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United Kingdom UNITED KINGDOM 2014 - Molly - Children of the Universe

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    32 7.6%

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Active member
March 10, 2013
To be fair a folk song might be the way to go, they tend to do a lot better at eurovision.


Well-known member
March 20, 2010
United Kingdom
Well when fans stop caring, sooner or later they will also stop watching; and when viewing figures begin to drop very low then the BBC will have to make a change. Although what brings in the viewing numbers is that they advertise the hell out of it. Several adverts a day in the weeks leading up, and making it to national tea time news etc.

There's a big difference between die hard fans and casual viewers.

Die hards are fed up with the BBC's lack of interest and have largely given up hope of any decent effort. We still love Eurovision, though. We can focus on cheering on our favourites from around Europe instead.

Casual viewers are barely aware we're not trying. No one tries at Eurovision do they? Anyway, Humperwotsit has a funny name, lol. Casuals will happily keep watching for the parade of freaks and ironically cheer on the grandpa we've wheeled out for the year. They'll keep watching no problem.


Active member
February 19, 2010
Omicron Persei 8
I think people just want to see some form of development or shift in the way the contest is treated. Not only is the BBC's selection usually ****, but it's also getting boring for the UK fan's. I think it's got to that ridiculous point now where not only do fans expect a **** decision, but even if a good decision was internally selected... most people will now have their backs turned the other way and not notice.

It would be nice to inject some life into the UK participation, the sad thing is fans are starting not to care how.


Because the person in charge of Channel 4 was responsible for Scooch doesn't necessarily mean that would be the case, Channel 4 have a lot more credibility on the musical front than the other channels (ie T4 RIP etc) - I'm sorry ITV but X Factor does not make you credible.

I'm just sick of BBC obviously not giving a crap every year. Maybe a new channel would be really keen to make an effort.


Active member
March 10, 2013
United States
I don't know how British television works but in the U.S. there is HUGE emphasis on the 18-49 demo because younger people are more likely going to go out and spend money on products being advertised. That's why its so strange to me when the BBC pick someone who is like over 60.

I understand those artists are well known names and do bring ratings but why can't they chose a YOUNG well known name for ratings? I know they will NEVER get Adele but there are younger known artists who aren't currently doing anything big so why not give them a call?

Its strange to see young singers who were big for an era or two and no longer on contract do stuff like dancing/skating with the stars before they end up on West End. Like doing those shows are somehow better and make them less of a has been.


Well-known member
March 20, 2010
United Kingdom
I don't know how British television works but in the U.S. there is HUGE emphasis on the 18-49 demo because younger people are more likely going to go out and spend money on products being advertised. That's why its so strange to me when the BBC pick someone who is like over 60.

Bear in mind BBC don't have adverts.


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Bear in mind BBC don't have adverts.

I think that's the main issue over hosting the contest - Because its a no-advert channel with its funding from television licence fee. So they will find it incredibly difficult to make any sort of profit out of hosting the contest (if they win). Thats one of the reason why they don't try now.


Staff member
September 28, 2009

Gettin rich

Just sayin: Eurovision brought 1,1 billion ad value to Malmö. This is based on a report from Malmö stad published in July. Initial input of 2 million EURO by the city + cost of various extra services during the ESC-days.

But this is irrelevant, the BBC would in no way be able to make this much from hosting Eurovision. The broadcaster is covered by various strict policies that forbid it from making advertising revenue and so to make such a profit would cause a media outcry


Active member
March 21, 2012
^^ I haven't read the report in detail, just news articles about it, but as I understand it they counted long term indirect ("dynamic") effects as well as direct effects (e.g. tourist revenues for living, shopping etc). They also evaluated non-economic factors such as information spread, goodwill, investments triggering etc. So, it's not just direct income to the city (and it's in SEK :D). These factors are probably more important for a small city like Malmö compared with for example London.

Besides, isn't what you said relevant for all public service broadcasters including SVT, not just BBC?

Here is the report in original for anyone interested: Eurovision Song Contest Malmö 2013 - En analys av direkta och dynamiska effekter Berglund&Wiberg consulting


Active member
March 10, 2013
United States
Bear in mind BBC don't have adverts.

Well that explains a lot then :oops: Reading the last few pages it appears that the BBC attitude hasn't changed at all although that's not a big surprise at all.

I still think a younger singer who's not doing anything big at the moment would be ideal over a over 50 singer who's doing the same. I mean what about all those X-Factor acts who had a brief moment in the sun and then disappeared. Its just crazy that a few years ago Maria Lawson and Same Difference tried to make it for Switzerland when they could have been pretty great for the UK (I liked both songs).


Well-known member
March 20, 2010
United Kingdom
Well that explains a lot then :oops: Reading the last few pages it appears that the BBC attitude hasn't changed at all although that's not a big surprise at all.

I still think a younger singer who's not doing anything big at the moment would be ideal over a over 50 singer who's doing the same. I mean what about all those X-Factor acts who had a brief moment in the sun and then disappeared. Its just crazy that a few years ago Maria Lawson and Same Difference tried to make it for Switzerland when they could have been pretty great for the UK (I liked both songs).

It's not as if the last few pages are based on anything factual. As usual, we know nothing.

I don't want X Factor rejects, though. Makes Eurovision look inferior to other shows and mixes it in with reality tv.


Active member
March 10, 2013
United States
Well I mean how many countries this year used X Factor/Voice participants as their representatives? How many of those types participate in national finals every year?

I read through the other threads and people always mention how they would love so and so to try out or how their happy so and so are participating cause they liked that person on the show. Its only in the UK thread that people really get dismissive or high and mighty when people mention a former contestant as a possibility. Things with the BBC are so bad you would think Brits would be happy when someone actually expresses interest yet the reaction is always eww not him/her.

At this point people really shouldn't be too picky. I think a Same Difference/Maria Lawson type would be better than another Englebert/Bonnie one. xshrug


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Don't put everyone in that boat :/ I'm open to a participant/winner of the Factor/BGT/Voice being our participant as long as they sing with a decent voice and have a decent song. But face it, it will take a miracle for the BBC, to even think to do something like that. As you put, people are always offering themselves up for eurovision. But they're tossed down. Its because the Executives have too much say in what goes, People (including people who do eurovision for the BBC) always give suggestion on how to improve but they're continuously denied and pushed away because the executives are simple minded and stuck in their way.


Active member
March 10, 2013
United States
Nothings going to change until the oldies (whoever they are) at the BBC retire or get replaced by someone who's either younger or has more imagination.

I mean if they don't want to win and host fine but there are ways you can get decent results and still not win. You know like starting by picking someone younger and giving them a current/modern song. The BBC can still put in the same lame effort they do now but I bet the results would improve enough to keep fans happy and prevent the UK from being an embarrassment.


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013

Going around on the rumour mill xD Makes sense, it's 3 mins, and the one that can't sing live doesn't have a proper solo. Sweet!

Lol the Saturdays? Lets not go crazy :lol: i'll believe it when i say it announced.


Well-known member
March 20, 2010
United Kingdom
Well I mean how many countries this year used X Factor/Voice participants as their representatives? How many of those types participate in national finals every year?

I read through the other threads and people always mention how they would love so and so to try out or how their happy so and so are participating cause they liked that person on the show. Its only in the UK thread that people really get dismissive or high and mighty when people mention a former contestant as a possibility. Things with the BBC are so bad you would think Brits would be happy when someone actually expresses interest yet the reaction is always eww not him/her.

At this point people really shouldn't be too picky. I think a Same Difference/Maria Lawson type would be better than another Englebert/Bonnie one. xshrug

I think it's a bit of a different situation in places like Sweden and Estonia, where Eurovision is a big enough draw to attract reality show winners and performers who have made an actual career out of karaoke tv. In a country where Eurovision is looked down upon as a joke, selecting a failed reality show wannabe gives credibility to neither the artist or the programme.

Maybe these shows also have a different reputation in other countries. Do people fear and loathe their version of Simon Cowell as the dark lord of pop in the same way we do?


Active member
July 6, 2010
Leeds, UK
The problem with the whole X-Factor thing is that the suggestions are always shitty. Yes, Sweden for example, does use X-factor finalists in their National Final, but there's a huge difference between Loreen competing and then Rylan (who is constantly heavily suggested) competing. I wouldn't mind X-factor suggestions so much, but it's the joke acts or outdated acts that are suggested. If Misha B, Amelia Lily, Cher Lloyd (as much as the media here like to bully her) and other such acts were suggested, it wouldn't be such a negative thing.

It all boils down to the fact that people in the UK (generally) don't understand Eurovision, due to how heavily misrepresented it is by the BBC.


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Well the whole novelty acts like Rylan and Jedward lay with the judges for putting them through to live shows when they should of been ditched long before. Makes you think its purposely done for viewing figures. Luckily there isn't a novelty act in the live shows this year. But your point is right, the wrong people are suggested from these shows, and we will be seen as a joke for sending someone like Rylan, in fact the only joke/novelty act to do well is Jedwerd.
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