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Sweden SWEDEN 2025 - KAJ - Bara bada bastu

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  • 12

    83 51.6%
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December 23, 2018
Praying for Mans wearing just a loose sauna towel in the final.

He already got just a toy wolf to cover his private parts in 2016 when he co-hosted ESC and his dick pics leaked online years ago.

Him wearing a sauna towel wouldn't make anyone thirsty at this point and it wouldn't save a generic and mediocre song to win anyway.


June 16, 2018
Can KAJ overcome Mans's inevitable 96pts jury score?
Of course not. :lol:

I don't see KAJ being above Greczula or Lundvik either.The international jurues control who wins Melfest. :se: Sweden are #1 in the odds because of Mans. Karin Guinnarsson will give them clear instructions to vote KAJ down if they weren't already doing so if they want to be invited back. Now KAJ could win the tele-vote but it won't matter in the end.

i anixi

Well-known member
March 20, 2011
This song/act is everything an Eurovision entry should be nowadays (these days of recorded backing vocals, as well as of assisted main vocals, but it is what it is):
Spectacular, uplifting, easy on the eye and on the ear and perfected to the last minimum detail. If this doesn't win I don't know what else may do.
Don't really know what he's singing about, but the lyrics sound good and the terms "revolution" or "change the world" even though incredibly clichéd never made more sense than in today's sad and perilous situation of being ruled by unimaginable maniacs, like Putin, Trump or Musk, among other smaller ones scattered almost everywhere.

Can't get all the petty, snobbish criticism.


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
I love "Bara bada bastu", but i find it extremely suprising that so many fans claim to love it as well. I have a sneaky suspicion many just want Mans to lose, Sweden not to win in May or swedish language entry at all costs. (Or a combination of two or all three of these points)

Where was that kind of love for Norway's "Bli med meg på gar’n" from TuVeia? It's pretty much that, but insted of sauna you're on a farm.

Ted Talks

Well-known member
February 7, 2024
This song/act is everything an Eurovision entry should be nowadays (these days of recorded backing vocals, as well as of assisted main vocals, but it is what it is):
Spectacular, uplifting, easy on the eye and on the ear and perfected to the last minimum detail. If this doesn't win I don't know what else may do.
Don't really know what he's singing about, but the lyrics sound good and the terms "revolution" or "change the world" even though incredibly clichéd never made more sense than in today's sad and perilous situation of being ruled by unimaginable maniacs, like Putin, Trump or Musk, among other smaller ones scattered almost everywhere.

Can't get all the petty, snobbish criticism.
Having been part of the fandom (not just on here) for many years, there has been a very weird snobbish attitude around Sweden for some time.

I’ve never truly understood it. I get not everyone will like what they choose every year, but among fans to see the visceral hate they have for one country at Eurovision seems really out of proportion.

Sweden takes Eurovision seriously. Good. I wish more countries followed their lead.
I love "Bara bada bastu", but i find it extremely suprising that so many fans claim to love it as well. I have a sneaky suspicion many just want Mans to lose, Sweden not to win in May or swedish language entry at all costs. (Or a combination of two or all three of these points)

Where was that kind of love for Norway's "Bli med meg på gar’n" from TuVeia? It's pretty much that, but insted of sauna you're on a farm.
I don’t think there’s a need for sneaky here at all. Some are blatant in their anti Mans and Sweden posting (which they’re entitled to) but it does feel personal against Mans this year.

I just hope it does get as personal as 2023 did for Loreen when fans (not necessarily on here) made misogynistic comments about her the norm. Then there were the death threats after she won because she ‘denied’ Finland. :rolleyes: Those days after 2023 where I felt ashamed to be a fan.
this would be a offensive manipulation and at least also a crime. :unsure:
I don’t think it’s meant literally. Producers will of course have a preference which may be different to the viewers, but it’s not going to be manipulated in the way that’s being suggested.


Well-known member
February 5, 2011
Arvingarna: Incredibly derivative mish-mash of parts outright taken from overplayed MF and other popular Swedish songs of past years. Think, and really hope this won't make the final, i never liked any of their entries but this really is exceptionally weak and cliched, even for them.

Arwin: Interesting but unfulfilling. I wonder if there is any drums later on in the song, the sample clip was very held back. If there isn't, i have a feeling it's just going to be forgotten by most viewers before voting, but i'm definitely giving this a chance to be one of the better entries this week.

Saga Ludvigsson: Another one of these weird fake "country" entries. The tempo is almost too high, and what the hell is that title, "Hate you so much" ?!? In the words of Blitz from "Road Rovers", no thanks.

Victoria Silvstedt: Like Lili & Susie but worse, and it might be hard to imagine that.

Vilhelm Buchaus: I kind of want to like this, but the melody is monotonous and uninspired, and.... is this another country entry? Yes, it's another country entry, in the same semi. Very middle for me, for now.

Scarlet: Alright, so this is the one i've been hoping for, along with so many others, and the sample sure sounds very exciting.... however it's a bit damped by the fact that i want KAJ to win, with the incredible international support they're getting. I doubt Scarlet will beat both them and Måns anyway, but the staging looks incredible and i'm sure this is gonna be remembered as a Melodifestivalen classic no matter the result.

Got a feeling they won't be up for another try, but who knows... personally, i'll probably be fine with this winning, but now KAJ looks so likely anyway, i've decided to jump on that train.


February 25, 2025
If Sweden wins again sometime in the future it would be nice if we showed in some segment some of the musical treasure of the Melodifestivalen that never reached Eurovision during the years. Like Starpilots Higher 2009, Dover Calais 1986 and Fredrik Kempes hit Du och jag mot världen 2005 with its excellent intro to the viewers either the original videos or some cover version on the stage. Many many years not the best song has won in MF according to my taste.
They had something like that in the Eurovision final 2024 but with three bad examples from different countries. By the way its sad that american and british radio stations are so nationalistic and deprive their listeners of much good music to hear and be inspired by from the world. We should all learn about eachothers musical contributions.

The UK and the USA are rightfully proud of their great contribution to world culture but that has made their radiostations a bit snobby in their choices of music not the common people. Also people who decide what is played on public service radio in Sweden can sometimes be exclusive and only choose music that is approved by a taste elite. Some genres like metal are nearly never played by the leftist womendominated public service. Ofcourse that doesnt matter that much when there are private radio and internetradiostations for us all and youtube and spotify but it is a bit irritating that those radiochannels that are payed with the tax P1, P2, P3 and P4 nearly choose to ignore famous swedish bands like Amon Amarth and Sabaton.

Which are epic melodic death and powermetalbands that sings about vikings and history which i think many even eurovisionfans would appreciate if they gave the music a chance. There are ofcourse also alot of trash in the metalgenre also and i dont like satanic material. So the irish song in Eurovision last year wasnt my taste. But perhaps it was a joke and not serious?
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Well-known member
May 18, 2021
Idk, I don't really think we have a direct precendent for Kaj in Mello, so it's hard to know how both the international juries and the public will act.

Kaj are going into the final as the second favourites, with (what currently looks like it will be) the biggest hit and a staging that is equally ambitious as Måns. Just as how non-juryfriendly acts like Käärijä or Baby Lasagna performed well with the juries due to the hype, I think Kaj might get a similar boost and be looked at more favourably than they would if they were streamed less/were lower in the odds. Other non-traditional Melfest songs (Smash Into Pieces in 2023, Medina in both 2022 and 2024) performed okay with the juries without having the same amount of hype behind them. On the other hand this is much explicitly a comedy song than Käärijä or Baby Lasagna, despite how well staged and performed it is.

We also don't really know how much the Swedish public really loves Kaj. Will the younger demographics prefer Måns over them? Add Clara into the mix and it becomes even more complicated. Could we be seeing Anders Bagge-like love from the public? Unlike them Bagge was nowhere close to number one on the charts, but he had more universal appeal across the age groups. And we already know from the heat that Måns is able to win the public vote before them.

I think the chance they win is close to zero, but I think it might not be as much of a blowout-victory for Måns that some people are assuming.
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April 25, 2012
I fail to understand how Mans, who even failed to place in the top 2 in the televote in 2015 with a song that was considered quite modern for its time, could be seen as a likely winner in 2025 with a much more dated and lackluster entry.
But here we are yet again in a year where the jury seems to likely determine the winner, just like back in 2015, so anything might happen.


Well-known member
April 5, 2010
1st SCARLET – Sweet N‘ Psycho 10/10
2nd Arwin – This Dream of Mine 8/10
3rd Vilhelm Buchaus – I’m Yours 7/10
4th Victoria Silvstedt – Love It! 7/10
5th Saga Ludvigsson – Hate You So Much 7/10
6th Arvingarna – Ring baby ring 6/10

Overall, best Mello semi this year, no one i dislike of this bunch.
Love that SCARLET Song, best Song this year, pray that they beat Mans.

My Prediction

2nd Arwin
3rd Arvingarna
4th Victoria Silvstedt
5th Vilhelm Buchaus
6th Saga Ludvigsson


June 16, 2018
I was expecting Arwin's song to be Bishara 2.0 but its even more dated than that. :censored:

Scarlet have come back with an far inferior song to Circus X. :( Very disappointed but they will still win Semi 5.

Saga Ludvigsson and unironically Arvingarna are my faves from the final semi. Need to see Vilhelm perform live before making an opinion on his song.

Semis 2 and 4 the best from this edition of Melodifestivalen.


January 21, 2025
Heat 5 in my opinion:
1️⃣ Scarlet – Sweet N' Psycho 8️⃣/🔟
2️⃣ Vilhelm Buchaus – I'm Yours 4️⃣/🔟
3️⃣ Arwin – This Dream of Mine 2️⃣/🔟
4️⃣ Saga Ludvigsson – Hate You So Much 2️⃣/🔟
5️⃣ Arvingarna – Ring baby ring 1️⃣/🔟
6️⃣ Victoria Silvstedt – Love It! 1️⃣/🔟

Little bit disappointed in Scaret as this song is too light and too much repetitive (really 70% is like the same 2 lines on and on), but Sweden is as always one big pile of hot steamy radio-friendly shhh aka "pop poop", so I don't see any other choice for me than Scarlet to cheer for. Maybe Kaj as joke entry is also tolerable. But I have problem to find 3rd good song here - I would go with Nomi but she is out already, so if I must then maybe and it's a biiiiig maaaaybeeee, Maja Ivarsson, but I'm pretty sure it's just because I kinda like 2 or 3 tracks of her band The Sounds around what 10, 15 years ago?


February 25, 2025
Many seem to like Bara bada bastu and while it is quit funny and nice it will not be the most funny song in Eurovision most of that vote will go to Estonias Italy bashing song so I think it would be better to send Klara Hammarströms quite beautiful number. A beautiful aryan women lying on a greek pillar and a clock is nice.


Well-known member
January 29, 2024
Many seem to like Bara bada bastu and while it is quit funny and nice it will not be the most funny song in Eurovision most of that vote will go to Estonias Italy bashing song so I think it would be better to send Klara Hammarströms quite beautiful number. A beautiful aryan women lying on a greek pillar and a clock is nice.

Nah, I do not think Tommy would beat KAJ. Especially if the vocals & performance do not improve, by a lot. And Bara Bada Bastu is simply a better song too.


February 25, 2025
In Sweden we would call KAJs song hurtig which there are not a good translation for in english maybe brisk. It is a ploj song but neither good enough melody or funny enough to be a winner. but it is a kind of song that makes the total field more enyoable. Humour is one of the best things about Eurovision.
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