Here's an idea............ send something half decent. Avoid talent show rejects, avoid cliches. Go for something fresh. Something heartfelt and sincere. Something a bit different, daring. We deserve these results. Every single result we've received recently. As the show started and Graham Norton made some comment about Joe & Jake and the possibility of victory, my father made a comment along the lines of "It's all political anyway and we won't win whatever song we have". Bull flipping poo. We can win. We've sent absolutely NOTHING that has stood out over the past few years. There was of course the Molly wave that the vast majority of us were riding and looking back, my gosh that was embarrassing. The song was alright (nothing more) and so all of a sudden it was the
best thing ever. People associate our country with quality music and we provide naff, lightweight, easy listening drivel year after year.
We got what we deserved tonight. I saw the result coming an absolute mile off
(only one place off my own personal prediction for us which was 25th. Dammit I got it absolutely spot on the year before). The only thing that upsets me is seeing the glorious Czech Republic entry unfairly behind us. I'm sick and tired of our approach with Eurovision. I want to feel proud of my own entry, just the once. Is that too much to ask?
Ending on a more positive note, go our jury!! Rewarding my two favourites Georgia 12 and Ukraine 10
Got out a fist pump for that hotness
A far cry from when we had to endure our jury getting hot over Dina's "What If" a few years ago.