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United Kingdom UNITED KINGDOM 2014 - Molly - Children of the Universe

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Active member
July 7, 2011
It's a shame. It doesn't need to be flogged constantly on tv, I think it does well for promotion on tv, you only need to use tv promotion really when it is coming up. I'm talking about things like the BBC twitter and facebook accounts. It's not exactly headline news that EVERYONE needs to talk about, but I think it should be news the UK delegation encourages the fans from the UK to talk about. I wouldn't be surprised if the UK delegation had absolutely no idea today happened. It would just be nice to know the team cares and is passionate about the contest, just like they make out in answers to complaints.

The BBC entertainment team reported it on twitter yesterday giving links to the official Eurovision site. There won't be anything on the web page as it was the launch of SCD website yesterday announcing the celebs. Both websites are run by the same web producers so it did fall on the worst day for them. Perhaps the biggers insult is not to mention the BBCs first commentator died yesterday directly. Obviously the news did.

There have been fans that worked as prodcers and had ideas but they were always shot down and said it was the most disheartening thing to occur. I have a feeling the team as a whole probably know what to do, but the bosses in suits haven't watched it in years and water everything down to weak cliches.


Active member
July 6, 2010
Leeds, UK
Wouldn't that have been more important for the BBC Eurovision twitter?
I've heard about people being shot down for ideas, which is a shame if that's the case. Shouldn't the bosses just leave them to it and only shoot them down if the content is offensive and other such things? If they're going to be like that, we might as well not have an ESC team and just have these big bosses make all the decisions. Why aren't the team allowed to to make valid contributions to the the project they work on? :/


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
ohh According to wikipedia we've confirmed participation for next year - our country is even coloured in on the map :lol:


Active member
July 7, 2011
Wouldn't that have been more important for the BBC Eurovision twitter?
I've heard about people being shot down for ideas, which is a shame if that's the case. Shouldn't the bosses just leave them to it and only shoot them down if the content is offensive and other such things? If they're going to be like that, we might as well not have an ESC team and just have these big bosses make all the decisions. Why aren't the team allowed to to make valid contributions to the the project they work on? :/

I think that has been the question for years the team had Morrisey writing a song then bosses say he must sing it so he buggers off, the team are approached by Melua and again told to bugger off by bosses, Hurts were in talks to write the song in 2012 and the bosses picked Engelbert. Then this year Bonnie's Tyler CD mysteriously appears at the Eurovision department and that is that. It all seems to be from above :(

Yes we did confirm for 2014 just after the final on the live blog on the BBC website so the UK was one of the first to confirm :D

'Eurovision Final
The live blog is now over, but we'll do it all again next year in Denmark, who we'll we be sending there is anyone's guess.'


Active member
July 6, 2010
Leeds, UK

BBC in general is ridiculous corrupt and it comes across in the fact certain celebrities are overused and promoted by them. Kind of ironic when they are funded by the british public. You'd think they'd be more representative of the British public, but they've become anything but that.

The UK taking part is kind of a no-brainer and it doesn't really need confirmation. I just get annoyed at the lack of enthusiasm coming from the team and broadcaster. I still stand by the hope that BBC drop it one day and ITV pick it up.


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
I think that has been the question for years the team had Morrisey writing a song then bosses say he must sing it so he buggers off, the team are approached by Melua and again told to bugger off by bosses, Hurts were in talks to write the song in 2012 and the bosses picked Engelbert. Then this year Bonnie's Tyler CD mysteriously appears at the Eurovision department and that is that. It all seems to be from above :(

Its obvious the bosses in the BBC have too much of a say. Its like they have nothing better to do than to piss everyone off about eurovision. It wouldn't surprise me if the bosses don't find the artists they want then force them on the eurovision team regardless of what they're doing.


Active member
July 7, 2011

BBC in general is ridiculous corrupt and it comes across in the fact certain celebrities are overused and promoted by them. Kind of ironic when they are funded by the british public. You'd think they'd be more representative of the British public, but they've become anything but that.

The UK taking part is kind of a no-brainer and it doesn't really need confirmation. I just get annoyed at the lack of enthusiasm coming from the team and broadcaster. I still stand by the hope that BBC drop it one day and ITV pick it up.

It goes in peaks and troughs BBC have a very bad entertainment team at the moment and ITV a good one so they seem more appealing, however there were stages in the past where they were worse at knowing what the public wanted than the BBC. It will get to that stage again when things become stale and then things like ESC are more likely to be shunted arond anywhere. ITV would be better at the moment but that does not mean they would be the better choice indefinetly that is how broadcasting is. Also ITV would not move BGT for ESC that is a fact.


Active member
July 6, 2010
Leeds, UK
It goes in peaks and troughs BBC have a very bad entertainment team at the moment and ITV a good one so they seem more appealing, however there were stages in the past where they were worse at knowing what the public wanted than the BBC. It will get to that stage again when things become stale and then things like ESC are more likely to be shunted arond anywhere. ITV would be better at the moment but that does not mean they would be the better choice indefinetly that is how broadcasting is. Also ITV would not move BGT for ESC that is a fact.
I completely disagree on your last point. BGT pulls in viewers because it is BGT. They can move that wherever they want and still get the same viewers because of its name and popularity of it. Might as well also get an extra weekend or two of amazing viewing figures with ESC for such a cheap price.
You'd be an idiot to work in broadcasting and not pick it up!


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Well it goes without saying that if the BBC ever drop it, then ITV or even Channel 4 will pick it up. The BBC know this and that means that they will never drop ESC. So we are forever doomed with the BBC choices. I for one would like to see what ITV could do for the show and what changes it would make. However ITV being privately funded will likely stick adverts in the Program when there is suppose to be interval acts and such.


Active member
July 7, 2011
I completely disagree on your last point. BGT pulls in viewers because it is BGT. They can move that wherever they want and still get the same viewers because of its name and popularity of it. Might as well also get an extra weekend or two of amazing viewing figures with ESC for such a cheap price.
You'd be an idiot to work in broadcasting and not pick it up!

Would depend if people like the adverts and who they'd put in as commentator. BGT would not move from a Saturday look at the momentum that was destroyed by moving the voice. There are slots that will work and others that will not. The weekday shows for BGT are significantly down yoy but the Saturday shows bump it up. There have been countless examples of such shows moving from BBC to ITV and ITV to BBC in the past with huge ratings and on the other station they failed. We know BBC will not drop ESC as it props up their entertainment in the early year. We have to wait till they employ someone who knows what they are doing in the department ITV waited years for Cowell to come along the BBC are now in the doldrums.


Well-known member
April 19, 2012
I think the BBC might be starting to improve towards ESC.After last years semi shows I contacted the BBC to complain heavily about the terrible standard of the presenters.Mainly Sara Cox.She simply treat the artists as a big joke and it really did come across badly.
The BBC replied that they thought she had performed in the jokey spirit of the show.So I again replied to them telling them that their attitude was one reason why our results were so bad.
This year Cox was dropped and replaced with Ana Matronic from The Scissor Sisters who I thought was superb.
She really came across well when talking to artists and showed a great understanding of the acts and the music.The difference from Cox was huge as it came across like we respected the artists and the competition and loved being part of it.I hope she is there every year now.

The other problem is Graham Norton.He doesn’t really seem to do any research and comes across badly.That is a shame as he could do things much better.So id consider changing him as well.

The UK doesn’t just need great songs and artists.It needs to show from the presenters,the coverage etc that we are 100% behind ESC and love it.

A big start would be some sort of selecting run.There are massive amounts of undiscovered talent in the UK.The chance to perform in front of 160 million people should be enough to draw anyone with the right show.


Active member
July 7, 2011
That would be the researchers working on the show not doing a complete job not Norton's problem. His sort of commenrtary is why people tune in. Realistically the figure is around 60 million yet despite that each years the songs don't sell that spectacularly across Europe and most acts go back into obscurity or where they were on a national level. So record companies will still be asking what is the point and that is appliacable to 90% of countries. What we have to hope for is one day the BBC just say yes to an act for some reason or other that just wants to do it.


Active member
July 6, 2010
Leeds, UK
I'm sure I've also seen somewhere that the delegation is now struggling to get people on board. Which if true, it's a bit of a joke as they're too stubborn to either hold a national final to find new talent or say yes to decent artists who genuinely want to do it.

The whole obsessions with The Hurts doing it really winds me up as I don't think their music is that good, nor do I think they'd do well, but I think it would be a better choice than recent years and if the band wants to do it, it's an issue sorted quickly and you can concentrate on the song instead of spending all your time looking for someone to say yes.

I really hope that Little Boots has been considered by the delegation. It's just ignorant to not to consider artists who put everything on a plate for you.


Active member
July 7, 2011
I'm sure I've also seen somewhere that the delegation is now struggling to get people on board. Which if true, it's a bit of a joke as they're too stubborn to either hold a national final to find new talent or say yes to decent artists who genuinely want to do it.

The whole obsessions with The Hurts doing it really winds me up as I don't think their music is that good, nor do I think they'd do well, but I think it would be a better choice than recent years and if the band wants to do it, it's an issue sorted quickly and you can concentrate on the song instead of spending all your time looking for someone to say yes.

I really hope that Little Boots has been considered by the delegation. It's just ignorant to not to consider artists who put everything on a plate for you.

I think with Hurts or the like some of their stuff would work amazingly or it wouldn't work at all (I would include Little Boots in this). Either way it is better to do well or fail with something that is a bit different than to something which is middle of the road. I also think that such acts can sell such songs better as they are true to themselves. The public will always sniff out an act and song which are mismatched, even if both have aspects of quality. Sometimes this can be seen in the Nordic selections. I have a great distaste for Katie Melua, I have not liked a thing she has done. However I know she'd do well in the contest with several of her songs. I suppose it comes down to common sense. I'd rather the UK fail for being different, than failing from being lame. A lame duck can be spotted the moment the song is unveiled.

Even if the BBC become lumbered with the likes of Tyler (which happens to the best of countries every now and then) the common sense still does not exist. Bonnie said several times the BBC had free choice to pick from the album minus the covers. BiM was picked because it sounded 'Eurovision' (against the odds lyrics I guess) and that the BBC felt it was the best song on the album. The irksome fact is that it is one of the weakest songs on the album and a song such as Sunshine that needed no edit, was a stronger song, easier to sing, and more easy to stage was overlooked. Would she have come top 10, hell no. Sunshine may have got 50-70 points if these elements came together BiM never would have got that with the wind behind it.

This whole we must find a song that equals 'so Eurovision' sung by a 'credible act' is the major problem. Some Eurovision staples will always do well. Peace and love songs will always be present yet they are not a guarantee in doing well. Sometimes the public and juries will entertain them, other years they have no time for them. I think even if they flipped it with 'credible song' and act which is 'so eurovision' would work better in some respects e.g. Jedward - Lipstick. Yet it would recquire being very considered with it.

Perhaps next year just for the sake of it they should pick a song and act that sound alien to the contest. I would be willing to bet they'd do better than most UK acts since 2000.


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Bognor Regis
my guess right now would be Jamelia
1. she seems to have replaced Alesha as the BBC's singer
2. She seems a little more desperate as well, anyone remember her last single?
3. Can't do The Voice of Ireland (runs till last week of April) due to a hectic schedule

strange huh? :p but this is probs just coincedence


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Ive noticed that suddenly its gone from who is she and where is she to being on telly in different programs. Maybe they're lining her up for it? :lol: She does that "I love my country" program and she was on that other one with her a daughter. I'm just going to assume its coincidental, however shes a good singer and young so will bring a fresh aspect to it from what we have had the past two years :D If she has a good song than there is no reason for her not to do well (or better than this year).

Her last single was No more i think?



Well-known member
March 20, 2010
United Kingdom
Ive noticed that suddenly its gone from who is she and where is she to being on telly in different programs. Maybe they're lining her up for it? :lol: She does that "I love my country" program and she was on that other one with her a daughter.

Suddenly? She's been a comedy panel show mainstay for years. She's almost a regular on 8 out of 10 cats. With good reason, too. She's very good at it. That's closer to being her career now, than singing. I don't think you can call her desperate when she hasn't released any material for six years.

I guess she's perfect.


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Suddenly? She's been a comedy panel show mainstay for years. She's almost a regular on 8 out of 10 cats.

Well ive never watched it so i wouldn't know. xshrug


Well-known member
May 31, 2011
What about Jordan? Is she interested again? I'd love to see something like that for the UK.

Not sure if it got many votes, either way it'd be absolutely memorable and attract viewers.
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