^ I had a feeling keeping it a secret for you guys would be difficult once given a hint.
I'm gonna try this out after all, so let's see where this'll bring us.
Dječaci is, as already mentioned, a Croatian alternative rap-group with a slightly different approach to the genre than what you usually experience. Hope you'll be as strangely appealed by it as I was.
Mali Ante iz Spinuta - Little Rod from Cape Cod
živija je preko puta - lived just across the road
jednu noć u kasni sat - one night, about twelve o'clock
dućan iša opljačkat - he went out to rob a shop
pa je vlasnik izvadija - so the owner took out the
mali Ante sad živi - Little Rod now lives
na Lovrincu - on the graveyard
Mali Stipe iz Varoša - Little Lou from Waterloo
srednju školu nije proša - didn't pass the high school
jednu noć u kasni sat - one night, late and shady
ženu iša silovat - he went out to rape a lady
al je žena izvadila - but the lady took out the
mali Stipe sad živi - Little Lou now lives
na Lovrincu - on the graveyard
Mali Gogi s Mertojaka - Little Casey from the Basin
pričalo se da je maka - there were talks that he went crazy
nekoj babi iša vrat - he went to cut some granny's neck
sa nožinom prerezat - he approached her from the back
al je baba izvadila - but the granny took out the
mali Gogi sad živi - little Casey now lives
na Lovrincu - on the graveyard
Mali Duje sa Kmana - Little Chuckie from the Buckley
svi su znali da je đana - it was known that he was junkie
dilera je iša zvat - his dealer received the call
da mu dug neće dat - if the payoff could wait more
diler doša izvadia - dealer came and took out the
mali Duje sad živi - little Chuckie now lives
na Lovrincu - on the graveyard
Na Lovrincu, na Lovrincu - On the graveyard, on the graveyard
cili Split je na Lovrincu - the whole town is on the graveyard
kriminalci, mafijaši, lupeži i drogeraši - the criminals and the mobsters, the drug addicts and the robbers
na Lovrincu tu je disko - on the graveyard there is a night club
svi smo mrtvi, umrli smo - we are all dead, we all died
psihopati, pedofili - psycopaths and pedophiles
na Lovrincu Split je cili - the whole town's there