But why can’t a pop song be a ‘Eurovision winning entry’. Again there seems to be this weird snobbish attitude that emerges among the fandom that because something isn’t pop - or isn’t in English - it is infinitely better. That’s not true.
And for what it’s worth of the others you mention. Albania (basically the same song they send every year), Finland (sexualised quirkiness with no defined musical hook), Greece (powerfully performed but dull) and Montenegro (left no lasting impression on me at all - which isn’t a good sign).
I’m not saying that Revolution is an outstanding piece of music - it’s not - but again just dismiss it and anything like it as ‘radio friendly’ just smacks of arrogance.
And also, what is wrong with something radio friendly? Genuinely bemuses me that people think a song that gets national exposure to millions (who may not care about Eurovision) is a bad thing.
The contest should appeal far and wide in my opinion with songs reaching those who ordinarily avoid Eurovision. Sometimes that can be a Portugal 2017, other times it’s something more like a Tattoo. Both are equally valid - so I wouldn’t try and dismiss one as inherently better because it’s not pop or in English.
A pop song can be a good Eurovision winning entry - the narrative right now, however, leans to "Mans will win easily because there are no alternatives" - that's what I was addressing/arguing against. - If one opens one's eyes, I think that we already have very few entries which would make great winners (e.g. being interesting, competitive enough to attract televoters).
I highly and strongly disagree with you saying that Albania 2025 is "basically the same song they send every year". It's like saying that "Revolution" sounds like "Satellite".
We've had great pop songs as winning entries before - e.g. "Euphoria" or even "Heroes" - personally, I didn't like the latter but both songs have been pushing the then-modern-and-contemporary-sound (EDM-influenced/Guetta/Avicci-esque) or following trends.
"Revolution", however, isn't really "contemporary" like "Heroes" used to be - it's chasing trends which were en vogue 5-10 years ago.
I don't mind pop songs - but since it's Eurovision, I'd prefer some local flavour (maybe even like "Fairytale" or Denmark 2013).
If I want to see Westernised/Americanised pop songs win, I could watch The Voice and call it a day - if juries continue voting heavily in favor of pop songs in English, what's the point of ESC? Maybe we should all just send the national winners of The Voice and come up with a "The Voice - All stars edition" at the end of the year and call it a day.
Songs in other languages aren't superior to English songs because they are performed in other languages - they simply enrich the whole ESC / make ESC a valuable and necessary part of European culture and that's why I would like juries to be less stuborn and be more open-minded to ethnic sounds.
In the scope of ESC, English pop songs are equally legimitate, imo, but of less value for celebrating different cultures (one of the main points of why we have ESC).