This semi was so underwhelming, I was disappointed from the get-go with my "favorites" Dubio+351. That staging was very disappointing. The make up choice for that "lobotomy mask" threw me right away firstly. Then that whole interpretive dancing and hidden modern message within the song...I just felt it was all very uncessary. It was the best song instrumentally from the semi, all they had to was to let the kids from the bands shine. Instead they focused on the vocalist (who was the weak link all along, plus the lyrics) and that forced-for-ESC-stage-dancing, so unfortunately I am not surprised they are out added to the fact they all seemed veeery green to live performing and everyone knows FdC is ahem, sort of a restrict club for some (vide Rui Pragal da Cunha's abysmal performance in semi 1). Song nr. 2 was a total snooze, not surprised it is out. The rap only made it worse. I only feel sorry for the composer who gifted us with Doce's ESC hits among others. I feel they ripped the old man's text and turned into something he just nodded in agreement to for fear of not being called out as too regressive. Sadly that is the reality of some golden composers of ESC who just want to tag along with the new kids so badly while staying untruth to their legacy. Judas was a huge surprise in the vein of Sambado. Unless you're acquainted with the acts pre-ESC. Never saw another "drag act" coming if I can call Judas' performance that? Maybe not as openly as Filipe's effort but both his outfit and his apparent sexuality gave me much more of a gay vibe than Filipe's affair. I was surprised to see the drummer of Linda Martini creating something like this, but then again I don't know them that well apart from their music. Don't get me wrong though, I really thought Judas was in the final despite not being a fan per se. Very charismatic interpreter and the song just felt even more of a sure thing for a FdC final (not ESC really) so I was actually quite surprised he was not through the final given the radio friendliness of the song and the composer of the song being an indie scene insider himself (maybe that Blitz journalist preacher has some beef with him, or whatever). 4th song on, despite not being my style at all, I was pleased with the smoothness of Kady's performance and namely the back singing was pretty neat. However when I realized the song shifted to some sort of statement I was quickly turned off. I just don't like politics in my Eurovision, I don't give a dime what cause you're singing for. She only mentioned her grandmother in the green room, but seriousl, if it's about causes and statements then either go fully blown "political" or refrain the messages from your song. I know it's not so blatant in her song actually, but it's just such a turn off. I thought it was a bit niche to qualify to the final anyway. I guess having Dino Santiago (or de Santiago, whatever you may be called "royalty") as a song composer might have helped added to the fact RTP cleverly populated this semi with African-vibed songs - for they would have stood no chance in the much more ESC-friendly and better of the two semis. Moving on, I had totally forgotten about Elisa Rodrigues! If the kid I took part in FSC and Worldivision juries reads this he will certainly remember I proposed her into those compositons once as I was sort of blown away then by her powerful and jazzy voice. Certainly the reason I didn't recognize her here from name even was because of this totally different style of hers, which may attributed to her recent pregnancy. That song was very chill and a perferct background track to some vacations in a paradisiac place. Not my thing per se, in other words, but considering all things maybe it was the most positive point of the whole semi to me, considering my disappointment with "Cegueira". Deserved qualifcation to the final although I do think the song by itself is too bland still to stand out in an ESC stage. She's gorgeous though, too bad she didn't bring her usual game as I'm sure she'd ace and be a real contender. Girl can really sing. Then came, in my view, the sort of comic moment of the night with Cláudio Frank. No wonder he was the amateur among the chosen. Dude missed a couple of notes, not to mention his voice was pretty weak and forced, in my eyes. He seemed to have a funny personality however, maybe this was it. But truthfully I thought that was like a karaoke singer's happy hour for even being there at all. So much more deserving artists out there. I guess it suited the theme of the semi though. Tomás Luzia was ofc the shocker of the evening. What's he even doing in the semi? Was it all about his curly hair and Broadway-friendly voice? Since we had that before many years ago with the vicious Carlos Costa. Maybe this is like the redeemed version of him for fans of the style? Otherwise I can't understand why at all. Watered down tanned David Bisbal? What, really? He was off in two notes at least. The song for sure was an ultra boredom to international fans - unless you liked the kid. What's the appeal, really? The lyrics were so clciché and cheesy and I'm usually the guy defending cheesy and ballads through the decades. Sorry, totally undeserved. Very uninspired and bad choice, I suspect jury inflated because I have a hard time seeing public hyping this. Lastly, regarding this semi, Jimmy P is the kind of rap/hip-hop we have in Portugal that is so popular but that I personally have zero connection to in terms of art. As an honest person however, and this is both my reason of praise and loathing - I do recognize the lyrics were the strong point overall. I'm not a fan of the language, I can't relate to Tata (whoever he is, maybe rap singers should think they are singing to a general public when writing their songs? Hard to relate otherwise. I don't see people from other music styles doing this) but I understand this was a heartfelt beat and I always saw it as a qualifier - since it was chosen as festival closer and also because of the fact that it was the best captured recap since they went for the closer line which was high impact for Portuguese listeners, regardless of their taste, I think. I think it's a very Portuguese-speakers-appealing sort of song however and even the novelty of "pure rap" could help bringing this song to the actual contest I totally faily this having an international appeal, "beats and rapping international community aside". It's that sort of song that only with some English mixed in the very least will have some international appeal at all.
So all in all. Fdc has been kind of weaker this year in my view compared to last year but the total disappointment from the audio-only phase was countered with some interesting (and other disappointing) staging choices.
I'm honestly glad the main contender for my favorite was written off as outdaded by the "cool kids in the jury" and so unsopported from the public. From the audio-only phase I saw this as a two race horse between Bárbara and Blasted and I sort of still see it that way. Barbie has that very Portuguese essence and appeal built into her image mixed with the class of Francophony and a jazzy atmosphere that hardly anyone with a music taste dislikes. Blastad had the international appeal, the English mixed with memorable 'Portuguese guitar passages that I am still thoughtful about as to where it didn't even deserve a final spot. I'm glad however, the main contender is certainly ouy of the way early on.
Barbie has my whole support to represent us at ESC, she is a very petite appealing sweetheart with great naive charisma that could break some hearts internationally. I'm not so sure of a great result with her, in my ESC viewership experince maybe I'd rate her chances as high as Zoé's. Which would certainly would be improvement from the sadly disappointing Conan last year. I seriously hope the staging is improved, I really didn't like those backdrop dancers - they took too much of the focus and felt so cheap. Also I felt the whole park bech and streetlight choice was far too similar to "Together" 2 years ago which people probably remember too well still. If she's the chosen won, let the girl shine. That's the strong point. Unless the lyrics are translated to English but then I feel they lose all their original appeal and sass. I doubt she is winner material, sadly for a conservative fan of the festival as myself, but she will represent us good. It's hard to hate the girl unless you have a personal bias against the type. Força Barbie!
Evaluating the contenders, I'd maybe risk saying at this point that Throes+The Shine are her biggest contender at this point? Very unpredictably. After a week though, I have to say, Moviment reaaally builds upon you if you give it one or two more listens. I don't know what is it. It's very modern. The guys probably didn't deliberatly chose a choreography for it but the way they move on stage is very attention grabbing and appealing. I've established a comparison point with Norway's JOWST. Much more flavored ofc. Perhaps not as cool and electronic. But it's up there. I think they did a great visual job in the semi and they can raise it higher if they somehow are the chosen ones. However I think the song is too flat for ESC still. Something is missing. Internationally...I see some appeal but not the enough. I am aware they are the dark horse however. I'll be keeping an eye on them but I hope knocking out Blasted has been their high.
I stand my opinion on Eliza. The lyrics and the somberness of the song appeal to me but I just feel that internationally this is hard to translate and also I'd still rather have Marta, the composer, interpreting the song. It's neat all in all, I am not hater, but I just see our chances dying before they start if she is the chosen one. I think we all learned a lesson a couple of years ago with Cláudia, very sadly, right?
Filipe is a mixed bag for me. I think that he is quite different from Conan but that still you'd undersand if I said it's too much of a risk to go for a Conan thing (that failed) two years in a row? Too alternative. We took the risk last year, I don't want to see us doing that again. All those compliments to die on a semi. No thanks. Give me something more fireproof. I couldn't help but do to dig on Filipe since last year however. I think this a positive for people from a country as conservative as ours and in particular to folks as conservative as I consider myself to be. I think Filipe has a real artistic aura. The folklore he chooses for himself however...I kind of disagree. I think he has enough appeal personality-wise to go to such extremes. I think it doesn't fit him as a person. I also noticed he ate up too much bleak modern narratives and inserted into his act. Not a fan. I think he has potential however. But I do think chosing him in 2020 would be too much of a risk. The international appeal instrumental wise is too weak and that's the main factor to me.
I already adressed Throes + The Shine. I do fear them a bit but I feel safe in the fact they still feel too amateur to my ears and my eyes. But let's see next week.
From tonight's qualifiers of a much weaker semi, if anyone's going to contend Bárbara it could only be Elisa Rodrigues and Jimmy P.
Elisa Rodrigues, from what I said previously, had a great potential. Visually very appealing, albeit not my favorite appeal and mainly, that girl can really sing. This song she chose however. It's very neat. Dare I say it's very Bora-Bora honeymoon appealing, even. But it's not something a general crowd can relate to. I have a hard time relating it to any previous ESC song even. Maybe Monaco's 2006 Coca-Dance? But that was much more fun even. I understand the bliss of pregnancy can bring moments of inspiration such as this and certainly she added some unexpected variety to the contest. I just don't feel this is strong enough to stand on internationl ESC stage however. She alone maybe is, but not with this song. I hope she comes back with something better in coming years even if I am no longer around these parts to see her. If she takes a blow I hope she takes it lightly as I see her as a possible hot prospect to the future, should she sing her real strenghts.
Jimmy P, I said it all already. The lyrics are powerful, but that's it for me. I think he does lack general appeal lyrically and instrumentally. I think it's a little victory for the "rap sect" to have this in the final of a FdC contest. For they never went this far. I just don't feel feel pure rap will ever cut it, gospel choir behind or not. It needs more. Staging and instrumentally. He does well for image of his genre however, lyrically at least, this feels meaningfuly. Not the other 95% I hear from his counterparts.
The other two through from tonight...Luzia is still a total surprise and I think he should be very glad he's stealing a place from "Cegueira" (no matter how much that stage blowed) or Judas (I did really see the international appeal in his act). He stands no real chance at the real thing however. Lastly, Kady is too niche as I hinted at before. It's smooth, it's kinda neat. The lyrics do ruin it for me though. And I see no international appeal. There's the flavor factor however, I guess, and maybe to her favor also plays the fact that Dino Santiago is close friends with Madonna. I think we all still remember her last years' performance in Tel Aviv, lol.
But in all seriousness, I do hope it's an open and victorious way to Barbie from now on. And may international fans grace us with a final again. I'm afraid it might be not enough for a great result though, for I know the general voting of the ESC crowd these days has drifted too much from Barbie's appeal and my personal taste, unfortunately. Will be very proud if she's the chosen one however and I do believe most of the country will too, regardless of end result. She's the right choice. But let's see how next plays out