O jeigu aš turėčiau puikią dainą „Eurovizijai“, ar man irgi reikėtų prieš tai atlikti lietuvišką šliagerį (na, o dabar parodyk Mamontovai, kaip dainuoji) ir išklausyti patarimus iš žmonių, kuriems pats galėčiau patarti?
So if I had a good song for Eurovision, would I also have to perform Lithuanian schlager first ('Now show us, Mamontovas, how you sing!') and listen to advice from people whom I could advise myself?
After defending LRT's decision to keep the format based on ratings success, he says "Under the previous system, three or four strong performers would show up with their songs, and 30 misunderstandings." (As opposed to the current system, in which a few strong performers might show up and be forced to perform songs they didn't choose and that mostly don't suit them. And with the length of the show, that's a whole lot more than 30 misunderstandings.) "The system isn't perfect, but it was actually inspired by famous LT performers' slight desire to participate in the selection, when the system was different" (You know, a few established artists did participate in previous selections, if that's what's important - the ones who bothered to work with songwriters and show up with their own songs, same as the unknowns did.) "It's easy to pose a rhetorical question - what if someone or another would go - but the truth is that in the past few years, before the system change, they just didn't go." (Is he actually telling Mamontovas that he couldn't have gotten into the selection before? I don't think I need to explain how ridiculous that is, but SEE PREVIOUS ANSWER. The format did not need to be made more welcoming toward performers who can't even be trusted with their own songs, just because they're famous or whatever. And he has something seriously backward, because prior to 2014, most of the songs in the selections were written by Lithuanian artists, whereas this year, it was reported that all but 10 of 168 songs submitted came from abroad. TEN. Did I mention that this guy is a music journalist?)Nenoriu įsivelti į diskusiją, bet kartais pastebiu, jog net ir suprantantys situaciją kartais nutyli, kodėl sistema yra tokia, kokia yra. Mano galva, tai paprasta – televizija dalyvauja Eurovizijoje ir nori ta proga padaryti žiūrimų laidų (argumento „LRT – visuomeninis transliuotojas, jam išvis neturi rūpėt reitingas“ nenaudokime, nes reitingas rūpi visiems ir tai nesikeis). Pagal ankstesnes sistemas ateidavo trys keturi stiprūs atlikėjai su savo dainomis. Ir 30 nesusipratimų. Tai ir buvo sugalvota taip, kaip yra dabar – būdas septynias aštuonias savaites eteryje matyti neblogus atlikėjus. Sistema netobula, bet realiai ją įkvėpė menkas žinomų LT atlikėjų noras eiti į atrankas, kai sistema buvo kitokia. P.S. lengva uždavinėti retorinius klausimus, kas būtų, jei eitų tas ar anas, bet tiesa ta, kad pastaruosius keletą metų iki sistemos pakeitimo jie tiesiog nėjo.
Why don't Lithuania scrap this selection and just get Ten Walls to compose a song?
Is it that time of the week again.
Think of the positives, it's one week closer to the end of it
Very encouraging to hear about Leon Somov submitting a song: if it is written to the standard of Lower Than The Ground and Ka Tu Su Manim Darai then we're in for a treat. Hopefully MIA wins with his song.
This was number #1 in Lithuania.