Is there anyone like me who didn't like "You are the only one" and love this entry now?
Not me because I already loved You are the only one in 2016 and voted for it multiple times (he was my favourite).
What to expect from his staging? Hopefully not too many trees and full moon... but I really hope they keep the castle and the fable theme. I LOVE tales from Eastern European countries. As a child I owned a book called „tales from Eastern Europe“ and they were so dark and cruel and bloody and scared the shit out of me but damn I loved them!!! This is exactly what I‘m thinking of when I listen to Scream.
The visuals with the kids in the music vid reminds me of a song called „Es waren zwei Königskinder“, a very sad and cruel medieval German folk song which literally translates to „Once there were two children of the kings“... I‘m sure its title is different in other languages.
//edit because I looked it up: that song is based on a Greek mythology tale but I‘m sure there were similar in my book.
//edit 2: The song was obviously translated into many languages
I never liked "You're The Only One" that much. It was okay for the beginning, but the performance was just meh, they tried too hard, it was too jumped-up for me... there was no place for being easy-going, everything was calculated, every simple move. I hope they are not going to do it again, with nice performance which will be not fake and empty like previous one, Russia can fight for the victory.
Music video for "Scream" is awesome.
I am suprised, because I am not a fan of Sergey and all this buzz around him just made me to be more sceptical about him, but I love the video. Song is good as well even if it has no climax.
This one?
So again they gonna sell him to the public as a straight man (referring to the video) just like in the performance 2016? Oh well ... keep up the illusion I guess ... with those hilariously unintentional lyrics though it makes it even funnier... I guess this is a problem when you have a team desperately wanting English but then don't even really comprehend the language themselves.
Do you have to always *somehow* relate the songs to heterosexuality? It is irritating to talk about each singer's sexuality and unreasonable to make yourself believe that each male singer is gay. :? He can be gay and want to promote himself as heterosexual. He might be heterosexual and want to look like a heterosexual. He can identify himself as chocolate on the strawberry and look like a heterosexual. Why should anyone care? This is a song contest if you haven't noticed.
Just leave people alone. They can decide to look like whatever they want. Not everybody lives in a gay-paradise like Sweden. We can't expect everyone to come out of closet without considering the conditions they live within. We can't judge the east with the standpoint of the west. It's one-sided.
Whether Sergey's gay or not, what I care about is the song and I like the song as hell. Period.
No I don't always do that, and no this is not ONLY a SONG contest as you're very well aware of, it's euroVISION SONG Contest... the visuals and performance is important as we all can agree on... as much as I can agree that the focus should be the songs we can't hide from the fact that how those songs are being "sold" to the public is a huge aspect of this contest...
And no, I don't think a gay person should be have to be betrayed as a heterosexual, it's 2019 for christ sake and that's degrading (not that I expect non-gays to understand). It's ok if you play a character in a movie, but he is going out there as himself isn't he?
I don't care if he is gay, that's not really the point tbh...
Just leave people alone. They can decide to look like whatever they want. Not everybody lives in a gay-paradise like Sweden. We can't expect everyone to come out of closet without considering the conditions they live within. We can't judge the east with the standpoint of the west. It's one-sided.
Whether Sergey's gay or not, what I care about is the song and I like the song as hell. Period.
So you think a gay person decides to act out a love affair with a woman on his own terms? Yeah right...
And no, Sweden is far from a gay paradise but I don't expect people who never lived there to understand that...
You keep saying this is 2019 but what is it exactly supposed to mean? Sorry to burst your happy little rainbow bubble but this is what 2000's look like for you.
I suppose Sergey should get on cameras and apologize for not living in Sweden? Be as much gay as you want but you have no sympathy to those who live in a homophobic society.
If you really like to put "this is 2019" card on the table, overthinking and cricitizing people's behaviour regarding their sexuality is something people would often do in the middle ages.
Assuming that he's gay, and that he has decided to show a female in his videoclip, why should it matter? Let's say he was forced to act out due to the circumstances in his country, so what? Do you think pushing him around the corner will help his situation? When he's already feeling pressured?
And for god's sake not everybody has to be gay. There is no certification that proves one's gay or not. He could be bisexual. It's not black or white.
If Sweden is not a gay paradise, nowhere on planet earth is. Just compare the number of openly gay celebrities in Sweden and Russia then you'll hopefully understand why Sergey might not really want to come into terms with his sexuality.
Assuming that he's gay, and that he has decided to show a female in his videoclip, why should it matter?
Maybe you would like to explain?
I am done for this day, tbh.
Yup? I stand by that (although it's from a different thread, as far as Sergey go I think it's kind of out there at least based on what Russian-speaking sources say)... and I see you're done so your arguments or whatever are also o yeah... let's just drop it , call it a day, call it a misunderstanding or simply different view-points as I see what I am saying is not really understood...