It seems pointless to say that sleaze and self-parodizing Eurodance is already overdone in this year's contest. In terms of vulgarity, this is the worst one yet. The lyrics, the voice and the way he's crawling at the camera is just predatory and disturbing. It goes beyond the usual horny-creepiness-played-for-laughs a la Günther, Knucklebone Oscar, Donny Benet etc. and it's actually going to make many viewers feel dirty, almost violated. For some reason, those acts had an element of sincere self-awareness that this appears to lack, at least in the video.
And creatively, it just feels old and stale. This sleazy self-parody was already done to death in the last years of Eurodance in the 90s. Musically, it's not that bad, kind of above-average arrangement but needlessly repetitive. I miss a real bridge and sense of development to the end.
I'll be really interested to see a live performance, though. Hopefully, they'll skip the crawling and tongue movements that make it so icky to watch. One way i can see them going is to tone it down and try to make a "respectable" entry of this, get more of an irony out of the contrast between appearance and lyrics, rather than something too similar to the video.
Either way, it's not one of the worst entries of the year, i put it above the (all quite similar) amateurish VAEB and dreadful Emmy, but below Tommy Cash, Erika and Red Sebastian. It's gonna have a hard time in the contest with all these similar entries though, i don't think they can count on making the final.
Oh and just as i was gonna click post it strikes me... all the jokes about "Milkshake Man vs. Coffee Man" are gonna get annoying, i'm sure...