Yep, for Ukraine 2016?
Someone with connections in the French delegation needs to tell them the staging needs serious work based on the song's premiere. The 3 female dancers looked ingongruous - both what they were wearing and how they were dancing. Focus needs to be on Amir, and his selling the song with his charisma and engaging the audience. It's a toe-tapper that encourages a clap-a-long - he needs to do this at ESC. He needs to get viewers/audience engaged in the song.
The staging will be revealed on March 12th during a tv show (The "Le DiCaire Show" on France 2), which would have been basically the actual premiere had the secret about the artist chosen been kept. And Amir said they've been working on the staging and technology on offer in Stockhom since February, so they truly seem to seek a staging that fits the song.
Really ?? because i read that only in Morandini blog i think.