According to the ESCKAZ sources, Channel One Russia has invited group Buranovskie babushki (Grannies from Buranovo) for the participation in Eurovision 2011.
"Preselection will be started in the nearest time", is for the last three monthes the permanent answers of representatives of Channel One regarding Eurovision. Currently they have been busy with the selection of mascots for the Winter Olympic Games 2014 and preparations for the Stars Factory show superfinal. However, inside the channel the negotiations have been running and runner-up of the 2010 preselection have been heavily involved into them. Babushki are preparing serious application, if the agreement will be signed - they will be working with famous names in the show-biz.
At this moment though, representatives of the group as well as of the broadcaster, were unable to confirm or deny the information, details of which we expect in the nearest future. March 14 is the deadline to submit required information on the Eurovision 2011 entrants to EBU. Meanwhile, the group is getting prepared for their performance at the celebrations of Maslenitsa in Udmurtiya Zoo in Izhevsk on 5th of March.
"Buranovskie babushki" (Grannies from Buranovo) is the title of the ensemble from the village of Buranovo Malopurginskiy region of Udmurtia. "We are not professional artists, but we love everything that we do" - said band members themselves.
Last year "Buranovskie babushki" celebrated their anniversary, 40 years on stage. However, from the first line-up remained only Galina Koneva, who is the creator of the ensemble. First they sang Russian songs, but didn't achieve success with it. Then to the repertoire were added Udmurt national songs, and after them, national costumes.
Many of the participants of the "Buranovskie babushki" choir are well older than 70. But now the ensemble also became popular among local youth. Udmurt group included in its repertoire songs of The Beatles. The songs however, are performed in the native language of the band members. Prior to singing Beatles, "Buranovskie babushki" covered in their national language legends of Russian rock scene - Boris Grebenshchikov and Victor Tsoi. It was more difficult for the to sing songs of Liverpool quartet. They have listened to original, but failed to understand anything as none of them speaks English. So they learned lyrics at once in Udmurt language.
"Buranovskie babushki" are welcomed at any national party or at the festival. They have been already proposed to go on tour to France and Estonia. At the last year's preselection Babushki have presented song written by one of the members of the group Elizaveta Zarbatova. It was in Udmurt language, but with modern arrangement. To English it's title is translated as "Long long birch bark and how to make ayshon from it" (traditional female headpiece of Udmurts)