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Hungary HUNGARY 2015 - Boggie - Wars for nothing

How do you rate this song?

  • 12

    28 13.7%
  • 10

    11 5.4%
  • 8

    16 7.8%
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    15 7.4%
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    14 6.9%
  • 5

    21 10.3%
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    10 4.9%
  • 3

    16 7.8%
  • 2

    22 10.8%
  • 1

    10 4.9%
  • 0

    41 20.1%

  • Total voters


May 14, 2013
This song is banal beyond words, so many clichés shouldn't be crammed into 3 minutes. Earns points for cuteness though.


Well-known member
May 4, 2013
I feel so bad when a singer goes to Eurovision with a weak song after releasing a beautiful hit.... like Parfum, in this case.


Well-known member
March 19, 2012
I might be in a minority but I find this utterly charming, in a similar way I abolustely adored När Jag Blundar - fear this won't qualify either.

Anthony Tesla

Well-known member
January 26, 2011
I'm have mixed feelings here...the first part of the song is as cliché, cheesy and corny as this kind of songs in Eurovision tend to go. It was boring, it felt artificial, too calculated with the most generic message of "peace & love" I could found this year...

...the second part, however, turns out to have a more authentic feeling: it is still corny, but this part actually had some class and quiet elegance I admire in Eurovision entries that go against the over-the-top cheesiness.

I'm gonna divide it: 6/12


March 3, 2013
Despite the lyrics getting ubercheesy at times, the melody and her voice make this song extremely enjoyable anyway. So, good choice Hungary (eventhough Boggie got much better songs) :mrgreen:


Well-known member
October 3, 2009
Zaragoza (Spain)
This was my fave before the final. I'm still satisfied with this (I gave it 12 points), but I must say there is a huge difference between the charming and enjoyable studio version and the live version that looks kinda incomplete, plain.


Admin Schmadmin
Staff member
June 1, 2009
Los Angeles, USA
Despite the lyrics getting ubercheesy at times, the melody and her voice make this song extremely enjoyable anyway. So, good choice Hungary (eventhough Boggie got much better songs) :mrgreen:

I had the exact same thoughts. The lyrics make me cringe a little at times but I find the melody very soothing and it's kinda folky and I totally dig that kind of music. This is definitely a jury please but only time will tell if the televoters will fall for it as it is more of a acquired sound.


March 10, 2013
The song is really boring.
I wish good luck to Hungary, but to be honest I don't think this song will reach the final...


Well-known member
March 19, 2012
Nice video, really like this entry - it has a genuine charm many other entires this year don't.


Well-known member
October 26, 2011
A reader of the French blogs where I write articles pointed this article quoting an article published in an ultranationalist French Jewish website :

Eurovision 2015: avec sa chanson anti-israélienne, la Hongrie part favorite ! | JSSNews

It says that Boggie's song is antisemit because the background used in A Dal includes the operation Tsouk Eitan.
The words used in the article are quite xpuke I translate the beginning :
"How to win when you live in a shabby country not worth anything ? Bullying (once more) Jews of course! And, as this country understood you have to put on stage an ugly singer to win, they picked all the chances to become the kings of European musical culture (remember the last two winning countries : a bearded woman and nordic monsters)" [note from me : is Emmelie de Forest a nordic monster, really :rolleyes:]
Then it says that Israel bad lucks comes from antismitism and hatred of Israel and tells of the incriminated background.

Now, I'd like to know if our Israelian forumers feel offended by this song, serioulsy, or if it's a deal in Israel. Because, frankly, one part of my relatives are Jewish, but I feel offended by such an article. All the more as comments below call her Jobbik's puppet or say that Hungary is a bunch of nazis...

Really, I find it dreadful that some people use Eurovision only to put themselves against the others or to set everybody on war... That's quite desillusionnal... :(


Active member
March 13, 2015
As a Ukrainian Christian lives in Israel for the past decade, I can tell that the Israeli believe that Israel's side of the operation was not reported at the west-European media properly. That's why every mention of the supposedly "victim" seems unfair and biased to them so they get sensitive.
The Jews in those western countries were dealt with a rough treatment and bullying in the streets (mostly by Arab immigrants). The bullying were explained by this operation between Israel and Hamas. This bullying continues until today..
All that happens either because people cannot separate the Israeli government between and the Jewish people or either because of a pure antisemitism which conveniently explained by Israeli operations.


Active member
March 1, 2012
we shall overcooooome...... hungary doing an israel this year with the charm of a depressed bingohall announcer. god will there ever come a year in eurovision where we are spared from this kind of pretentious bullshit


Well-known member
March 1, 2015
Village in Slovenia
A reader of the French blogs where I write articles pointed this article quoting an article published in an ultranationalist French Jewish website :

Eurovision 2015: avec sa chanson anti-israélienne, la Hongrie part favorite ! | JSSNews

It says that Boggie's song is antisemit because the background used in A Dal includes the operation Tsouk Eitan.
The words used in the article are quite xpuke I translate the beginning :
"How to win when you live in a shabby country not worth anything ? Bullying (once more) Jews of course! And, as this country understood you have to put on stage an ugly singer to win, they picked all the chances to become the kings of European musical culture (remember the last two winning countries : a bearded woman and nordic monsters)" [note from me : is Emmelie de Forest a nordic monster, really :rolleyes:]
Then it says that Israel bad lucks comes from antismitism and hatred of Israel and tells of the incriminated background.

Now, I'd like to know if our Israelian forumers feel offended by this song, serioulsy, or if it's a deal in Israel. Because, frankly, one part of my relatives are Jewish, but I feel offended by such an article. All the more as comments below call her Jobbik's puppet or say that Hungary is a bunch of nazis...

Really, I find it dreadful that some people use Eurovision only to put themselves against the others or to set everybody on war... That's quite desillusionnal... :(

Well, if this were so as that article says, then I don't know what to say about Slovenians :geek: I think that many Israelis and Diaspora Jews misinterpret this modern "antisemtism" which in my opinion often originates in European distaste for USA. When I read public fora, I come across statements such as: Israel is USA's 53rd state. Israel is an American military base.

Of course, this is totally mistaken, because Israeli goverment, albeit in good relations with D.C., doesn't care/listen much what their American "bosses" tell them. However, people are ignorant - not only in Europe, but also in Israel.

Anyways, my point is that there is still antisemitism going on in Europe, but I think this "modern" antisemitism has nothing to do with religion anymore, but rather modern political situation...

But to make it clear, I LOVE ISRAEL, TEL AVIV, and above all TSABARIM. HOLIM CHADASHIM can be annoying too many times, especially the French and American ones. The former are arrogant butheads, while the former are so loud that one can barely stand them screaming in streets ;)
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