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Portugal PORTUGAL 2020 - Elisa - Medo de Sentir

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Well-known member
March 6, 2019
The ESC got more popular here in :pt: after Salvador's win, I hope we aren't coming back to the results of the first years of the 2010's... I hope not, we didn't deserve not to qualify this year :( Looking forward to 2020 and to see what we are going to send!!


January 17, 2012
For 2020, I decided not to limit myself to following five NFs maximum before the shows, which means I'll finally experience the whole Eurovision season as a true eurofan should. At last!

I wanted to follow FdC this year, but I had exceeded my limits already with Dad's comeback :oops:

The good news is that I will definitely tune in next year xcheer From what I've been able to see, the shows look great and the quality of the songs should be right up my alley: I feel like there is nothing like FdC in its revamped version, and I'm thrilled about it because I went bananas over the Salvador / Cláudia / Conan succession. I can't wait to know who will be the next representative. xheart


Well-known member
April 18, 2013
festival da canção has been GOOD post-victory and they need to have this in mind. a NQ can't make them change their minds. just keep swimming, portugal. success will surely come because the quality is there. (just... try to deal with staging better next year?)


February 6, 2019
West Cornwall
Funnily enough, every year I just tend to watch grand finals of whatever national final I'm in the mood for at that time, I find it hard to follow individual shows every week!


June 5, 2019
Somehow... what's wrong with Portugal? I mean, they're great, but are people overlooking?


January 17, 2012
Before it's too late, let me bless this thread for the sake of Portugal's fortune in Eurovision 2020. xpray xbow

Brethren and sistren, let us all pray before the Santíssima Trindade so that Festival da Canção is filled with quality songs and performers. Let us gather ourselves so that neither juries nor viewers at home make ill choices regarding their future representative. Finally, let us bow to the Portuguese deities and ladies of the sea so that the country qualifies and musically enriches the grand final. Amém.



October 1, 2009
Basically RTP announced the list of performers, assuming they composed for themselves.
My faves:

Blasted Mechanism. They won't get chosen obviously but at least I'm gonna have fun.

Elisa Rodrigues.

Marta Carvalho :cool:

Throes + The Shine ... I need a feat with Azealia Banks :twisted:

Tiago Nacarato xbow



Well-known member
March 4, 2019
Btw, Dino D'Santiago was part of 2018's interval act (starting at 1:45)

EDIT: Dino just revealed that he will not be performing the song


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Well I stan none of them and i've arrived to say I hope their NF has some variety in it. 2019 felt literally like the same song over and over and if you don't like that sort of music then you hated everything, which for me was the case. FDC has leaped over into a very particular style of song and I just don't think it's necessarily the best. Obviously if you love it all you'd disagree, but while I respect Salvadors victory and can see how it won, the past 2 seemed like cheap copies that didn't pay off to follow Salvadors footsteps (even if you'll argue they're different songs, the same conclusion is the same) and as such in the past recent years Portugal has been easily one of the weakest countries in esc, for me. It wouldn't hurt to have something for 2020 that isn't some over hyped mellowed out alt piece that serves the only purpose of being different, and I hope RTP keep that in mind and I hope I can get behind your entry as you've had some great entries previously.


January 26, 2019
Prague, Czech Republic
Well I stan none of them and i've arrived to say I hope their NF has some variety in it. 2019 felt literally like the same song over and over and if you don't like that sort of music then you hated everything, which for me was the case. FDC has leaped over into a very particular style of song and I just don't think it's necessarily the best. Obviously if you love it all you'd disagree, but while I respect Salvadors victory and can see how it won, the past 2 seemed like cheap copies that didn't pay off to follow Salvadors footsteps (even if you'll argue they're different songs, the same conclusion is the same) and as such in the past recent years Portugal has been easily one of the weakest countries in esc, for me. It wouldn't hurt to have something for 2020 that isn't some over hyped mellowed out alt piece that serves the only purpose of being different, and I hope RTP keep that in mind and I hope I can get behind your entry as you've had some great entries previously.

Claudia was my n°4 last year, but I understand your point - I think this year's FDC definitely went too far. I tried to follow it at the same time as a few other NFs and after a while I just gave up. It seems a big part of the fandom loved it though.

Edit: I don't think APD is anyhow alternative, it is just a soft and simple Portugese ballad - you can like it or not, but it is not that different after all, you can still somehow fit it under the "romantic ballad" genre. Tu Jardín is a bit further down the road, but I still don't think it is that far. Telemóveis... Well now we are talking about music for connoisseurs :)


January 17, 2012
Well I stan none of them and i've arrived to say I hope their NF has some variety in it. 2019 felt literally like the same song over and over and if you don't like that sort of music then you hated everything, which for me was the case.

Sis I hope it wasn't a reaction related to my post, I came here peacefully with my Portuguese bible to preach to the lost sheeps. :mrgreen:

Seriously though, I never followed FDC (next year will be the first time), and it's a shame if it's indeed too homogeneous. I do advocate variety too, but the truth is established NFs like Melfest, San Remo - even Eesti Laul this year - do have a particularly high degree of homogeneity as well musically-speaking. There always is a main style that takes most of the space, I stopped following Melfest because of that.

Personally, I just want quality music, regardless of the genre. I'm not asking for a part 2 of their last entries.

It wouldn't hurt to have something for 2020 that isn't some over hyped mellowed out alt piece that serves the only purpose of being different.

I 100% agree. Instead, let's have an under hyped mellowed out alt piece that serves the only purpose of being different. :mrgreen: I can tease you, can't I?


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Sis I hope it wasn't a reaction related to my post, I came here peacefully with my Portuguese bible to preach to the lost sheeps. :mrgreen:

Seriously though, I never followed FDC (next year will be the first time), and it's a shame if it's indeed too homogeneous. I do advocate variety too, but the truth is established NFs like Melfest, San Remo - even Eesti Laul this year - do have a particularly high degree of homogeneity as well musically-speaking. There always is a main style that takes most of the space, I stopped following Melfest because of that.

Personally, I just want quality music, regardless of the genre. I'm not asking for a part 2 of their last entries.

Not at all, just saw everyone sharing the hype over the past few entries and decided to bring another opinion and some negativity. Truth be told i'm not a huge follower of Eesti Laul and i've never watched Sanremo for more than 5 minutes, but as for melfest they have some great songs but I agree there is a degree of homogeneity. I remember when all the entries were released for FDC and everyone was shook and mega hyping the NF and I immediately rushed to listen, but by the end listening to the entries I was bored rigid and totally had enough.

Quality means nothing to me if I hate the songs. :lol: Imo Portugals NF was awful, although clearly many disagree. Portugal is hardly famed for top notch quality anyway. For real though, they have to be actually good songs otherwise what's the point and they might as well had not botherd.

I 100% agree. Instead, let's have an under hyped mellowed out alt piece that serves the only purpose of being different. :mrgreen: I can tease you, can't I?

tease away. I can live with under hyped. :mrgreen:
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