise for us receiving benefits in return.

You already receive a massive benefit in not having to qualify for the final. If you had to qualify, the UK would almost never see the final because most of their recent songs have been dire. How much further does it go? If the UK pays for even more more of the contest maybe they can award themselves the trophy and save us the trouble of having a competition?

Effectively you are advocating bribery, which is almost as funny as it is pathetic.


Active member
March 10, 2011
lmao, Heart is totally carried away by his own thinking that Britain is the natural candidate for a good starting position...... oh my.... :lol:


Well-known member
May 31, 2011
To be fair, the BBC has quite improved in recent years. xshifty This does not legitimate special treatment in my opinion but the contest was never completely fair or exempt from strategic influences. At least the running order determination is somewhat transparent, unlike the jury thing for example. Still do not really approve of the idea but I am interested to see how it is going to work out. My guess is they won't handle it too blatantly (e.g. putting all of the Big5 in the last third; the favourite, however, if from a western country will sure performe late).


Well-known member
February 24, 2010
Oslo, Norway
I am sure that as soon as the running order is known - the hosts will have a lot to answer for. Amongst the first in the field there will sure be quite a lot of dissatisfaction. That is inevitable, I think.
So even though it might be "good for the show" - I still cant support this new change.


Active member
July 7, 2011
No one will have special treatment. However I'd very much doubt the reference group would approve something like

1 UK
2 Germany
3 Sweden
4 Norway
5 Greece

They will probably space out the big ratings broadcasters towards the end more often to entice more viewers throughout and thus votes. Look at any TV show with big name Celebs or controversial acts on a singing program they will be kept towards the end more and more for a pay off for the viewer. It just makes sense as a business. UK 2010 would have got no favors for example. UK 2012/2011 would probably have been later in the draw, France 2009 later, Russia 2012 would have been last 5. They won't want a situation where people begin to channel hop after their entry and wait for the voting.


Well-known member
March 14, 2011
I was reading this: Eurovision Song Contest 2013 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What's this about Denmark and Norway being already allocated? Or is it some random moron editing?

They were already allocated to because their Sweden's neighbours. Its a way to find more space to international fans in the show, instead of swedish, norwegian and danish people filling the arena, supposedly.
I think it hasnt been said here, but it has already been confirmed that Sweden's running order in the final will be selected by draw.


Active member
January 30, 2012
Ah okay... I see what they mean. I have missed it then!

Thanks for clearing it out :)


Active member
January 21, 2012
I think the move away from a random draw is a bad idea for transparency and fairness but understand why they have decided to do it from the point of view of producers not wanting, for example, 5 ballads in a row. However, can anyone remember when that's happened? The songs are always punctuated with the 'postcards' too so I don't really think deciding the order will have any impact on the 'feel' of the show. If people were tuning in just to see their country they'll still do that too - surely- regardless of how their position is decided and where they perform.

If the creative team are that worried about wanting to control the running order, then why not have entries grouped by 'genre' (in the same way they have been in the past based on previous voting patterns - for the semis) and then draw randomly, to ensure you get a ballad, followed by up-tempo then classical etc. I suspect they want more control than that - like 'big draw' (famous) acts and 'popular' countries towards the end.

Hmm. I don't know. Eurovision is an entertainment show but it's also a competition that needs to be as fair as possible.

And what's all this about no LCD screens this year? I know the EBU said after Azerbaijan the show could be 'smaller' but - well managed - isn't the show getting as big as it is nowadays a good thing?


Well-known member
March 27, 2012
Omg, do you guys don't love that decision? In the NF in Sweden (MF) all starting numbers are setted up, and every NF final is very successfull. That they will not make the starting numbers random is fantastic. Because common, 2011 all the high-up-tempo songs was in the beginning of the show and the slow songs were in the end. Trust me, SVT will make it good ;)


Well-known member
March 27, 2012
And by the way, do you think Sweden will try to ruin your chanses to win? They are going to make a set-up that is fitting for everyone, and believe me Sweden will not take the best starting-number like that ;)


December 28, 2009
Omg, do you guys don't love that decision? In the NF in Sweden (MF) all starting numbers are setted up, and every NF final is very successfull. That they will not make the starting numbers random is fantastic. Because common, 2011 all the high-up-tempo songs was in the beginning of the show and the slow songs were in the end. Trust me, SVT will make it good ;)

MF fantastic?? :lol:

The running order in MF is totally corrupt, who are you trying to fool?


Well-known member
April 6, 2010
I don't care at all about the running order. It's impact is overestimated.


Active member
March 21, 2012
To you have any stats or data backing your claim or are you just saying it? Cause all data and research done indicates the opposite.

No, it's probably not. The reliable reasonings I've seen is that any statistical result is inconclusive. Only one thing can be said with at least some certainty: It's better to be placed later in the show than in the beginning. (don't ask me for a source since all this are third person references). Are there any new analysis saying anything else?

Filip is just telling how all Swedes (except A-lister :D) thinks about this - a good show is the most important! Let the various TV people get the power and freedom to do their thing.


Admin Schmadmin
Staff member
June 1, 2009
Los Angeles, USA
No, it's probably not. The reliable reasonings I've seen is that any statistical result is inconclusive. Only one thing can be said with at least some certainty: It's better to be placed later in the show than in the beginning. (don't ask me for a source since all this are third person references). Are there any new analysis saying anything else?

Filip is just telling how all Swedes (except A-lister :D) thinks about this - a good show is the most important! Let the various TV people get the power and freedom to do their thing.

all swedes? have to talked to OGAE Sweden about this? Lolz. They don't feel that way. And since is anybody here speaking on behalf of "All Swedes" or "All people"... Was he elected by the people to represent them? And even if the majority of Swedes agree with the running order, that won't change the fact that the remaining countries do not which is why Sweden is being criticized for that. So whether the Swedes agree or not won't change that fact.

and yes, there are several links in this thread talking about the draw, scientific research by Universities. Feel free to check'em out.

You cannot have a conversation when you make a statement but then tell me not to ask for a source, otherwise i can say I can say that Sweden only wants to steal everyone's ketchup bottles but don't ask me for a source.


December 28, 2009
Filip is just telling how all Swedes (except A-lister :D) thinks about this - a good show is the most important! Let the various TV people get the power and freedom to do their thing.

All Swedes? I find it funny how you always know what 'all Swedes' think, you must be some sort oracle :lol:

I like democracy, no corruption and fair-play... I know we tend to disagree there so I'm not surprised you're supporting the change :lol:


December 28, 2009
A good show is the most important thing. And this new rule will bring a better show!

I hope you'll be eating up your own words then when all of the board's favorites gets the best positions, and everything becomes highly predictable and unfair (not necessarily good) :lol:
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