Russia was robbed couple of times because of politics. I don't approve of many things my government did but i hate that artists have to pay for this. A Part of me even wants Sergey to come out of the closet already (he is gay 100% i know since im part of Russia's lgbt community and an insider) cause it would probably help him win lol but that's impossible, unfortunately. Everybody knows but he'd ruin his career heh... Anyway, I wish Sergey all the best, he's both a great performer and a very nice guy in general.
Yep, we know that Russia was robbed several times in ESC cuz of politics

That's not news for some people here, though there are some who will argue that this isn't the case. As for Seryozha and him being in the closet, well, I will say only that I closely follow Russian pop music and movies and arts. There are many gay celebrities in Russia, and contrary to the Western propaganda, it seems to me that they are actually quite successful and people (for the most part at least) do not care if they are gays. The current situation in Russia can be compared to the situation in USA army a decade ago, when they had that policy "Don't ask, don't talk". As long as you keep it to yourself that you are gay, no-one will go after you. But frankly, while many people in the West erroneously think that Russian gays are persecuted and thrown into jail just for being gay, we all forget that situation is even worse in many other European countries, many of which are already part of EU. So, what I am always saying here and in every public forum, is that the West is using the plight of Russian gays for promoting their political agenda that has nothing to do with LGBTQ issues in Russia. Put differently, I hate that my fellow gays in Russia as a vulnerable minority group is misused by western politicians to deal with Russia as a whole. I think it is wrong and it should be stopped. So, zipanemagirl, if you need help and you think I can help somehow the LGBTQ community in Russia (without getting political), just let me know. Get in touch with me by sending me a private message. It's an honest and simple offer. Take care and welcome to the forum!
PS: To all commentators here - I am not trying to start a political debate, so please, ignore this post if you disagree with me. I am basically just trying to offer my hand and help to Russian LGBTQ. Thank you for your patience.