I didn´t like her rehearsal yesterday (too static), but Valentina is a very likeable person (and proofs that again in Copenhagen) and I hope, she can qualify for the final :-)
After watching the rehearsals I fear another left-in-the-semi for Valentina. I dont think neither Valentina, the songs nor the whole performance/show will stand out enough to capture enough interests with the voters. And I dont think she will be high enough on the juries lists to compensate for that.
Too bad: because I still think she derserves it.
Apparently, there is two other singers than Valentina in San Marino.
Two of the Sanmarinese jures are Lorenzo Salvatori, 21y, rapper, and Maria Ugolini, 19y, singer. I wonder who they are, as I can't find them on YouTube.
The member of the jury, Sara Ghiotti is Valentina's friend. Valentina even said in an interview last year that she would like to see Sara representing San Marino in the future.
I really like it. I think the camera work will add something, or at least I hope, it seems like she is alone on the big stage, the backing singers should move closer nearer the end