WELL i was almost looking forward to muerdeme's seemingly inevitable victory because a) i wanted to see the most miserable person in the world in the eurovision experience because imagine how maria's interviews in tel aviv would be , and b) the craycray spanish eurofans would die as muerdeme placed bottom 3 in the final and i am always always down to see the insane spanish eurofans dying because it'swhatshedeserves.gif.
instead, that was exchanged for a bit of the insane spanish eurofans dying right now (a MAN being picked in a SPANISH NF!!!! and it wasn't even rigged this time!!!!!!!!!! delicious) and a much better song than muerdeme from a much more cooperative performer. if brazil was in eurovision somehow we would 100% give la venda our televote 12 because not since quero ser tua we have had such a brazilian-sounding entry. i actually grew to like it now!!!! i gave it 8 points in the poll, 8 more than i expected to give to spain this year.
howeverrrr that performance as it currently stands would be nul pointed by the eurovision juries faster than you can say "manel's bum note outsold", and tve being the devilish hellchannel that it is, i don't see it changing much. it's too bad because a good channel could make this work for a top 15ish placement. still, it's good that spain didn't turn out to be that much of a disaster in the end.
at least bjorkman already has his grand final opener for the running order instead of fucking over a semifinal favourite lol.
Now i have to wait and see the show to find my definite winner.
It does nothing for me. It feels so empty. I would be surprised if it does well.
I wanted to describe this song as Satan takes song writing lessons and sends a young boy to Eurovision so badly, but after watching that performance, Miki's lil' legs working it up and down the stage... I just can't be scornful. How could I? Just look at him. Those three minutes display so much vigor, so much happiness. It made me smile. The song is absolutely not for me, but somehow it's been packaged in a way that I find tolerable.
This will either work at Eurovision really well or it will flop hard. It's hard to say. It will depend on how this year shapes itself out. Whether La Venda will be allowed to stand out or if it will be swimming within a sea of other uptempo songs. I don't know what to give it in the poll as well. I guess 5 points sounds a bit generous but fair. I don't like the song. It's not my thing (the opposite of my thing in fact) but I appreciate it's energy and the happy party mood it sets out to bring people (I think it does it really successfully). I'm not the kind of person that wants everything at ESC to please me personally. Eurovision needs variety, so I'm cool with this.
You put it perfectly once again, especially the description: "Those three minutes display so much vigor, so much happiness." You could tell that Miki really had fun singing and performing this song. But as you said: could be hit or flop at ESC.