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SVERIGE - Sweden 2010 - Anna Bergendahl - This Is My Life

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Active member
March 14, 2010
Stockholm, Sweden (La Suede)
On behalf of the Swedish people, I humbly apologize for our choice of Eurovision representative, yet again.

No, really. It's fine if you liked Anna's entry because it had "charm" and she had "charisma" and it was "simple" and "emotional" or whatever. That's subjective. You're allowed to think that of her entry, no matter how vehemently I disagree with you.

But when you claim that the song itself or her singing is any good, then you're either delusional or just do not possess the necessary musical competence to make that judgment call. No matter how many times you listen to it, it's interminably boring. All she does is sit on a chair singing her little ditty with a fan blowing her hair and a guitar in her hand. We've seen, what, a bajillion entries like this in the past. Nice-looking young person sitting still singing. You know how well that's blown over in Eurovision these past few years? Badly. Entries like that don't even make it past their semi-finals.

If you're gonna send a ballad to Eurovision in today's day and age, it needs at least one of the following:
1) A really strong song. Lyrics, instrumentals. It must be a show that sticks in your mind after only one listening. Is "This Is My Life" such a song? Not on your life!
2) A really strong singing voice. It must be powerful, strong and make people remember you as "That person who sung really, really well". Does Anna have such a singing voice? Not on her life!

Simple ballads where a nice-looking young person with a "pleasant" voice sings a harmless-sounding song simply don't cut it nowadays!

Her singing voice is... I don't even know how ot describe it. She's got such a unique singing voice... in a bad way. She intermittently sounds like a man when she tries to sing with a vibrato. Most of the time, she sounds kind of flat-ish (without actually being flat!) and the majority of the time, it's just... noise. As in "Oh look, she's singing. But I'm gonna forget all about it in 5 minutes."

30 seconds into the song, most viewers will have left to do other things or begun conversing with their friends. And once the next entry starts, people will have completely forgotten about her.

I'm making the same prediction I did 2005 and 2008: Sweden's gonna miss out on the final (and in 2008, we kinda did. We were saved by the International Jury). And if, against all odds, make it, we're gonna be in the bottom 5!


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Bulgaria / Bulgarie / България
But Sweden was prequalified in 2005?! :lol:


October 1, 2009
FallenAngelII said:
But when you claim that the song itself or her singing is any good, then you're either delusional or just do not possess the necessary musical competence to make that judgment call.
Judging music is ALWAYS subjective so no need in claiming yourself someone who has better taste than others and bash other people's opinions.
Judge music, not people.


Staff member
September 28, 2009
Oh god it's FallenAngel :roll: Don't feed the troll :mrgreen:

I would rather that Salem had won but I like this :p Dunno what points I'll give it though..


Active member
March 14, 2010
Stockholm, Sweden (La Suede)
94ayd said:
But Sweden was prequalified in 2005?! :lol:
That's where the "Bottom 5"-part comes in.

AlekS said:
FallenAngelII said:
But when you claim that the song itself or her singing is any good, then you're either delusional or just do not possess the necessary musical competence to make that judgment call.
Judging music is ALWAYS subjective so no need in claiming yourself someone who has better taste than others and bash othe rpeople's opinions.
I specifically said that you're free to judge music due to individual taste, like praise how much you personally like the song, how you personally thing it's emotional etc. But when you start talking about things that can be objectively measured, like how good a singer Anna is, then we've left the realm of personal taste and entered the realm of objectively verifiable facts.

And the fact is that Anna's just not that good a singer (yet). Sure, maybe she can become a really good singer if she worked on it. But she's hardly there at this writing moment if last night's performance is all that she currently has.

Sean said:
Oh god it's FallenAngel :roll: Don't feed the troll :mrgreen:

I would rather that Salem had won but I like this :p Dunno what points I'll give it though..
Just because I'm honest and won't blindly praise my own country's ESC choice no matter what we send doesn't make me a troll. At least I have the decency to judge my country's entries objectively instead of letting nationalism and/or patriotism colour my posts.

I call bullshit when I see it, no matter which country it's from, even if it's from Sweden. It's because I listen to the songs and watch the performances, not what countries they're from.


October 1, 2009
^ I don't mind you judging this particular song but judging people who like it is a big no.


Active member
March 14, 2010
Stockholm, Sweden (La Suede)
AlekS said:
^ I don't mind you judging this particular song but judging people who like it is a big no.
I'm not judging people who like it. I might've implied that I think that people who love the entry have bad taste in music, but, hey, it's all subjective, isn't it? I'm not calling people bad people for liking it. I just think their taste in music is bad. And I'm sure a lot of people would think my taste in music is bad, too.

I apologized if I came off sounding judgmental on the characters on those who like the song. I'll revise my first post.


Well-known member
January 18, 2010
Linköping, Sweden
Well Sweden hasn't sent a ballad since 1998! So Europe might think: "Oh look Sweden has a ballad! It was about time! Let's vote for Sweden!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

No really. I believe she'll do great! :)


October 1, 2009
FallenAngelII said:
AlekS said:
^ I don't mind you judging this particular song but judging people who like it is a big no.
I'm not judging people who like it. I might've implied that I think that people who love the entry have bad taste in music.
in other words you judge them and label them ;)
Please stick to discussion of the song, not people. Thanx.


Active member
March 14, 2010
Stockholm, Sweden (La Suede)
alca said:
Well Sweden hasn't sent a ballad since 1998! So Europe might think: "Oh look Sweden has a ballad! It was about time! Let's vote for Sweden!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

No really. I believe she'll do great! :)
Hardly. Today's viewers consist of mainly "new" viewers due to the expansion of the ESC. The vast majority of participating countries weren't even participating in 1998. Also, most viewers simply do not care whether or not a country sends a "new" genre of not.

They listen to the songs and then vote. And Anna's gonna be dwarfed by the other ballads in the contest. Annaäs entry is clearly not a professional jury favourite if we're gonna go by how the International Juries voted at Melodifestivalen and I highly doubt the European/Eurasian populus are going to like it, which makes it yet another Swedish candidate for Bottom 5.

In the battle of the ballads, or as Melodifestivalen dubbed it last night, the battle of Norway vs. Sweden, Anna's going to be destroyed by Didrik. Because when Denmark (2008) or Norway (2010) send pretty boys, unlike our Swedish Melodifestivalen pretty boys, they can actually sing. Didrik's got a powerful voice (even though he's a bit flat on the bass tones at the start of the song) and, most important of all, a memorable (and powerful) song.

Ballad vs. Ballad. Man vs. Woman (girl). Norway vs. Sweden. It'll be a knockout. Norway will receive all jury points, and probably most of the televote, whilst Sweden languishes at the bottom, at best breaking above Bottom 10.

Because when there's a really powerful entry in the same genre as yours, people will tend to vote for that powerful entry and then maybe spare you a few votes. The competing entry goes onto stardom whilst you get stray votes and maybe end up breaking Top 10 if you're lucky.

AlekS said:
FallenAngelII said:
AlekS said:
^ I don't mind you judging this particular song but judging people who like it is a big no.
I'm not judging people who like it. I might've implied that I think that people who love the entry have bad taste in music.
in other words you judge them and label them ;)
Please stick to discussion of the song, not people. Thanx.
I disagree with their taste in music. People disagree with each other's taste in music all the time. I'm just not gonna be diplomatic about it and actually be truthful and come out and say it: I think your taste in music is bad because you love this musicaly dreadful song.


October 1, 2009
^ You can disagree with opinions but it doesn't give you the right to discuss people's taste. It's personal.
So take it as the final warning ;)


Well-known member
January 18, 2010
Linköping, Sweden
FallenAngelII said:
most important of all, a memorable (and powerful) song.

Totally forgetable to my ears. Yes it's a nice song from Norway but I prefer Anna's ballad. For me it's one of the best we've ever listened to! :)


Active member
March 6, 2010
FallenAngelII said:
On behalf of the Swedish people, I humbly apologize for our choice of Eurovision representative, yet again.

No, really. It's fine if you liked Anna's entry because it had "charm" and she had "charisma" and it was "simple" and "emotional" or whatever. That's subjective. You're allowed to think that of her entry, no matter how vehemently I disagree with you.

But when you claim that the song itself or her singing is any good, then you're either delusional or just do not possess the necessary musical competence to make that judgment call. No matter how many times you listen to it, it's interminably boring. All she does is sit on a chair singing her little ditty with a fan blowing her hair and a guitar in her hand. We've seen, what, a bajillion entries like this in the past. Nice-looking young person sitting still singing. You know how well that's blown over in Eurovision these past few years? Badly. Entries like that don't even make it past their semi-finals.

If you're gonna send a ballad to Eurovision in today's day and age, it needs at least one of the following:
1) A really strong song. Lyrics, instrumentals. It must be a show that sticks in your mind after only one listening. Is "This Is My Life" such a song? Not on your life!
2) A really strong singing voice. It must be powerful, strong and make people remember you as "That person who sung really, really well". Does Anna have such a singing voice? Not on her life!

Simple ballads where a nice-looking young person with a "pleasant" voice sings a harmless-sounding song simply don't cut it nowadays!

Her singing voice is... I don't even know how ot describe it. She's got such a unique singing voice... in a bad way. She intermittently sounds like a man when she tries to sing with a vibrato. Most of the time, she sounds kind of flat-ish (without actually being flat!) and the majority of the time, it's just... noise. As in "Oh look, she's singing. But I'm gonna forget all about it in 5 minutes."

30 seconds into the song, most viewers will have left to do other things or begun conversing with their friends. And once the next entry starts, people will have completely forgotten about her.

I'm making the same prediction I did 2005 and 2008: Sweden's gonna miss out on the final (and in 2008, we kinda did. We were saved by the International Jury). And if, against all odds, make it, we're gonna be in the bottom 5!

On behalf of the Swedish people, I humbly apologize for this swede.
:cool: :cool: :cool:
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