I think gay fans and everyone who cares about LGBT rights should not vote for Russia because of the Russian homophobia. Russia hosting would be a total disaster and a big problem for political reasons.
Barei is absolutely right.
Yeah, I think that if the gay people constantly repeat that Russia is bad, the Russians wouldn't really fall in love with the LGBT community. Nobody likes to hear that their country is bad. And specially not proud people like the Russians. I think this whole idea behind shaming Russia is doing no good to the LGBT people inside Russia because the image of crybabies could/will affect them as well and they could/will become easy targets of homophobia and hatred.
Hatred provokes even more hatred.
Homophobic folks in Russia (or anywhere else) are not different from all these russophobic folks here. Generalization on both sides is a great way to create hatred and I see you are going forward. Well done fans, well done, if that makes you happy I feel sorry for you.
But I have to admit something (it's also probably based on my own prejudice), I am quite shocked to see so much hatred from gay people here. Let's leave Russia behind, I'm talking about all other things here and somewhere else. Why did I expect gay people are more friendly, lovely, and so on? That's because media is showing that. Happy bla bla. But no! These people are equally smart, stupid, open, conservative, like anyone else.
So I really appreciate this forum because it helps to me open my eyes. Thank you. Also, that shows me again why so many gay people don't want to be part of any organized gay or gay-rights organizations. It's because your own agenda also follows certain ideologies. You are not about gays rights then at all.
Another example is podforum where people discuss refugees etc. I just couldn't believe what kind of shits gay people can write. Even hardcore right-wing folks would be impressed. Maybe you should hang together?!
It is so strange to see hatred from the people who feel hated and put on side in many countries around the globe. I am shocked you don't feel any sympathy for all different kinds of people who struggle from one country to another.
And finally, when you blame Russia, but not a specific group of people, you blame all gays living in Russia as well. Do you really think you send support to gays in Russia when you write shits about Russia?! No! Gays in Russia will start to hate you. Do you know what do you actually produce?
And it's not only Russia. Comments I read, basically about any country here, shows human sheep can be raised everywhere.
Exactly, it's ironic to advocate tolerance and then showing hatred or disrespect towards a particular country in order to lecture them in this regard. As you said, it won't improve the situation one bit. I feel sorry for Russian people who actually bear the brunt of this. Russians aren't more homophobic than other peoples in Europe, it's not because some guys humiliated Hovi or that the government isn't LGBT-friendly that the whole country shares that opinion.
Really though?
Also, I'd like to add that I'm not saying that Russia isn't homophobic. It obviously is, however, we have a saying in the Bulgaria that goes like this " Една лъжа повторена сто пъти става истина" which means "1 lie repeated 100 times becomes a reality".
Well... with all respect to Bulgarian sayings, the quoted sentence was actually a well-known mantra of Joseph Goebbels. His propaganda was built upon it.
Will we move on one day and leave these basic activist's reflections behind?
It's nice to care about LGBT people but it doesn't have anything to do with Eurovision. These loud gay fans and reporters we hear campaign against Russia every year at the contest are just a bunch of selfish idiots tbh:
1) this isn't an appropriate place to bring politics to that event while they regret it's highly politicized already.
2) what's the use of stimatizing and being mean/unwelcoming to a Russian singer or Russian people? Are they responsible for all that? No.
3) if they are so into rights, they'd better look at the bigger picture and defend human rights, that are imho far more essential than LGBT's only. And consistency should apply: Belarus or Azerbaijan are perfectly fine for these people?
As for the upcoming disaster, that's true, 2009 was an apocalyptic edition as far as I recall If Russia wins, nothing will happen. At least, it'll be the same as seven years ago, that is a good show with lots of means.
Sorry, but I had to react to your post, this No LGBT rights = boycott principle is just absurd and unworthy of you. As I said before, Russia is the perfect punching bag, that's incredible.
Yeah, I think that if the gay people constantly repeat that Russia is bad, the Russians wouldn't really fall in love with the LGBT community. Nobody likes to hear that their country is bad. And specially not proud people like the Russians. I think this whole idea behind shaming Russia is doing no good to the LGBT people inside Russia because the image of crybabies could/will affect them as well and they could/will become easy targets of homophobia and hatred.
Hatred provokes even more hatred.
Exactly, it's ironic to advocate tolerance and then showing hatred or disrespect towards a particular country in order to lecture them in this regard. As you said, it won't improve the situation one bit. I feel sorry for Russian people who actually bear the brunt of this. Russians aren't more homophobic than other peoples in Europe, it's not because some guys humiliated Hovi or that the government isn't LGBT-friendly that the whole country shares that opinion.
xgood(...) If you feel uncomfortable with a possible Russian victory because of the politics it's fine too - Just go ahead vote for any other country. (...) Let's try and stay respectful this time (...)
Tolerance doesn't imply tolerating the intolerant. Intolerance must be fought, not tolerated.